Pretty simple- lets say you have someone approach you wanting to learn about a certain type of music that you are very knowledgeable about. What 3 albums would you give to them to help appreciate the genre? Rules: 1) You can only list 3 albums per genre. If you disagree with someone's choices for a particular genre, that's fine, but list your own picks and why you think they would be a better choice. 2) Do not bash anyone's taste in music. Disagreement and discussion is fine and encouraged, but "durrrr techno music sucks go die in a fire" posts are not and will be deleted. 3) Include a sample from the album, if you can. Now, I primarily listen to Texas Country/Red Dirt/Alt Country/whatever you want to call it. If I had to suggest 3 albums to best represent this music, it would have to be: 1) Ryan Bingham- Mescalito Ryan Bingham plays some of the most deep, heartfelt music I have ever heard. The first time I heard this album, I was completely blown away. Whether he is tugging at your heartstrings with songs like "Ever Wonder Why" and "For What Its Worth", or pumping you up with upbeat tracks like "Bread and Water" (best down-the-river song ever, in my opinion), I can listen to him in almost any situation, and it will feel right (Samples here). 2) Various Artists- Undone: a Musicfest Tribute To Robert Earl Keen This is a live, acoustic double-album that features some of the biggest names in this kind of music (Jason Boland, Reckless Kelly, and Chris Knight to name a few), and they are all covering one of the greatest names in the Business- Robert Earl Keen. With this album, you get a little taste of everything, and I enjoy it (and other live albums) more because it is not ruined by over-producing. Also, Brandon Jenkins' cover of "Wish You Were Here" is almost superior to the original version. Almost. (No Youtube, but you can hear a sample of every song here) 3) Stoney LaRue- Live at Billy Bob's Texas I've always enjoyed the Live at Billy Bob's series (like I said before- I like live albums), and this one is my favorite, hands down. This is just one of those CDs that I'll put on in my truck, and it will not leave the player for months at a time. I don't really have the words to do this CD justice, so here is a sample (more samples here):
Grunge music (the obvious choices are Nevermind, Dirt, Core, Ten but that's lame) Screaming Trees - Sweet Oblivion Screaming Trees were the godfathers of grunge, but never gained the recognition of the other bands. Temple of the Dog - Self Titled A supergroup with Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder as lead vocalists? Can't ask for much more. Alice in Chains - Facelift Sure this is a little more metal/rock than grunge, but it's my favorite Alice in Chains album. That live performance of Bleed the Freak gives me chills.
Hip-Hop Nas-Illmatic Dr. Dre- 2001 Lil Wayne- Drought 3 Mixtape The quintessential East, West and South albums. I was going to put an Outkast album for Southern Hip-Hop, but I think they're a category altogether.
Dude, East Coast Hip-Hop begins and ends with Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). No disrespect to Illmatic, which is one of the greatest hip hop albums ever, but 36 Chambers started the careers of some of the most respected East Coast rappers in the game. 36 Chambers leads to Liquid Swords, Only Built for Cuban Linx, Tical, Blackout!, Supreme Clientele, amongst others. You really can't get a grip on the East Coast scene without Wu-Tang, and Wu-Tang starts with 36 Chambers. For West Coast, I disagree with 2001. I think, and I think most would agree with me, that The Chronic is not only a better CD, it's a more influential CD as well. But for West Coast, I think the best would be Pac's All Eyez on Me. It dropped at the height of the East Coast - West Coast feud, and is the best CD from one of the best rappers ever. For the South, I'd say OutKast's Aquemini. I can't really speak much to Southern Hip-Hop besides Devin, OutKast, and the Geto Boys so I could be, and probably am way off base.
Heavy metal: 1) Iron Maiden, The Number of the Beast 2) Black Sabbath (Ronnie James Dio singing), Heaven and Hell 3) Judas Priest, Screaming for Vengeance Completely different choices would be appropriate to introduce someone to a given subgenre of metal, but to start with heavy metal in general I stand by these three. If you don't like them, just move on to another kind of music.
ALT ROCK: Nine Inch Nails- The Downward Spiral. This is the soundtrack of a soul being smashed apart. It is soaked in gorgeous and horrifying textures all mixed into a phantasmagoria of sex and gore. It rocks, it weeps, it thunders and it frightens. My favourite album of all time. Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream Although most regard Melon Collie as their best album (it isn't. This is) and they generally suck live, Siamese Dream is Billy Corrigan's masterpiece. A combination of sixties-style stoner rock mixed with stadium shattering grunge in a creation that's all his own. Tool- Aenima This is as close to recording a horror movie on a soundtrack. Tool is a brilliant band whether you love them or hate them, and their third album will chill you to the bone with it's ultra-dark and deeply layered spook shows. To miss out on this album is a crime against music. HIP-HOP NWA- Straight Outta Compton KRS One may have "invented" gangsta, but NWA perfected it, an all-star grouping that is as irresistable as it is offensive. God bless it. Cypress Hill- Black Sunday Before they started taking too many hits from the bong, these guys made the sickest beats and best grooves in rap music. A Tribe Called Quest- The Low End Theory It speaks for itself. I'll say nothing. Go buy it. NOW.
