Do you love beer? Today is your day. You is special, you is unique. I prefer lagers overall and love a good bottle of Yuengling. It makes great beer bread, too. Somebody ship me some and throw several packs of conecuh sausage in there while you're at it. Beer and sausage. Name a more iconic duo. Happy weekend folks. We are going to our first ever quinceañera this afternoon. Not sure what to expect but I'm arriving hungry so there best be some food. I'm going to bring a gift but are you supposed to? I am totally out of my element here. Wish me luck.
I'll be going to a brewery this evening to accompany Mrs.Doogie while she competes in a stein holding contest. Then we're coming back and watching football all night. Plenty of beer will be had on all fronts.
I spent this afternoon drinking some beer and sleeping on the beach. I’m now getting ready to go to dinner and drink some more beer. Followed by more beer at several bars along the boardwalk. Yes, I like beer.
I spent today at the Maryland Renaissance Fair. My wife got to see Jack the Whipper's show. He apparently has a sizable social media following, however my 2yr old wasn't impressed...he fell asleep in the middle of the show. Both boys slept on the drive home, so success?
I’m currently at a bar at the Jersey Shore, and coincidentally a band is playing headed by a guy I used to come listen to, at this bar, more than 30 years ago. This is like a time warp.
I love beer, particularly some of our local and regional stuff. And Sam Adams’ seasonals. The problem is they upset my stomach nowadays. I’ll still drink them, just not as often. Yuengling however is my go-to and I keep it in stock at home.
I love beer. I have had many of them in my life. Alas, I don't drink them anymore. But, I raise a glass and say cheers to anyone who does! Huzzah.
4 years ago today my grandfather passed away so every year I have a drink for him. His evening drink of choice was a bottom shelf scotch and soda water. Unfortunately, I didn't have any scotch so I substituted bourbon. And I didn't have any soda/tonic water so I used Coke.
My type-A partner created a spreadsheet of beers and how much we (including her father) liked them after the first couple beer festivals we went to, 15+ years ago. My father-in-law broke down and bought a smartphone when he realized he could carry the beer spreadsheet with him to stores, restaurants, etc. to see what he liked, didn't like, or hadn't had yet. It has since grown out of control and my nerdy ass converted it to an app a couple years ago. I currently have 2,946 unique beers tracked in it with grades for each. So yeah, I guess we like beer a little. And yes, we're an entire family of nerds. Ironically, I probably only average 1-2 beers/week; my beer drinking is almost exclusively trying new things. @GTE anyone who drinks bottom shelf scotch with soda water would approve of your substitute.
There is- I don’t know if it has the degree of functionality @Binary has created, but it’s pretty good.
Yeah, Untappd is basically why I didn't bother polishing it up to release it. It would take a lot of work to get it into an, "everyone on Earth can use this app" state, and I just don't have the time to support it. Plus it's kinda nice being able to just shove a new feature into it with minimal testing and not worry about whether something breaks. I'm not an experienced developer so the effort it takes to build or maintain something is a lot higher for me than for someone who's actually good at this stuff.
My grandparents did well for themselves and owned some expensive stuff. Rolexs, mink coats etc but they drank absolute bottom shit. He'd have one, maybe occasionally a 2nd glass each night and she'd have a glass of red wine which was the cheap stuff in the huge gallon style jug of wine. I think his 1.75L of scotch was ~$10 and her jug of red was ~$8
First of all, that's awesome. I love nerds doing nerd stuff. Are there any you had 15 years ago that you need to revisit? And, if you ever do that, do they get re-scored?
Yup, the app allows for (and tracks) multiple tastings/grades for the same beer. I have a couple hundred more total tastings than unique ones. The most common occurrence is that beers from many years ago get re-graded as much lower because your "best beer ever" after having tried 100 is pretty different than when you've tried 1000. One of the first beer fests I went to, I graded one of my last beers of the day as the best one. The next year we went to that tent first and it was like a "C-" at best. Whoops. I added an "event" category to the tastings so we can treat drinking event grades as slightly suspect.
Last night 60 minutes devoted the hour to a review of 9/11/2000 after 24 years. It is a very good review of that day. I remember taking my twins to daycare to daycare and thinking their life has changed forever at age 3. It seems like yesterday for me, but there are adults approaching their mid 20s who have no idea of life before that event. I had no idea the number of people who called out that day to say goodbye to their spouses and kids. It is pretty tough to watch.