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Not all those who wander are lost.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by comforter, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. comforter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jul 23, 2010
    West of House
    In 9 months, I'll be in the unusual position of being able to move anywhere. I'll be done with school, and my job is one of those "100% travel, live anywhere" gigs. Family & friends are scattered enough that there's no one obvious place to move to (Navy brat), and the Bay Area's too damn expensive to stay in. I'll probably end up deciding by throwing a dart at a map, but I'd like to make this my last move.

    FOCUS: How did you end up where you live now? Stay in your hometown? Chase the girl/guy of your dreams cross-country? Steal $600k from the mob and need a place to lie low?

    ALT-FOCUS: Where'd you like to live, given the option? Be realistic: we'd all love a private island and a Gulfstream for commuting, but that ain't gonna happen for the 99%.

    ALT-ALT-FOCUS: I've moved 7 times (not including same-city moves) since 18, and that's too many, but I'm sure there's others who've had it worse. Share your number and funny/awful moving stories in general.
  2. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Bump. This is a well-suggested thread, btw: it's personal, open-ended, and written with some thought to where the original poster would like to see it go.
  3. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: I moved from my hometown to Minneapolis so I could attend the college I wanted (University of Minnesota's business school), and I've stayed put after graduation thanks to a job. At first the transition to a much larger city was tough but after getting acclimated I love it here. It is way better than I expected.

    Alt-Focus: If I could live anywhere, the realistic option would be Western Montana. I love the landscape, love the recreation opportunities- hunting, fishing, backpacking etc. galore, and it is a hotbed for my craft of choice (making custom guns). The unrealistic option would be a cabin on Rock of Ages Lake in the Boundary Waters, way "up North" here in Minnesota.

    Alt-Alt-Focus: Counting college moves, seven. Otherwise three. My family moved once on my 9th birthday, and it was the worst birthday ever. Or time time I moved all of my shit from one college apartment to another by myself, during a severe thunderstorm. I took a break for lunch when the tornado sirens went off. Man that was fun.
  4. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I am where I am now through geographic inertia. I have spent most of my life within 40 miles of where I now live. We are 2 miles from the Mrsanthropic's childhood home, and about 10 miles from the town in which I graduated high school.

    I've traveled all over the country, but I'm here for three primary reasons: 1) most of my family, nuclear and extended, still live in this area, 2) many of my friends are still in this area, or at least within a 2 hour car ride, and 3) it feels like home to me. I have strong sense of place related to my life - the house in which I spent my formative years, the lake where i first went fishing, the family home, now owned by my aunt, where various generations of my dad's family have lived for over 65 years. We have been in our current home for 13 years, and if it were up to me, I'd be here until they hauled my corpse out the front door.

    Living in NJ has it's advantages - I'm very close to both NY and Philly, and Baltimore, DC, and Boston are all within 4 hours by car. I live up in the hills, but the ocean is only a short drive away. I reap the cultural, economic, and social benefits from living 50 miles from the most populous city in America, but I have bear, foxes, deer and coyote rambling through my yard.

    I've moved 12 times (9 of them post high school), and I absolutely despise everything about moving.

    Worst moving story? That would be the time I moved a buddy of mine out of the aprtment he was sharing with an illegal immigrant woman he was banging. Nothing was packed, we were just shoving things into large plastic garbage bags and loading furniture into the back of another friend's pickup truck. Then the woman he was leaving decided to fuck with us by calling the cops. The officer explained that he couldn't arrest us for moving out, so she decided to accuse my buddy of "touching" her daughters. He immediately knew she was full of shit, and both girls, fortunately told the truth. Keep in mind all of this as going on as we were moving his crap out of the apartment.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll help, and have many times, a friend move. But I'm staying put.
  5. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Because if I had lived in CT any longer I would have killed myself.
  6. Coke Bottle Casualty

    Coke Bottle Casualty
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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 13, 2011
    FOCUS: Yeah, I actually did chase a girl here to Calgary, and even though that relationship ended after six months here I decided to stay mainly out of a misplaced sence of perserverance and not wanting to "admit failure" by returning home. I've grown to really like it here. I don't live in an outer suburb so my commute is pretty decent, my career is progressing and I fell in love, for real.

    The rocky mountains are amazing.I love to ski, hike and snowshoe so to have places like Kananaskis, Elbow Valley and Banff in my backyard is just perfect.

