Favorite rum? I love spiced Bayou Rum. It's just perfect for a rum and coke. I was reading a little about the history of rum. I didn't know it was used as currency in the Caribbean slave trade. You've probably heard of the gunpowder test to test its strength. I also learned that rum can be made with molasses and not strictly sugarcane as I presumed. It's still warm these days, but we cooled off from the triple digits. We've had high in the 80s and I have been spending a lot of time on the deck. I added plants all around the hammock and its The Spot to Be right now. Now I need a rum and coconut something. Happy Friday everyone!
We had a rebellion all about Rum earlier in our white invasion history. With great forethought we called it the Rum Rebellion.
I'm a fan of Wigle Whiskey Landlocked Spiced Rum. It's a nice change of pace from all the large volume distillers.
My favourite rum hands-down is Havana Club. As a mojito and daiquiri fan, there’s nothing better for rum cocktails in my book. It’s the Rum-Dinger. Ernest Hemingway can’t be wrong.
Rum, Bacardi 151 to be specific, was my high school drink of choice . . . because KFC used to sell a liter of Coca-Cola, with ice, in the drive-thru. It had a little fold over top with a plastic clip, and it was popular with the teachers. So, I'd get a Coke, unfold, pour in rum with the Coke, refold . . . and wasn't it cute that I looked just like them! I'm not sure if they were idiots that they didn't know, or if I was the idiot thinking they didn't know. And really they just didn't care.
TIL that Texas has high school barbeque teams. That is wild. https://play.max.com/video/watch/e0...a451c0c3/f3540423-9486-41ff-af3d-94de7fe566d7
My favorite rums are Flor de Cana and Mount Gay. Good for just about anything and inexpensive. Might be a Texas thing but Sailor Jerry and Dr. Pepper is pretty good in my opinion. Regarding BBQ teams, I've always wondered why we didn't have that when I was in school given that I built probably 20 BBQ pits and 3 BBQ trailers in shop class. Texas A&M also has a college class and camp on Texas BBQ. Here's Aaron Franklin of Franklin BBQ guest lecturing at that class.
Ah, yes, rum and coke, good stuff... Wait, you're talking about soda, aren't you? Anyway, I used to get rum for stupidly cheap prices in Mexico back in the day (late '90s- '00s). I'd park on the American side, walk over, score some pills, buy a bottle, pop some of the pills before going back, and they would be kicking in as soon as I made it out of the Customs checkpoint. Those were good times. Not anymore, though. I haven't been to Mexico since '09.
I could use a rum and coke out here at the festival. Got my back to the sun and I'm sweating so bad. I'm glad all the soaps add perfume to the air to counteract whatever funk I am producing.
I am a huge fan of rum and cokes. But about a year ago I was diagnosed as prediabetic so had to really watch my sugar intake, so that pretty well stopped. I’ve done well enough that I’m no longer having sugar issues at all (no longer prediabetic) so deslite watching my blood sugar still, I will have the occasional rum and coke. My favourite rum is spiced foursquare, but it’s hard to find. The go-to is capt morgan’s for mixed drinks.
In Saint Martin (St. Marteen?) the bartenders would drizzle the dark rum in and turn the glass while pouring the pina colada so it'd have a swirl of dark rum running through the drink. Mighty fine.
I love watching bartenders work in the tropics. They create cocktails in such an artful and fun way, and since everyone parties there’s no limits on size or quantity. So they go nuts, making vat-sized cocktails were they cut up fruit faster than a machine could, and then pour four glass liquor bottles at once with laser accuracy.
I bet you do Crown. I bet you do. (Can't wait to see what the algorithms show me after searching for "shirtless bartender")
I placed a tray of watermelon rinds on the back porch with the intention of throwing them to the ducks, but the wasps found it. I'm letting them have it, but it's hard to get out the door. It's fascinating watching them work. Personally, as long as they aren't nesting on or directly by my house, I don't mind wasps. They are part of nature. I was mindlessly watching a fly while I filled up duck water buckets one morning and a wasp came out of nowhere and killed the fuck out of that fly. It was amazing. I also watch a large number of dragon flies and praying mantis eat flies in my garden. I don't spray or weed much so I am facilitating an ecosystem out there. Haven't had much problems with any particular pest bugs in my garden compared to other years. I've seen wasps eat the caterpillars of cabbage worms and such, so they are helping control the baddies. I <3 wasps.
I've found that musk melon (aka cantaloupe for the uncultured) works as a great fly trap. They love that stuff and will swarm it while leaving you alone.
As y'all probably know, I never had kids (nor wanted them) most everything kid related is alien to me. On tonight's FaceTime call with the grandson, he called me "Papa" for the first time. Not gonna lie, my allergies kicked in a little
Diplomatico is my favourite rum by a huge margin. It's smooth as silk, and I love it straight, on the rocks, or as part of anything that calls for a dark rum.