RAP Paul's Boutique- Beastie Boys Drifting away from their frat boy rock ways, the Beasties ran away to LA, did a shit load of coke, found the Dust Brothers(Producers of Beck, Tenacious and the composers of the music Fight Club) and started making one of the greatest albums to grace the earth. The best Rap cd ever to have no singles. I can't go anywhere without this CD The Low End Theory- A Tribe Called Quest Another perfect squel albums. Possibly one of the chillest cd's you can own, you can just roll in the night in your car and just relax as the mad rhyms of Phife Dog and Q Tip blast out. Ready To Die- NOtorious B.I.G. Everyone knows this album. It's the biggest rap album to sell other than Eyez On Me. And If you don't know, then your fucking missing out
METAL Metallica- Kill 'em All The birth of thrash. Although almost everyone will agree the Master of Puppets is a better and more sonically capable album, it doesn't compare to how important this album truly is. As music it's exceptional, with a young James Hettfield roaring away to Kirk Hammet's blinding speed on lead guitar. Black Sabbath- Black Sabbath The devil's toll rings, and heavy metal is born. You can't honestly be a metal fan without owning this cheap-o masterpiece, the most important album in the entire genre. Pantera- A Vulgar Display of Power "Power" is right. Pantera is break your neck, drink a bottle of Jack, smoke a pound of weed, punch your best friend in the face, destroy your fucking bedroom, southern fried trash metal. Heavy, mean and off the map completely, nothing pumps a metal fan up like the cowboys from Hell. RIP Dimebag, the world is a bad palce without you. honorable mention- Slayer's Reign of Blood. PUNK The Sex Pistols- Never Mind the Bollocks.... A bunch of fuck-ugly, dumbass degenerate cockney thugs that don't even know how to sing or play their instruments. This album is a beautiful mess, and still makes you want to hurl your body around the room. Misfits- Earth A.D. Where other punk bands like the trashy, crashy noise, the Misfits opted for a deep, menacing singer (Glen Danzig, an asshole) and incredibly catchy and almost poppy hooks. There's a reason why all those kids wear Misfits hoodies. Give 'em a try and you'll see. The Velvet Underground and Nico The. Coolest. Album. Ever. Made........and one of the very BEST albums ever made, by any genre or decade. Honorable mention- The Clash's London Calling. Best pure punk album ever.
Would you really pick Juicy as the best track off Ready to Die? I'd put that as one of the worst songs off that CD. The What (if you can't tell, I'm a Wu-Tang fiend), Gimme the Loot, Machine Gun Funk, Ready to Die, Everyday Struggle, are all way ahead of Juicy in songs I'd play ahead of it.
Hardcore Punk Black Flag - Damaged The first great hardcore band, their impact was huge and made Greg Ginn and Henry Rollins leaders of the genre. Damaged is their first full-length, and their greatest statement of intent. Minor Threat - Complete Discography Pretty much the definitive hardcore band, and leaders of the D.C. scene in the early 80s even though they were only together for 3 years. They only released one LP and 3 EPs in that time, so their 'Complete Discography' (coming in at a whopping 47 minutes total) is the only necessary place to start. Bad Brains - Bad Brains Also part of the D.C. scene, BB were a band of Rastafarian black guys who set themselves apart by incorporating jazz and raggae elements into their songs, which they proceeded to play faster than pretty much anyone else. Their self-titled is their classic.
I grew up on grunge, and while flannel is never attractive on anyone, it's still my favorite genre. Having said that, I disagree with Kerbunked in terms of influential potency. Ten by Pearl Jam is one of the best albums ever. Period. In Utero and Nevermind by Nirvana have some of the most powerful songs I've ever heard. I'm what people call "slightly obsessed" with Kurt Cobain, and have studied his lyrics, and they never fail to amaze me. Some of the best poetry out there. But we do agree on Temple of the Dogs, because really, can you top the talent?
Crust Punk Crass- The feeding of 5000 These guys are like the definition of early crust punk. This is true anarcho punk--not the Sex Pistols kind, but the "I live under a bridge cause I don't want the government to have my money" kind. Righteously pissed off, politically minded music with punchy, raw, abrasive instrumentals. This is their first album. Subhumans (UK ones not Canadians)-The Day the Country Died More UK anarcho punk. In the youtube video below, the first 30 seconds of the song they only use one chord (this technique is otherwise known as "punk as fuck") Aus Rotten-The System Works for Them Newer evolution of crust punk. By this point crust punk has kind of taken influence from some other genres than the original anarcho punk, mostly hardcore punk and thrash. Bonus: my favourite crust band from my hometown, Fucknuckles. Listen to Deathstyles
Post-Hardcore 1. Alexisonfire - Crisis I'd say their best album is their first (self-titled one), but lately they have matured and I would recommend Crisis for a more mature audience. 2. Thursday - Full Collapse This album is an absolute must for anyone wanting to get into Post-hardcore. It never gets old. 3. BoySetsFire - The Misery Index: Notes From the Plague Years A lot of people would disagree with me on this one, but I think this is a great album to get you into the genre. It's a bit softer than their previous efforts, but man it's powerful. If you are appalled at the concept of communism, just pretend the lyrics are about something else. I know I do.
