We did this with TV shows so I figured we could do it with bands too For me, its has to be Nirvana. Their songs sound terrible (if you could make out the lyrics) and Kurt Cobain was an insanely overhyped vocalist, probably perpetuated by his suicide. My favorite argument for why I should like them is that they one of the early founders of the "grunge" movement. Who cares? They still couldnt hold a candle to Pearl Jam or Soundgarden the other early bands of the genre. The best thing by far to ever come out of Nirvana was Dave Grohl when he started Foo Fighters. Focus: What bands/groups do you feel are overrated and why? (Just discuss ones you feel are overrated, lets not get into a pissing match on the merits/accolades)
The Beatles. Shit on me all you like, can't fucking stand them. And Elvis. Love his movies, hate his music.
Thank you. And all their solo acts too. I just don't understand why its so popular. Disturbed. I really hate the guy's voice and find it all just repetitive. Nothing more than a slightly edgier version of Nickelback.
I agree with both of those choices. Just because a musical act is viewed as "classic" by most of the planet doesn't mean that said act isn't completely fucking overrated. Michael Jackson. I've always disliked his music and I have nothing good to say about him. I would imagine that's pretty self-explanatory. I personally can't stand Pearl Jam. I just hate their music and I don't care for Eddie Vedder as a singer. I can tolerate a minute or so of "Even Flow" and that's it.
The Kings of Leon bring nothing whatsoever to the table, they look like Hipsters, and are overrated in every single aspect imaginable. Stop telling me their singer has an amazing voice. No he doesn't. He's a below average singer and there are literally hundreds more talented. Simplistic, boring, hookless, whiney, boo-hoo music for cutters that sell out arenas for some reason. You have a better chance of finding the Ark Of The Covenant in the back of your tool shed than you would convincing me that this is a good band. Lil' Wayne fans should also stop trying to convince me that this ne'er do well is a musical genius. Just because he has lots of tattoos doesn't mean he's cool. In fact, he's a complete sellout. That goes quintuple for Akon. Radiohead used to be a fantastic Alt. ROCK group (until 1998). Now they sound like a noisey Sonic Youth rip-off, with minimal lyrics and irritating noise up to the tits. Rascal Flatts: these creepy-looking "country" metroseuxals often sell out amazing bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers in sales for albums and tickets. A suggestion: if you are a fan of this band, you may want to give suicide a thought because I've heard of Inquisition torture mthods that will feel like walking on sunshine when compared to listening to these assholes. Brokencyde I heard about this unreal "band" on RMMB and looked them up: I noticed two things. They have millions of fans, and they are literally the worst music I have ever heard in my entire life. If your kids listen to this band you should Susan Smith their ass. If you don't belirve me, listen to them on Youtube. If you can. It's beyond excrutiating.
Dave Matthews Band. I have hated them ever since I first saw the video for "Crash into Me" when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I had no idea then that they would be around and stay popular for so long. Their music just puts me to sleep. Lynrard Skynard, the Allman Brothers, Kings of Leon (for a modern example), and almost any southern rock group. I am from Georgia so I don't know how popular they are in other places, but they are very popular here. "Southern" and "rock" just do not go well together in most cases. I will also add The Eagles, but I actually do know plenty of people who can't stand them, either.
Radiohead- Just a very boring, sleepy, and often generic sound. Coldplay- Brings absolutely nothing new to the table in any aspect of their work. Mediocre rock, nothing more. Dave Matthews Band- Light, forgettable pop songs. In other words, crap. Slipknot- It's fucking pathetic that of all the great metal bands out there, these fucking emo losers, who can barely play their goddamn instruments (okay, I admit their drummer is good), are among the most popular. Go back to Iowa, you fucking freaks. Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Chamillionaire, or any other bojangling, fucking clown rapper- You look and sound like some new breed of faggot, and are about as lame and talented as Vanilla Ice back in the day. I'll partially second Nirvana- I actually think they're an okay band with a few decent songs, but holy fuck are they overrated. Nowhere close to Pearl Jam or Soundgarden in terms of sound, (and honestly, I have never been that hyped on those two, either) and really, absolutely nothing special in terms of music at all.
Slayer - For the most part uninspired, bad vocals, bad guitar, good drummer. Yes they have one or two good songs but when you've made music for as long as they have you're bound to get a couple right by accident. Pink Floyd - I'm not really going to shit on PF but the focus says bands people love that I hate. I just never got into them. Their stuff is boring and drawn out to me, and I love prog rock. I can see why others like them but it just never stuck with me. If I want to listen to progressive rock then I'll put on some King Crimson or Dream Theater. The Ramones - I know others probably hate them too because there is no way that I'm the only one who dislikes getting their ears raped by offkey nasal droning and shitty 3 chord progressions, but I had an arguement with a bunch of my douche friends who kept trying to convince me that The Ramones weren't all a bunch of talentless annoying douchebags. All their songs have the same thing in common simple uninspired music coupled with annoying vocals. I'd honestly rather witness a genocide then listen to Blitzkrieg Bop again.
