<a class="postlink" href="http://www.news.com.au/national/how-brisbane-planking-death-of-acton-beale-is-fueling-a-dangerous-web-craze/story-e6frfkvr-1226056501630" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.news.com.au/national/how-bri ... 6056501630</a> Focus: Discuss the fuckwittery that is planking.
I was going to say 'no' also, but this is like Hansel in Zoolander - it's SO hot right now. Plank yourselves away.
A guy I work with, a father of three in his 40's has a planking related injury at the moment - while having a few drinks with friends last weekend, someone decided to do some planking. My coworker fell off his planking perch (a couple of kitchen chairs) and has been limping all week. The cut on his lip has almost healed. A bunch of my friends have had corporate warnings circulating today, instructing them to not engage in any act of planking on company property, or to in any way link the company name or image to any act of planking, or they'll be fired if they get caught.
This is possibly the biggest "nothing" I have ever seen. It's the miror opposite of being creative or funny, like Pet Rocks or Carlos Mencia's stand-up. I used to love "Gnoming" when I was a little younger, but at least stealing someone's garden gnome and then returning it the next day with poloroids of what you DID with/to it (not showing your face) the night before is FUNNY. I'll give a thousand dollars to anybody who can explain to me how, in way way, this is cool.
I don't get all the planking hatred. I love it, it's just a stupid thing to do. Not remotely dangerous or illegal. Who the fuck cares if someone lies on something for 10secounds to take a picture and upload it to the internet.
I think the future of planking is clearly planking in a slanket. Then photoshop your head, arms, and legs out of the picture, so it's simply a "slanket plank". If the slanket plank is performed as a prank--say, on your drunk friends while they're passed out--it then becomes a slanket plank prank. I believe Dr. Seuss foretold this once. It might have been in a story about the rapture.
Wait till it catches on here. "Tonight on Nancy Grace: Planking, the murderous 'prank' that is sweeping the nation. Plus: A Nancy Grace special report: Was Casey Anthony Planking when she murdered her daughter?"
This reminds me of all the talk about Justin Beiber. I can't be the only one here who wouldn't have a fucking clue who he is if it wasn't for people on this board saying how shit he is. And of course he's shit, his target demographic is 14year old girls why are you wasting your time talking about such shit? The exact same thing applies for planking, it's just people lying on something, taking a photo then uploading it to a Facebook group. Who gives a flying fuck about it if your not interested in it. It's got to be the most insignificant fucking thing ever to anyone who isn't a 'planker' so why put so much effort into "haha look at them retards".
It just reminds me of the "Meanwhile, in Russia" meme a while back where there would be a nearly naked guy hanging out a window/ledge/whatever, the naked wife trying to save him, and the home-too-soon husband pointing a rifle at him. Spoiler It's pointless and stupid...but so is the majority of what I do to amuse myself. To each their own.
... So wait... People just... Lay on stuff? And this is... Fun? And someone friggin' DIED doing it? ... I just... I.... *Sigh* People suck at life.
So we have this new hysteria in Aussie, and now in the US, the big thing is "bath salts". What a fucked world we live in.