    ALT-FOCUS: In a few years I want to settle on Vancouver Island. Live and work in Victoria but eventually retire to some out of the way place like Tofino. I love the island, and while I still have plenty of international travel to do I've been to every corner of this country and that's the place for me.

    ALT-ALT-FOCUS: For most of my adult life I was a heavy drug user, so the company that came with that lifestyle was always interesting. I had a friend who was a raging alcoholic who I'd ask to help me move into my first place, post college. Well he didn't make it over to my parent's place until about noon on moving day and by that time my dad, another friend and myself had just about packed everything up. Now, alcoholics tend to project negative things about themselves onto those around them so instead of apologizing for being late, he got annoyed at us because there was nothing left to do. Anyway, I take my van and my friends (including Alchy's girlfriend, because like most healthy relationships they spent every free moment together) take a truck and we depart for my new place.

    I guess Alchy and his girl were arguing on the trip there because there was visible tension between the two from the second they got out of the truck. We move everything in to the soundtrack of Alchy's verbal abuse towards his girl and by the end of it I'm pretty exhausted, especially from an emotional standpoint. I take everyone out for burgers and it seems the prospect of pints with dinner has cheered Alchy up so he's switched from yelling insults at his girl to anoying everyone around him. I reach my breaking point, look him in the eyes and say "Holy shit Bob, that was SO. FUCKING. HILARIOUS." The dripping sarcasm was not lost on him and it was like a switch flipped. He lost his shit and started screaming at me. We didn't get burgers, they returned home, and the next week he called me and acted like nothing happend.
  7. Cult

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 1, 2009
    Focus: After high school I went to college because that's what I thought I was supposed to do and I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Ended up failing out of college because I used up all the fucks that I had to give in high school and just smoked pot and popped painkillers all day. Ended up going to community college and working part time for a while and I hated life. Decided to join the Air Force because I wanted to make my own way.

    Ended up leaving home at 20. Got stationed in bumfuck USA. Volunteered to do a tour in Korea to get out of a really meh location, although I did make some good friends down there. Plus in the AF when you volunteer to go to Korea you get high preference for you next assignment and I wanted to go to Europe. Italy, Germany and England were my top three choices and I got Germany. Korea was a blast, I was never happier even though work was crazy and we had curfew and shitty rules imposed on us, the people really made the place. By the time my year was coming up there most of the people I had made friends with had already left so I was ready to close that chapter in my life. Went back home for a month and partied, was fun but it kind of reminded me why I left in the first place.

    Now I'm living in Germany. I love the country, but I have mixed feelings about the work. if you look at rank I'm progressing pretty quickly, but I feel as though I'm stagnating. I haven't gotten to deploy and we'll probably pull our Air Forces out of A-stan before I get the chance to go. I've made some good friends, but it's weird living on my own when I was so much closer with the people at my last two bases. I've put a lot less effort contacting my friends and family back home so I think that plays into it. The few people who actually reciprocate and take an interest in my life I neglect talking to.

    Alt Focus: If I stay in the military I want to get stationed in Italy and Turkey. Turkey would kind of suck because of the curfew there and whatnot but I want the experience, plus it's only like a 15 month tour.

    If I get out of the military, I'd say Colorado, maybe Denver. Somewhere close to the Rockies. I don't know what I'd do if I got out. I'm working towards a business degree but I hope I find a field I'm more passionate about. I'm planning on getting my A&P license to fall back on so I'll always be able to work on airplanes. I like working on jets, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to spend my whole life doing it.

    Alt-Alt Focus: I've moved 5 times in the last 3 years. Although I only really count 3 of those moves.
  8. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: My dad was stationed in Virginia in 1988 and I have lived in this state ever since. I am in my current town because it was the one my ex-husband and I decided it was the best place to live for our various criteria. I am stuck here now because I share joint custody of my kid and to move would literally require both of us to move to the same place. I'm not unhappy here, but as an Army brat I do have some wanderlust.

    Alt-focus: If all my ties were severed, I would at the moment want to live in California. I can't say that I'd want to live there forever, but it would be my first choice at this moment in time.

    Alt-Alt-focus: Texas-Germany-Savannah-Panama Canal Zone-Tennessee-Germany-Virginia. In Virginia I have lived in 6 different metro areas. Favorite place would be a toss-up between Panama and Germany the second time around (first time I was too young to remember). Least favorite would be Tennessee. That isn't so much the location's fault as it was that I was there 4-6 grade and it was the worst teasing/bullying time of my life. 7th grade started out pretty bad, but was mitigated by the shear coolness of living in Germany and some solid friendships I made.
  9. tweetybird

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    FOCUS: I live in San Francisco, in the city proper. I moved here in 2005 with no friends, no job, and a place to house sit for a month because I'd heard it was an awesome city and living at home after college was the major suck. It is indeed an awesome city, I fell in love with it, and my husband and I are never leaving if we can help it. However, I cannot deny that it is So Very Fucking Expensive to move here now.