Dave Matthews: Utter garbage music. Any voice cracking teenager could sing better than this shithead. Soldier Boy: Or is it Soulja Boi? Who the fuck cares, it's still the shittiest music on the planet bar none. Most rappers nowadays: It's almost all the same crap...bitches, gettin billzzz, and blingin in MAH RAAAAADE ROLLIN ON 28'S!!! No one cares, please stop. 15 minutes are over, go home. Edit: as per rep, which is definitely true.
The fucking Doors. I hate them more than any band in the history of music except possibly - The Rolling Stones. They are nothing, nothing.
T-Pain, Akon, Ke$ha, or anyone else who relies on Autotune because they can't fucking sing If you rely on autotune because you can't fucking sing, I hate you.
Down with Webster Three number one hits (including the worst Hall & Oates cover in history) for this shit de la shit "rock band" that has a lead singer who plays guitar and what appears to be seven rappers that shout nonsensical bullshit through each song. They were singed by Timbaland who calls them "The Future of Rock music". What's that, Timbaland? You're a complete fucking idiot? I thought so. They suck beyond human comprehension, ripped off the Van Halen logo (again, after Weezer), and have not one talented aspect to them. If this is the future of music, then I may as well throw myself into the sea. Hollywood Undead If you locked me in a room with a board with a nail in it and these pussies, all my Christmases would happen at the exact same time. Whoever got these hacks signed to an actual label probably will never be loved by anyone. Good Charlotte I don't even have to explain this one. Nobody on this planet does.
At first I was surprised that Nickelback wasn't mentioned but then I figured it's just universally accepted they are the shittiest group around. All songs sound the same, trashy lyrics, poor live[from what I've heard]. I hate 99% of country/rap/pop. Pretty much if it's not some form of rock music[and some electronic] I think it's overrated and I hate it.
The Greatful Dead- Except for maybe 3 songs, I never understood why those guys had such a huge following. Dropkick Murphy - I listen to a lot of Celtic rock, and except for "Shipping Up to Boston" ( which I would like better if it weren't for the lame lyrics ) I cannot for the life of me get into it.
No, no. He's right. I would rather blow my own head off than listen to Sympathy for the Devil. Most of their songs are meh. A couple of them I can kind of dig, but the rest... I agree with him about The Doors too. Jim Morrison was an ass. A strung-out, self-important ass. For me, the big one is AC/DC. With exception to the song Big Balls, all AC/DC songs sound the same and they all suck. Also, musically speaking, CCR and Soundgarten are great bands but their lead singers' voices make my skin crawl, especially John Fogerty. Irrespective of the fact that the guy is just a general bag of fetid, rotting cocks, his voice makes me twitchy with rage. *edit* It's GRATEFUL, you ass monkey.
I can understand why some people picked Nirvana or Pink Floyd (Even though Pink Floyd is one of my favorites, they are not for everybody), I really don't understand how so many people can call the Beatles overrated. Did you guys just listen to their early work like "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and just dismiss the rest?
I listened to it all. As in every song they made. Even side projects like Paul Mcartney and Wings. But the Beatles. Sure, it's melodic, and it's not like it sucks, but I'm just not a fan. I've never listened to them because I felt the craving to. I appreciate their role in History, but personally, I think if you remove them from their historical context, they're overrated.
The early Brian Jones stuff is probably my favorite of the Stones music, but after he died, the quality seemed to vary a bit. I like the Beatles fine (George Harrison's work with and without them seems a bit underrated, but that might be personal preference), but I always wondered how their influence would be regarded if Buddy Holly hadn't died so young or if guys like Ike Turner and Chuck Berry were, you know.......white. Piero Scaruffi makes some interesting points about The Beatles. But, as for my choice, Marilyn Manson. Groups of friends of mine have raved about the guy for years but I've just never gotten the appeal. I largely chalked it up to the fact that I didn't hate my parents all that much. He always struck me as an Alice Cooper, with greater shock value and far less talent. I remember years and years ago a friend of mine was playing one of his albums and said friend raved about how Manson a long sections of silence which, according to him, was brilliant musicianship. I guess it illustrated my early accountant leanings because when he said that all I could think was "Wow, paying good money for silence. That's value, I guess." Oh well.
Agreed. I quite like his work, solo as well as with some of his other collaborations, like The Travelling Wilbury's. But his best role, in my opinion, was as the founder of Handmade Films, that did Life of Brian, Time Bandits (fuck you I liked it), Baron Münchhausen, to name a few. (Yeah, I'm a Monty Python / Terry Gilliam freak).
This thread is just designed to create red-dots. I'll vote for Foreigner. Lou Gramm's voice is like an auditory version of smelling salts. With the exception of "Hot Blooded" (and that's rare) I can't stand to listen to them.