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Podcast? What the fuck is a Podcast? I own a Zune....

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by Luke 217, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Ricky calls him a "real life Homer Simpson".

    On that note, be sure to watch the 8 episodes of An Idiot Abroad.
  2. hoju

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I hate to bump a thread that hasn't got much action lately, especially with a "me too" opinion, but here we are.

    I've been spending a lot of time traveling recently and have had ample opportunity to listen to this podcast. I think it is 20 or so episodes long so far and it is fucking awesome. What D26 said about the first 2 are just as pertinent as the other 18. From what I can assume, its Kevin and Jason in front of a live audience, talking about Jason's fucked up past and present. Its incredibly honest yet fucking hilarious. If you enjoy either if these guys, their humor, or just curious as to what life is like as a junkie and his friend, I cannot recommend this enough. It is also a nice story of true friendship.
  3. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Anyone else used to listen to Daves of Thunder? It was on the ACE Network but I guess it got canceled. Too bad, I was just starting to get into it...
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Good, I hated that fucking show. Dave Dameshek is horribly unfunny, and a raging egomaniac to boot, hearing him blather on about himself was painfully retarded. I listened to about a half a dozen episodes and never once was entertained on any level. The nicknames that were given to various show workers and "skits" came off as hackish morning radio show tripe. Im yearning for more content so Im going to give Larry Millers show a try, he's always been much funnier on the Aceman's show than Dave (though the hypothetical road trip game is painfully repetitive after the first 3 times).

    On that same note I am about 2/3rds of the way through my first Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt because he's always highly recommended, and reserve final judgement after I listen to a few more shows, but so far this show seems entirely geared toward stoners. Even though he seems to have some awesome interest (MMA, pool playing, etc), he' just been blathering on about "how craaazy it is that we live in a time where like smart phones can like record videos of you and send it through the AIR to millions of people instantly... ten years ago we used floppy disk with 2 megabytes on them now we got thumb drives with 32 GIGS! whooooaaa man it's crazy!" He's a lot more cerebral about topics than most.
  5. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I feel the same way about Daves of Thunder. Always thought it blew chunks in a big way, and usually skipped his appearances on Adam's show. Could care less that it's gone.

    I quite like the Larry Miller podcast though... it's not so much funny as much as it's (usually) a fun reminiscence of stuff from his past. It's almost like you were just sitting around and he was telling you stories, more than anything. Some of his comments on society are interesting, too. I especially liked his baseball episode, where he talked about the old-school cops at the stadium and their common sense attitudes, etc.
  6. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Well I guess thats my answer as to why its gone. From looking at the Carolla boards, a lot of people felt that way. I thought some of his points on things were amusing and usually has good conversations with Carolla. However, his laugh was so grating my teeth would chatter. Ill have to give the Larry Miller podcast a listen, I havent checked that one out yet.
  7. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I haven't checked out Larry Miller's podcast yet, but are any of the other shows on the Ace Network besides Carolla's any good? You covered "Daves of Thunder" well, but Film Vault is awful and uninformative, and "Spider and the Henchman" is mediocre on its best days.

    A Joe Rogan podcast is best described as 20% moderately interesting talk, and 80% bullshit "New Age" medicine, mysticism, and shallow stoner insight. I made it through one show, and that was it for me.
  8. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I enjoy CarCast and Ace On The House, and that's about it.
  9. Ins

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    Average Idiot

    Sep 8, 2010
    (Mostly a "me too" post, but I'm wondering what other people think about Eddie Ifft on the podcast.)

    I'll second Talking Shit with Jim Jefferies and Eddie Ifft, and Bill Burr's podcast. I'm just getting into Joe Rogan's podcast now seems pretty good.

    Talking Shit with Jim Jefferies and Eddie Ifft is awesome, Jim Jefferies can talk about nothing and make me laugh. Great...uh..dark humor? Aids jokes etc. I got to see Jim Jefferies live not that long ago, I could listen to him talk for hours.
    Eddie Ifft rant:
    That being said though Eddie Ifft at times annoys me, he sounds like he's trying too hard to be funny that it comes off annoying. Don't get me wrong I can tell he's a funny guy and God knows if I tried to make a podcast I'd do the same thing, maybe he'll fall into a relaxed rhythm more as they make more episodes.