    ALT-FOCUS: The only scenario in which we'd actually leave SF would be for my husband's job. For a good enough offer (key point, some guy wants us to move to DC for the same job title/pay and that is a load of crap), I would consider most major cities in the US that have vibrant urban life (i.e. yes on Minneapolis/Chicago/Seattle, no on Phoenix/Vegas/Houston). The exception is NYC. I have visited many times and love it, but I just cannot get my mind around living there. There is too much of everything for me to ever be able to feel settled and comfortable.

    ALT-ALT-FOCUS: If we count every time I had to pack up all my shit and haul it, things get skewed because I've moved into a dorm room 9 times. That aside, I've moved 8 times. And what I can say is this: as soon as you can afford to pay a professional to pack and move your shit, DO THAT. The peace of mind and not wanting to stab yourself and anyone you live with is well worth the money. Also, if you live in a city where they have Delancey Street, hire them - it is an ex-con rehabilitation program and because of the scrutiny they're under, those guys are fucking meticulous with everything.
  10. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I have lived in Atlanta for almost my whole life. I lived in the same house from when I was born until I went off to college. I went to FSU for my first two years of college and then transferred to UGA. My mom moved into another house in the Atlanta area while I was in school, then I moved back in with her after I graduated from college, and then moved to where I live now about 2.5 years after that.

    I have done very little traveling, so I don't know where my ideal place to live would be. I am thinking maybe Texas, just for the job opportunities. I have actually contemplated moving out there and trying to find a job, but I just don't want to leave my mom here. The only way that I see myself moving is for a job offer or a girl, but neither of those will happen any time soon.
  11. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Focus: I always assumed I'd live here. I didn't want to spend my entire life in one state so I went to school in Boston and then moved here a month after graduating. It has the most opportunities for everything that I want to do professionally and that I'm interested in. There are a lot of communities where I feel like I fit in. I like the city's overall values and priorities and interests. And at this point in my life, excitement is a high priority for me. I hated that I felt like I did everything there was to do in Boston halfway through my freshman year. I grew up an hour and a half away and was coming here more or less monthly my whole life before I left for school, and now have been living here a while and I still haven't done everything that I want to do and new things get added to my mental list every week. And, since my dad still lives where I grew up, I like that I'm just a quick bus or train ride away from him and where I grew up. As much as I love the city, I still need a break now and then, and that makes it much easier. (And, I'm getting the house, so while right now I jokingly say that I have a "country house" I will actually have a country house one day.)

    Also, my dad and aunt were the first ones in our family to not spend their whole lives in the city since our family came to the States. I'm really comforted by the sense of personal history here. I love - for example - that I can unknowingly move to a building a block away from the first apartment my grandparents shared together and where my dad lived right after he was born. It's always felt like home.

    It has nearly everything I want for my idea of a fulfilling life. I like a lot of different things, and one place may satisfy one thing perfectly fine but will be lacking others. It's the only place that has basically everything that I want from where I live. I'm not planning on leaving anywhere in the near future.

    Alt-Focus: If I end up having radically different priorities when I'm old and withered when I'm, like, 40 and my life is basically over, I'd probably move back to the Hudson Valley.
  12. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    FOCUS: I currently live in the south end of Seattle. While I didn't grow up in the city or anything, my family lived around it. I moved to Honolulu right before I turned 14 and stayed there for 12-ish years. I moved back to Washington because my family is still here for the most part. I like having 4 seasons and having the ability to just up and drive wherever I feel like. Right about the time I left Hawaii, I was hit with almost a padded wall level of cabin fever that living on a tiny island in the middle of an ocean can bring on.

    ALT-FOCUS: While I'm curious about different parts of the world, packing up and moving to someplace else not only seems like a hassle, but I get the feeling I'd immediately hate it. I think I have Hawaii to blame for this. I can't ever see myself not living here. I live about a 20 minute drive to the ocean, 45 minutes to the mountains, and a couple of hours from the desert and a rainforest. Being a geek, I have Nintendo, Microsoft, and Amazon literally a half hour away from me. They're running fiber internet to my neighborhood in a year. Not going anywhere, unless I win the lottery and purchase my grandmother's house on Anderson Island.

