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One Week To Move

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toddamus, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    I'm moving out of Denver. I've talked about that a bit. Next Friday I wont be sleeping in my apartment I'll be on my way to Minneapolis. I have one week in this town and I have no idea when I'll be back.

    On my to do list is drive to the top of Mount Evans, go to Euclid Hall, have a beer at Great Divide, hit my dive one last time and a few other things.

    There are many things I like and dislike about this city. I love how DIA is a Southwest hub, makings traveling anywhere easy. I like the food scene, I agree with the social politics out here, I like how Denver has come such a long way as a city in the last 10 years.

    I dlslike the traffic. I hate how I-25 and I-70 are always screwed. I hate the rubber necking drivers, I hate how the city is becoming less safe with all the growth. I dislike how rent prices are becoming obscene.

    Focus: You have one week to do whatever you want in the city you are in now before heading away potentially forever, what do you do.
    Alt-Focus: What do you like about where you are, what do you hate about where you are.
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I would probably do all the tourist things I've never done since I've been here. I never really explored NYC as much I would have liked to when I lived there, so I will probably do that in Boston at some point. Ride a duck boat, walk the freedom trail, etc.

    Alt Focus: As progressive as this city is and never stops patting itself on the back for, there are some things I hate about it. For instance, happy hours are illegal here. No joke. With the shitload of bars, none of them can have happy hour drink specials. Another thing I hate is the city shuts down at around 1 AM. All the bars close and theres not many places to grab late night food. For all the things I hated about New York, there is no comparison when it comes to a vibrant night life.
  3. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Damn, I would've never thought NYC of all places would shut down at 1.
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    It doesn't. Boston does.
  5. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Great topic. For Chicago, it would depend on the season. If its summer, I'm probably doing something along the lakefront every day, whether it be beach, on the lakefront trail, or the like. And then tons of patio drinking. You go somewhere like LA or Florida, and drinking outside along the water is just another day. There is such a small window here that you cherish it and there is a great electricity about it. Oh and definitely the Lincoln Park Zoo and sitting in the bleachers at Wrigley one more time.

    If its winter, probably hit up a museum a day. Between the Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, and the Art Institute, you can take up a lot of time seeing amazing stuff.

    Alt-Focus: Like? Chicago is a very accessible big city. Not obscenely expensive compared to a NY, LA, London, Paris, sort of thing. No shortage of bars and its an incredible food city. Summers are unreal and there is an outrageous amount of culture, whether you prefer art, music, or otherwise.

    Dislike? Weather and cultural diversity. The two things that will ultimately drive me away. The weather, Midwest weather as a whole, is soul crushing. 3 great months with 1-2 border months in spring and fall that are decent, and then 7 months of shit. People don't want to do anything. Your car ages in double time. You get cranky cause you haven't felt warm sun in months. All this while not living somewhere "WAY north" where you would expect such things.

    The diversity portion is two fold. First, its one of the most segregated cities in the country. Every major city has neighborhoods with their cultural base, but in Chicago, they feel like they don't blend. Even when I go to different north side neighborhoods, I feel like I'm seeing the same people. And secondarily, while its a world class city, it doesn't seem to attract a world class population like some others. I would say the VAST majority of people I meet in Chicago are from a 1-2 state radius. Very different than NY, LA, SF, Miami, etc... Even my sister, who lives in a similar area of Dallas, has a more eclectic friend group. I grew up in the Midwest, went to college in the Midwest, and even in the 3rd largest city in the country, I still feel like I'm only around people from the Midwest. Maybe thats a me problem, but thats what the question is about.
  6. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My first visit to Boston I was also shocked by the lack of happy hour, that the patios closed at 11 because of noise issues and the fact that I wasn't allowed to smoke on them. When I asked the bouncer what the deal was, he said "Call ya Gubna". It was at least 2 hours before my head could figure out what he said.
  7. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I have some museums to hit. A few bars I want to go to. Otherwise - Maryland is getting a very happy set of deuces chucked its direction when we leave.

    I like the seasons here. And the history.

    That's about it.
    Fuck this traffic.
    Fuck this population density.
    Fuck this cost of living.
    Fuck this shittastic infrastructure.
    Fuck these rude ass chip on their shoulder having people.
    Fuck this complete lack of grid structure and service roads.
    Fuck Old Bay.
    Fuck goddamn blue crabs.
    Fuck ANYTHING to do with Baltimore.
  8. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    I live in what amounts to a college town now... so my answer might be different if I was single but honestly I'd just hit whatever good bars I haven't checked out yet. Or I'd head up to the lake and go fishing/canoeing