Natural: NSFW Fake: NSFW Focus: Real or fake; which do you prefer and why? Pictures as examples, or even just pictures just because to prove a point on one side or the other, are always appreciated. Alt. Focus: Seriously? Who needs a fucking alt focus when you're talking about boobs. It's fucking BOOBS!!! Why are you still reading this??? Go out and research your opinion in google images or other less main stream porn sites!!! The alt focus to this is dicks. And no one wants to see a creepy old vein-y dick.
Natural, definitely. Variety is the spice of life. Although one of my favorite movie moments is about fake tits. This was the only clip I could find: Fun fact: I have some sort of Pinterest thing on my chrome that gives me the option of pinning any photo I'm looking at. I came verrrrry close just now to accidentally pinning the natural breasted chick.
I love both. Fakes, as long as they're done well, are very attractive to me. And natural? Love 'em. A little sag to them, mmmm. Not quite sure why folks get hung up on hating fakes (it strikes me as a bit 'I don't eat at chains' type of thing) but to each their own.
I love both as well, but does it really matter? If a set of bolt on walks up to you and asks you to touch them, no man would say no. I'm all for the decision to upgrade, if a woman wants to up her self esteem, more power to her. GF wants to get hers done and I fully support her. Boobs of all kinds are okay in my book. For good measure... NSFW NSFW
I like 'em all. I don't really care if they're fake as long as they don't look ridiculous and if the nipples are great. I would prefer small with good shape Spoiler: NSFW Exhibit A over huge and cartoony Spoiler: NSFW Exhibit DD but, good balance is the best Spoiler: NSFW Exhibitionist