Several years ago I saw something on TV called "snow biking," and it wasn't one of those Jackass-style things. An actual sponsored event, where competitors raced downhill against each other on bikes. It was like this: Except head-to-head. I know there has to be a larger field of competition, but someone, anyone, with more balls than me and residing in a much colder climate, please try to make this an event.
I think it's high time that they have bowling in the olympics. Also, equestrian events have got to go. Think about it: the horse is doing all the work. They might as well allow automotive events by that rationale.
Competitive eating. Watching these people wolf down 10 pounds of mayonnaise fascinates me. Bonus points if it's that tiny Asian woman. She weighs around 100 pounds and can out-eat dudes 3 times her size. It was either Spike or Fox Reality that had the Competitive Eating "Olypmics" and they totally blew the presentation. Way too much fluff, build-up, and stupid commentary. I'd like to see the Olympic committee/commentators thoughtfully deliver this: "What was your training like?" "I ate a shitload of breakfast burritos and whole milk." Gold metal for 16 pounds of cow brains? Bronze for 46 hamburgers in 3 minutes? Tell me that isn't a finely honed skill. Let's see some chiseled Greek god stand up against a 300 pound plumber from Chicago that's already filled with beer, sauerkraut, and a couple pounds of brats. USA! USA! USA! Plus who wouldn't want to see the first internationally televised reversal of fortune? 3 billion people around the world watching in awe as Earl from Detroit vomits up 8 pounds of Thousand Island.
Bring baseball and softball back. I drove 6 hours to Toronto last year to watch the World Baseball Classic, which is kind of like the olympics, so I guess it's not that big of a deal. The WBC is actually more frequent so it might be an upgrade. I wouldn't mind either of the competitions just being minor leaguers/college players, etc. so as to not disrupt the mlb season. EDIT: I apparently missed the quotes around sports in the first post. I'm sticking with it though, because it won't let me delete. Reading could be an olympic "sport" I suppose.
I think if figure skating / ice dancing is in the winter olympics, bboying should be in the summer olympics.
Spoiler NSFW but damn, I didn't realize how much muscle control is needed for pole dancing. They're like half-naked erotic acrobats. The Olympics should consider taking them on board, because I'm sure ratings will go through the roof. Although testing the little Chinese girls to see if they're really boys will take on a whole new weird dimension...
The pole dancing article said one of the ladies started a petition, and they "have 4,000 signatures, and are shooting for 5,000." What the hell? I'd sign the shit out of that in a heartbeat. And so would every other straight male in the US (and other countries as well, but they don't count). Clearly, what they need is a publicist. A commercial that says "do you you like strip clubs? Want the girls on television? Just text "yes" to 555-SEXY if you want to see pole dancing become an olympic event." They'd put the IOC up to their necks just with letters from virgin males living in their mothers' basements alone.
Pipe smoking <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Neat as pole dancing might sound as an olympic sport, you know it's going to turn into one of those artsy fartsy piles of crap. You can tell just by the way its proponents take themselves so seriously.
As cool as it would be to see pole dancing, the people who are pushing for it would never actually compete in the Olympics. I'm pretty sure every national class gymnast(i.e. the ones who get beat out for the Olympic team) could do everything the strippers are doing and then some even crazier shit.
I love it. Pole Dancing in the Olympics. Winter and Summer. Indoor and Outdoor. I nominate this one for the Wheaties box. There was a member on the other board from Dallas who was doing this as a hobby. She posted a Utube video of someone named Felix something or other performing on stable and spinning poles that was unbelievable. Mesmerizing even. I had it saved, tried to post it but it says its private. Felix Pole Dance. Why stop there? Why not introduce the sexual decathlon at the next Olympics? It could be done orgy style like the gymnastics, with scores ranging 1 to 10 based on style, artistic whatever it is, endurance, and degree of difficulty. Positions or feats could be chosen as events with one spot being left open for the freestyle competition. You get to choose nine events for the sexual decathlon. Which ones do you choose?
I am still amazed that golf isn't an Olympic event. More than enough international stars to make it a watchable and entertaining event.
Come on now, the horse isn't the one sticking its hand down the jockey's throat. Focus: I think there was something about this on the old board (it may have even been me that posted it) but dwarf tossing. If you need an explanation as to why, you shouldn't be allowed on the internet in the first place. Ignore the random interviews and focus on flying "little people."
Pole Dancing would easily boost ratings! Could you imagine if Chess was in the Olympics this would be so frustrating, I mean if people went to view this live they would be there for a long time.
Golf is a horrible choice of the Olympics. It would simply turn into another tennis, highly paid professionals competing in a competition that they don't care about. The reality is the schedule in the Summer is already jam packed and golfers would never value the title over a major, much the same as tennis. To me to be an Olympic sport winning should be considered the honest honor one can achieve in their chosen sport. Some golfers may rank an Olympic gold above a PGA championship but none would rank it above a Masters or Brit Open.
First step in getting pole dancing in is a change of name, unfortunately pole dancing has too many stigmas attached. I suggest Vertical Bar Gymnastics.
I've got three suggestions that probably don't fit the mold of this thread as they are actually sports, and not "sports". The competitors in each of these sports are likely to take the Olympic competition very seriously because the vast majority of them are largely unknown and only slightly above an amatuer status outside of their sports' niche following. MMA. It would provide a huge boost of excitement to the summer games. There's clearly enough international talent to make it legit. Not too mention the sport has an edge and an appeal that make it interesting to those who don't already watch it, and would certainly increase Olympic ratings with it's already established large fan base. Surfing. Could be hard to do without a coastal location, as a lot of surfing purists would be against competing on man made waves in man made conditions on a man made break. But similar to snowboarding, simply watching the sport would have a lot of appeal to people who've never had much exposure to the truly elite athletes and what they are capable of doing on the waves. And once again, the international talent is clearly there. Lacrosse. Ok, this is a homer pick for me. However, like the previous two I listed, it would provide a ton of entertainment to those who are unfamiliar with the sport. The World Lacrosse Games will have 30 nations represented this year, once again proving the international numbers are there. Although, similar to the World Games, it would just be a drawn out reason to see USA and Canada play each other for gold - and a good way to boost USA's gold medal count.