The subject isn't new, so unless you've been living under a rock or in Canada you've probably heard about the mission to Mars they plan on making in about 10 years. A bunch of people with a one-way ticket, they're gonna go live there and do science-y things. Oh, and it's gonna be a reality show too. Because of course it is. Here's one applicant's opinion of why she wants to go Hundreds of thousands of people have already applied, and the pool is down to about a thousand or so now. Here's the website. Focus: Would you go on that trip to Mars? Why or why not? If you do want to go, what are your qualifications? Alt. Focus: Discuss how you think this whole shebang is gonna work out.
That has zero to do with Canada. Mars One is Dutch as far as I recall. I don't know what you're getting at unless you completely misread his joke. With that said I don't see this getting off the ground, not with the timetable Mars One has given itself.
Hey moron, I was going along with his joke poking fun at Canada. You guys go days and days with no new threads, then there's the RMMB bashing/posting, I finally have some time to bump some new shit and this is what's posted in response? Yup.
Re: Re: One-Way Ticket I don't think that it'll get anywhere near actually launching. It's being funded entirely through media rights. Here is a good article I read about it. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... t-matters/</a>
Has anyone told these people they will be there longer than 2 weeks? I really want to see a White House petition siting for five pages we need to "Get your ass to Mars." Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to see Richter at zuh pahty.
Why can't we just treat this like how we first colonized australia (and how we currently colonize much of LA) -- send all our unwanted criminals there? Now THAT would be a reality show I would tune in to see. 11 month space flight with a serial killer, a pedophile, an assassin, and a suspected terrorist all crammed into a space craft not much bigger than a 1 bedroom apartment? Pass the popcorn. Someone's not gonna make it to Mars. And when they do land, Vegas takes bets on who carjacks the mars rover and disappears with it never to be seen again.
I would be willing to take a quick trip up into space just for the coolness of it - I did want to be an astronaut as a kid. But I could never go live on another planet that isn't Class M. I'm feeling claustrophobic just thinking about it.
Judging by some of the opinions of the applicants, I don't think they understand what they're getting themselves into. Focus: Fuck no, I wouldn't go. Once the crippling depression eventually sets in, the game will change from "who's the next one to lose their mind and lash out at the crew" to "who's the next one to commit suicide via airlock." No thank you.
I find space fascinating and this may be Earth's way of kickstarting their Thousand Year project to make a livable atmosphere for Mars, but these people are canaries in the coal mine. And they watch too many fucking movies. To make a decision to do this should be thought the way you would before getting a tattoo, only a hundred times more serious, think about it: you're going to leave ALL of this, everything that nurtured, amazed, loved and entertained you since you emerged damp and steaming from the womb to go live on Mars. What is Mars? A barren and foreboding airless death vortex 40 million miles away. You'll live in a bubble because you can't breath outside and it's rarely above 0C all year dropping to over -150C in winter. You'll get to do "science things" because that's all you'll do, with the fifty others or so who will be the only people you ever see in person again. You can't go outside and play lawn darts, because your new home is a colourless Road Runner cartoon, and if something goes wrong, well, nobody comin'. And if you love the chance of getting hit by 100,000 mph space debris you'll love Mars. If you'll note by its surface it is a glutton for punishment. Maybe the people will go insane and kill each other on camera how badass would that be? People who applied for this have young kids. Da Faq? Soldiers at least have a good chance of returning. And they only fly over one ocean. They don't fly 150 times the moon's distance away.
I may be in the minority here, but, sign me the fuck up IF this was a government-sponsored thing. Politics aside, yeah, if I was representing the USA in the first-in-the-world manned mission to Mars, I'd be on it in a second. I have a kid on the way, and a lot to lose. In fact, I'd lose it all (at least in the sense that I'd never physically be around him again, though maybe talk via satellite). But we're all gonna die someday, and what cooler way to go out than on a different planet and with a legacy to your family as the first person to ever live on another planet.
You would actually leave your infant son to go to Mars to fucking die. As he's waving you off, crying, WALING, as you walk off to go through space in an airlocked fart bubble, you just go, "Sorry, son. Daddy will miss you and all, but I'm flying to MARS like in that shitty Val Kilmer movie. Now, who wants to repopulate?!" After the orgy wears off I have no doubts, NONE WHATSOEVER, that a handful of guys will go nuts and start taking scalps. There will be 2 warring factions, eventually an uneasy truce, where they only attack when they need to make a kill so they can cannibalize the victim. Supplies pillaged and wasted. Crops in the greenhouse left to rot. One side will control the last couple women they use as slaves. The other faction will use some wimpy guy's anus as a fuck hole. He'll be chained with his ass up until he finally dies of malnutrition. Then they'll eat his fuck meat. Congratulations.
I wouldn't do this because I'm sure someone would kill me or I'd kill myself. I can't imagine a more torturous experience than being with a group of people in a small space for many months. Not to mention you know once you get there there's no going back. And add in the fact that something going horribly wrong is more likely than not, yea, I'll pass on this whole suicide mission.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... w-you.html</a> Space sucks. I'm not going unless I am cryo-sleeping for everything except the first and ast hour.
I have to think that a lot of the people who would willingly sign up for this are either antisocial or not actually thinking about the full consequences, and both are just about the opposite of who you'd want to be stuck in a small space with for the rest of your life. I know the vetting process is supposed to weed out these people, but really... what kind of friendly, easygoing person who has thought everything through is going to willingly enclose themselves in a tiny pod with little to do, to be fired into space where the only certainty is that you will die without laying eyes on another real live human again? At least digital media means you could have a pretty small package that encompasses enough books, movies and music to fill the hours...
Most deadshits who apply to this will probably feel burned when they pass Mars and realise they can't log into Facebook to boast about it
This has spectacular disaster written all over it, and I would love to see how this all plays out. The types of lay-people interested in a one way trip to a planet that doesn't support life would make for great theater, at least for awhile. My money is on this thing falling apart before the money shot into space, but I hope it goes ahead. As I am the type of guy that won't even leave my home state because family and friends are here, there is no way I'd sign up for a one way trip. But you go ahead Revengeofthenerds, the Tib collective will stay behind to raise your child. If that doesn't give you second thoughts, nothing will.
Fuck no. I'd totally go to Mars, but not on that mission. That will never get off the ground. If it does, the shuttle will explode in flight. If they somehow make it to Mars I doubt they'll last more than two weeks. People will be going insane and killing each other and themselves. Oh, and if they make it to space guarantee a chick gets preggo and they have to turn around.
Space is fascinating, no doubt. But fuck no I'm not flying to Mars. Nope. Send my little ass to West Texas and leave me the fuck alone but I am not about to volunteer to go to Mars. I'll let someone else take that hit and that credit, cheerfully.