    I'm actually listening to The Joe Rogan Experience with Eddie Ifft as I write this. I was avoiding this episode a bit because I figured he'd be the same but I was pleasantly surprised. He's just letting things flow, maybe because it's not his podcast he's not pressuring himself to force it to be funny. If he would just shoot the shit like this on his podcast it'd be that much better.

    All that being said Talking Shit with Jim Jefferies and Eddie Ifft is still good, and I'd be lying if I said Eddie was ruining it (he still says some funny stuff), he just needs to relax a bit. Anyone else notice this or am I (for lack of a better term) being too much an arm-chair quarterback?

    I'm not bashing him because he seems alright but I feel he forces jokes too often.
    Bill Burr's podcast is funny, mostly him ranting, a little too much sports talk for me sometimes but it's always a good balance, I think he knows some people aren't into sports talk.

    Patrice O'neal needs a podcast, he's another one I could listen to for hours. (He was supposed to be at the same show I saw Jefferies at actually but unfortunately he had problems at the border. I'd travel a bit to go see him live.)
  10. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Any else hear Michael Biehn on the Carolla podcast? Holy shit that guy was all parts of crazy and awesome.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    It was great and Biehn might be one of those out of their mind people that made it big... Honestly, it was one of those times I miss the original Adam Carolla podcast format of the long form interview. Adam still does it from time to time when time constraints or schedules get in the way but I just miss him riffing with awesome guest one on one sometimes. Alison and Bald Bryan were both dead weight and didnt have too much to add to the interview. If it wasn't for Biehns hypothetical question before "hypothetical road trip" that whole ensuing game would have been totally unfunny and useless. They could have riffed on Biehns nutty question (and his general nuttyness) for hours.
  12. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I agree with both Kahn and IWSJ; the Biehn podcast was awesome.

    The guy was completely wired and nuts, but in an entertaining, vivacious manner that made for hilarious radio. When Biehn asked that hypothetical to Adam, my eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. (Who knew Kyle Reese was secretly a fucked up pervert?) Thankfully, Ace didn't miss a beat, and proceeded to give Biehn the most in-depth answer he will likely ever get.

    You know what makes the interview even funnier, though? Watching the trailer to Biehn's abortion of a film. Seriously, I think it could give "The Room" a run for its money. I loved it when Biehn
    admitted that the shitty Canadian films he took purely for the money were shot in at least 24 days (very short)...but that his was done in 12 days, and was "awesome".

    As for Bald Bryan, he is ALWAYS dead weight. I can't remember a single time he added anything to the podcast.

    And yeah, as much as I love Alison, she is much weaker when interviewing guests, perhaps because she wants to give Ace center stage.
  13. JeffPrevails

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 27, 2009
    This is pretty true. Bryan is funny once every thirty podcasts or so. He should stick to the drops, which are mostly tired these days anyways. I've been a devoted Carolla fan for a while now but some of the schtick-type stuff they do is terrible. For example, that shit with Larry Miller that we've been hearing for years has long since stopped being funny. The Isaac Hayes quotes, not funny anymore. The podcast is becoming too structured, whereas Carolla strives in the chaotic free flow. They're trying too much to be like a radio show that can say fuck, rather than a podcast. It's like the show is stuck in the boundaries it's creating for itself. They rarely have funny comedians on the podcast anymore, which was always what carried the show. Adam can pull a good interview out of almost anybody it seems, but the show really shines when he's got someone of similar comedic caliber to go back and forth with.

    The Adam Carolla Show was the podcast that got me into podcasting, but I've been listening to other things lately. Really enjoy the honest conversation and attempts at some sort of psychological self-evaluation that Maron is always trying to do. He gets comedians like Ray Romano, Louis C.K. and Robin Williams that Carolla just can't land who are far more captivating and funny than David Allen Greer or Dr. Drew. I listened to a few of the Joe Rogan podcasts and they're funny when he's got a superior guest on the show like Doug Stanhope, Jim Norton or Bill Burr. It's too drawn out when it's just Rogan and random UFC fighter, and Rogan's constant pushing of his views gets annoying sometimes.