    ALT-ALT-FOCUS: I moved quite extensively. If I count my childhood, I'd say I've moved probably close to 20 times. Not counting childhood, ten. The girlfriend wants to stay where we are now for at least 5 years before we start looking at moving again. I agree with tweetybird. After paying movers for the last two times I've moved, I'm never picking up a fucking moving box again. I'm too old for that shit.
  13. Slivers

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    Average Idiot

    Apr 23, 2012
    I'm from central NY and I've only made one move in my life and it was barely a move which is pretty common where I live. We left my first house when I was ten and moved a half mile down the road and I've lived there since. I stayed home and went to a local university so I commuted and never really had a sense of being on my own besides the nine months I moved in with a couple of my best friends. I'm 22 now and ready to see what the outside world has to offer.

    I leave for the military soon and am excited to get out of here. Like Cult, I think I'm going to volunteer for Korea when I get the chance and see where it takes me. I 'd love to experience a culture so far different from the "American way" and getting there for free is even better. By the time I choose to depart, whenever that is, I'm really hoping to find myself in a situation as the original poster. I'm hoping to have a decent chunk of my loans paid off and having the option of where I want to go. Preferably somewhere towards the west coast like Washington or Colorado
  14. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Focus: I came to Oklahoma for school and never planned on staying but will probably be moving to Oklahoma City next year, as that is where the girlfriend's law firm is and that's where my internship (which should turn into a job) is. The city is on it's way up but it's far behind in restaurants, culture, entertainment, etc. than other cities but it's alright. I plan on marrying the girlfriend otherwise I would move back to Wyoming and work with my father in my hometown. Oklahoma City is good enough but there are definitely better cities.

    Alt. Focus: I like cities or small towns with mountains nearby. As far as smaller places near mountains, I would live in Western Montana or Jackson, WY. For cities, I would like to live in Austin, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis, or New Orleans with Austin and Denver at the top of the list.

    Alt. Alt. Focus: I grew up in Wyoming, moved to Colorado in high school. I moved back to Wyoming for one year of college, then back to Colorado for the remainder of college, then to Oklahoma for law school.
  15. fertuska

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Focus I am from Eastern Europe, and applied to a couple American colleges out of highschool. I did not expect to get in, but figured I might as well try, because AMERICA FUCK YEAH. When I got in, I thought it was pretty amusing (remember when we were all teenagers and told our parents we will move out of the house as soon as we hit 18?). It was less funny to my parents, but you can't pass up a scholarship to a good US school. So I packed my two suitcases (which AirFrance promptly proceeded to lose), and came to the US for college. I thought of my stay here as a temporary thing, I genuinely wanted to return home when I was done. So when I got my degree, I returned home, and did a year of medschool, which (un)fortunately really opened my eyes to the misogyny in Eastern Europe. So I hightailed it back to the US, got my medical degree and started residency. And here I am, a female surgeon, and nobody bats an eye in the US, just like it should be.

    Alt-alt-focus The international kids at my college had orientation a week prior to Americans, and me and all my friends were showering in cold water for that week - because we did not know you have to turn the lever more than 360 degrees to get the warm water, and because we thought, you know, these are dorms, they probably don't have warm water.

    When my American roommate arrived, I proceeded to accidentally burn popcorn in her microwave (why is there a 'popcorn' button if it sets the popcorn on fire?), and it took me weeks to persuade her we in fact DO have electronic appliances in Eastern Europe.
  16. ASL

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    Nov 16, 2009
    I live in New Mexico now; aside from the crime in Albuquerque I absolutely love it. I grew up in Vermont and couldn't be happier with all the sunshine we get. Rain is a nice change of pace instead of a daily thing.
    I ended up here because I was sick of the long winter and constant clouds. My parents moved here the minute I was done with high school, so it was an easy place to try out. I stayed in Vermont for a girl; finished a trade school, worked for a while, started college, got dumped, got laid-off, and got fed up. So, here I am.

    I think I could live anywhere for a year. My wife and I want to live in the trees somewhere: hard to find a 'forest' in Albuquerque. I think I could probably do Colorado.
  17. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I live where I do because of my job, plain and simple. They needed someone to work there, they sent me. I've lived in 4 different places since I graduated. It's good fun, I guess. Except if you ever want to make medium term plans of any kind or have a relationship or any of that nonsense.

