Another topic shamelessly stolen from twitter, another great opportunity for jokes. We've had enough serious conversation around here lately, so time for a fucked up one: Focus: What's the most fucked up headstone you can think of? Alt. Focus: What do you want your headstone to say? Spoiler Same rules apply: if you want your comment to go on Tib's Twitter, just hashtag it and make it short
I'll have to think on this, but my wife said it should be 'inappropriate but funny.' Bump. That will not be on my headstone.
Focus: KKK Forever! #OnMyHeadstone Take a Penny, Leave a Penny #OnMyHeadstone You Can Take It With You #OnMyHeadstone I Have Narcolepsy! #OnMyHeadstone Alt-Focus: He Made The World Better, He Loved His Family, He Will Always Be Missed
He came, then went...Viva Las Vegas. Bet you won't try that now, will you? I know something you don't!
My family better not waste money on a headstone for me. I burst my brother's bubble because he'd envisioned the three of us being buried next to our granddaddy. He asked me where I wanted to be and I told him "Cremated and scattered on the mountains, in the ocean, and in the dirt of west Texas. Don't spend money on a funeral, spend money on getting where you need to go to remember."
Peter O'Toole has the best story about his epitaph. Skip to 4:30. "It distresses us to return work which is not perfect." That is just fantastic. I am also fond of, "I ated the whole thing."
Focus: Go Big or Go Home They said it'd all be OK, they fucking lied AltFocus: Here lies a man that cared about his family above all and knew nothing was more important