    Somebody should write an article on the lifespan of podcasts as it's happening and they're evolving. Would be an interesting one. All this said, I still listen to almost every episode of the Carolla podcast they release. What else am I supposed to do while I walk my dog?
  14. Backroom

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sorry to derail but...

    My friends and I started a podcast. It's a mixture of Uhh Yeah Dude, Low Budget FM, and the previously mentioned Adam Carolla Podcast. It's immature, raw, and maybe even funny. You're all a bunch of smart (drunk) people and I would love some constructive criticism. Thanks for taking the time, and yes, I am the one who sounds like they're in 8th grade.

    <a class="postlink" href="!/iaintevenmadpodcast" onclick=";return false;">!/iaintevenmadpodcast</a>
  15. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Podcast economics.

    I am genuinly curious to see if the Carolla Podcast can become financially self-sustaining. I actually think that the advertising messages on the podcast are very valuable, as compared to those in other media.

    For example, I expect that no one on this Board views commercials on Television anymore. Shows are either DVR'd or watched on-line. Unless a sporting event is something major (big playoff game etc.) I expect many watch sports after a delayed "start" so that commercials can be skipped.

    By contrast, Caorlla has something like a million listeners. Most of the time I listen with my iPhone in my pocket (commuting on a trian, working out, etc.) and even if I desired to skip the ads it is more trouble than its worth. Moreover, I actually take notice when there is a new sponsor as I would like to support the podcast and keep it free. (I bought a Mangrate and it works great).

    In short, I am actually listening to the advertising messages on his podcast whereas I ignore ads almost everywhere else in my life. That strikes me as something very valuable.
  16. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Carolla's approach to advertising has left me, as an appreciative consumer, to feel a bit guilty for getting what I consider to be good quality product for nothing.

    It's led me to purchase his book, his audio book, as well as a couple of the iTunes specials, and I've been happy to do so.
  17. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah, in my case, I got his book and a DVD of "The Hammer" (which was a great example of one really funny guy trying to carry an entire film that mostly sucked otherwise)

    Anywho, the advertisements make me think of the old 1950's in-show television advertisements ("this hour of our program is sponsored by the Arm and Hammer baking soda company!") and in-show radio ads from the 20s to 50s.

    It's actually strange more programs today don't do it, considering how much pointless filler there is already.
  18. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Heres what I think he makes off the podcasts:

    -Sponsors pay up front, since he has about 7-9 of them, that could be about $15,000 a month

    -His live shows. At 20 bucks a pop, if he sells 200 seats (in reality, its many more but he probably shares the take with the venues), and an average of 4 venues per month, thats another $16,000 a month (but probably more)

    -The show silently has many distribution deals (one in the works for Sirius right now) and click through deals, (like Amazon). For those, Ill give a rough estimate for $20,000 a month aggregate.

    So if the show is making $50,000-$55,000 and its all used for paying staff and overhead, it could easily be self-sustaining.

    I doubt he gets money from it himself, he gets his income through other means like his book which he got $350,000 for, his Klondike Bar commericials (he mentioned "around $100,000" at one point I believe), and other appearances/endorsements.
  19. Gramercy

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Is Carolla really worth listening to? The only time I've listened to his podcasts is when he's on Bill Simmons BS Report and he just sounds really cocky. I've heard good things about his new book, so maybe I'll check him out.
  20. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009

    I agree 100%. This is a very effective advertising technique.

    Not to stray too far from Podcasts.

    I was just discussing this topic with a friend who reps Mark Burnett. One of the benefits of Survivor and Celebrity Apprentice is that advertising messages can be integrated directly into the shows (i.e. a reward is a box of building materials and supplies from Home Depot; and each week on Apprentice there is a company tied in with the task).

    I expect scripted television shows will turn more and more to product placement advertising.