    Where would I want to live? Well, I'm originally from Toronto, and though I do quite like the city, I'm not sure I really want to go back quite yet. Of all the places I've visited, I got a good vibe about New York and Amsterdam, and maybe Berlin (which is a really cool city, but living there would be quite different). Amsterdam isn't even for the weed, I just thought it was a remarkably cool place. One of my back pocket plans is to maybe find a job in a ski town out west and work enough shifts to pay for a ski pass and not much else. If I had gone to university in Quebec, I'd be able to do that in France rather easily. Oh well.
  18. DannyMac

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Focus: I live in Atlanta, because I moved here to go to Georgia Tech in 1996 and found my first job here out of school. In the 12 years that I have lived here since I have absolutely fallen in love with Atlanta and also know that my career path as a software executive fits the area well (especially with the burgeoning Mobile cluster here). I do want to be clear that I actually do live in Atlanta though - not Smyrna, Marietta, Alpharetta, Roswell, Tucker, Dunwoody (though I work here), Sandy Springs, John's Creek, et. al. My wife and I moved from Smyrna into East Atlanta close to 7 years ago, because we didn't want a McMansion that looked like every other McMansion next to it and our future children to only ever see other white children that looked just like them. It does mean I occasionally lose a lawnmower or some yard tools to theft and I have had to replace a car window, but watching the neighborhood transition has been really fun (owning an old house is arguable fun).

    Alt-Focus: Ideally I would live closer to water. We are both scuba divers, love the beach, and I like to fish. For the foreseeable future we are here, but Savannah and Charleston on both of our watch lists for East Coast living. I love the shit out of San Diego and Carmel if I somehow make this little start-up into something huge then that could happen as well. It would be very far from family though.

    After last year's trip to Thailand, we have seriously discussed eventually retiring there because money goes so far and we just lived it so much. I met a ton of ex-pats, American, Australian, British, German, etc. that have done the same.

    Alt-Alt-Focus: Really the only "big moves" were from Raleigh, NC where I was born to Columbus, GA when I was 10 and then from Columbus to Atlanta when I was 18. After my folks got divorced my mom was an early winner in the real estate boom so we moved 3 times in 4 years as she flipped houses, and then she moved to CT to marry my step dad in 2001. I've moved about 3 times in Atlanta in 12 years and we actually think the next house is the 20 year watch the kids grow up house.

    Honestly I have spent my whole life embarrassing myself in one way or another, but never related to moving.
  19. R_Flagg

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 16, 2012
    Somewhere along I-77.
    Focus: Well I was just fortune enough to graduate from high school right around the time the economy tanked back in '07-'08; and the area where I've always lived was built around the furniture factories and textile mills that started off-shoring sometime in the late 1990's. So when I graduated my options were community college or the military, and I chose community college since I didn't have enough academic aptitude to apply for a 'real' university. One unfortunate encounter with the law later I found myself both expelled from my first college and ineligible for military service for life basically. Long story short I've found myself stuck in my hometown with no real prospects for moving away. Yeah I could probably clean out my savings and try to move to find greener pastures but right now I'm working one steady job with a couple of others that call me in upon occasion. I don't get paid shit but I can get a beer or two most weekends and still set some cash back so long as I don't move out of my parents house or try to buy a vehicle that wasn't made before I was in high school.

    I know it's a shitty excuse to stay in a shittier situation, no need to tell me that.

    Alt-Focus I have a love/hate affair with cities; not one city in particular, but in general. I wouldn't mind living in Charlotte, NC or Nashville, TN, or Louisville, KY for a few years. I like the whole small town and rural county thing most days, but I'd like to live in an area where I don't have to drive an hour for everything. Plus the prospect of decent restaurants, bookstores that aren't entirely devoted to selling some several hundred types of Bibles, even a library with a good selection of non-fiction would thrill me to my core.
  20. mazian

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 12, 2011
    Focus: I ended up in a smallish german town because I attend med school here. It's funny how I always wanted to move to a city because in the village I grew up in everyone was watching everyone else all day and you couldn't do shit without at least 12 people seeing it.
    And now I'm basically in one of the few universitys that aren't in a big city. Oh well.

    Alt-Focus: I alway thought Berlin, but now I'm not so sure. Given that I'll have my MD in the foreseeable future the thought of having to go to some city I know no one in and start a life and job is kind of scary and exciting at the same time.
    Maybe I'll go with something at the sea, Rostock for example. But definitely a city.

    Three times so far.
    Nothing special, once I moved from one building to another that was located on the same property, no stories to tell.