Older PostHardcore: At The Drive-In - Relationship of Command Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come Needs Frodus and Fugazi too.
I hope I don't get flamed by the elitists too much for this but besides my love for grunge, I also actually enjoy bands from the modern rock scene: Modern Rock Finger Eleven - The Greyest of Blue Skies: Sure they sold out with their most recent album, but at their peak, they were one of the best modern rock bands this decade. "Stay and Drown" is still one of my all time favorite album closers. Chevelle - Vena Sera: Chevelle has been one of the most consistent rock bands this decade. Honestly i could have picked any of their last three albums but I'm partial to this one because of the great opener, "Antisaint" Alter Bridge - Blackbird: What?!?! The Creed rejects?!? Obviously you haven't listened to this then. They completely moved away from anything that ever had to do with Creed and put out one of my favorite rock/metal albums ever. Not a bad song exists on this album. "Ties That Bind" opens it with a bang.
Rockabilly/ Psychobilly The Reverend Horton Heat--Smoke 'em if You Got 'em OK, this isn't a picture of the album (the album just has a picture of the singer, Jim Heath in a plaid suit on it. I just liked this picture, and it looks nice). Made up of the aforementioned Jim Heath, Jimbo Wallace on upright bass, and Taz Bentley on drums (before he left for the Burden Brothers), their sound is like country, punk, swing and lounge music. The songs are usually very funny, there are too many to list here, but I recommend S'eiYg'e because it captures their psychobilly sound at it's most raw and spontaneous. It was their first album (under Sub Pop records), and it was recorded live in the studio. Their newest release; Laughing and Crying with The Reverend Horton Heat doesn't fail to dissapoint either, but take my advice and start at the beginning. The Cramps--Bad Music For Bad People Critics and hardcore fans will give me hell for submitting this one, since it is a compilation album, but it was the only Cramps music I had heard since first hearing them on the soundtrack for Near Dark (if you haven't seen this movie, you should). Social Distortion--Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell Once again, some people might give me hell because Social Distortion is technically a punk band, but this is their most rockabilly sounding album I've heard. They use a lot of harmonica and bass, so I put them in the pschobilly category. My dad likes this album, and if a 75 year old man can like it, that means something. I can put "99 to Life" on repeat and listen to it for hours. Their self-titled album is great too, but I picked this one because it has a lot of great songs that aren't played on the radio (at least where I live). An interesting coincidence is that both the Cramps and Social Distortion have songs called "Drug Train," but they are completely different.
I have only two more contributions I want to make for metal subgenres. There are several that I enjoy (thrash, melodic death, some industrial) from which I could of course post my favorites, but I don't possess the background to say that these are necessarily a good introduction to the style. One subgenre where I do feel pretentious enough to call myself a guru and offer an introduction is the one where pretentiousness is absolutely mandatory: Progressive metal! 1) Dream Theater, Images and Words 2) Queensryche, Operation: Mindcrime 3) Devin Townsend's Ocean Machine, Biomech If any of this sounds remotely intriguing, then I'll also add Fates Warning's A Pleasant Shade of Gray as an honorable mention.
Following on from my hardcore post earlier, I want to mention three bands who I've been playing the fuck out of recently, who all have roots in hXc but ultimately set a scene apart for themselves. Except I'm not really sure what the proper name is - Experimental Post-Hardcore American Indie Underground College Rock might cover it, but I'll just call it... 80s Alternative Rock Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade Hailing from Minneapolis-St. Paul, HD are one of the most influential bands in alternative rock, and this is widely considered their greatest record. A double album, a concept album, an album which blew apart the definition of hardcore. So much has been said about it, that it's better to just give it a listen yourself. I hear something new every time I do. The Minutemen - Double Nickels On The Dime A hardcore band in the same LA scene as Black Flag, upon hearing the aforementioned Zen Arcade decided to have a go at their own double album. DNOTD was what they came up with. You've all heard 'Corona' (even if you don't know you have), but the rest of the album is just as iconic. The Replacements - Let It Be Also following in Hüsker Dü's footsteps straight out of Minneapolis came the Replacements, and Let It Be is their landmark. It's impossible for me to do it justice - every review I've ever read gives it five stars, A+, 10/10, which wouldn't pique the interest of only the most hardened cynic - so all I'll say is that for the 34 minutes this album runs for, the 'Mats are the only band in the world that matter.