<a class="postlink" href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/the-best-jack-nicholson-lakers-games-photos" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/the-best ... mes-photos</a> Spoiler Made me realize how cool/eccentric I find ol' Jack. Out of everyone in Hollywood, I think I respect him the most (Scorcese being a close second). He's just my celebrity hero. Focus: Who is your celebrity hero? Try to keep it at just one, and do a better job describing him/her than I did. I'm just speechless because those pictures are effing hilarious.
I've gotta go with Clint Eastwood. I just appreciate how him and guys like Jack let themselves age, appreciate what comes with that and don't try to nip and tuck themselves into favor from their audiences. Take 'em how they come or don't.
Mel Gibson! He had a little drunken incident, so what? Happens to the best of us. Why I think he's awesome? Three reasons; 1) Mad Max 2) Braveheart 3) Apocalypto
Angelina Jolie. Seriously...who has a better life than her? 1) Decided to just have Brad Pitt - and went and got him. 2) Oscar-winning actress (i.e. top of her game, professionally) 3) Goodwill ambassador for the UN - spends her time and money fixing (sort of) problems that badly need attention 4) All the while everyone knows she's a touch "batshit crazy," so any erratic behaviour would just be written off. 5) Filthy rich. 6) Most beautiful woman in the world (well, before she got super skinny, anyway). Sign me up!
Christopher Hitchens Show me anyone else who can drink that much and still be as functional giving a speech or taking part in a debate, while at the same time not hiding the booze at all. Show me someone else who will defend teenage smoking and drinking. Society has a prohibitionist streak when it comes to vice, and Christopher Hitchens manfully gives that bullshit the finger.
Bill Maher I will at all costs avoid getting political here. A lot of people truly, truly hate this man and I understand it fully: He's smug, he interrupts, he badgers and he doesn't play fair. However, Maher only argues fact, he's merciless, funny, and he's the one comedian in the world who TRULY doesn't give a shit. He recieves more threats than probably every other celebrity and then tells them to go fuck themselves next night on his show. He's called the pope a Nazi (pretty much true) he says that Jesus doesn't exist (probably true), championed for the legalization of pot, defends gay rights, destroys religious fanatics/idiots and takes his time bashing every politician on both sides of the spectrum. The best thing about Maher is that he's very, very shrewd, and he rarely loses an arguement. I can see why so many hate him. I do not hate him, though. No at ALL. I can't feel anything but love for a guy that takes that harsh a stance on his beliefs.
Page one and already? Really? Stick to the focus and remember, not everyone has to pass your inspection as "cool" and such. PM if you are so inclined. EDIT: To clarify because some people seem to think this was for just one of you, it goes for both (and everyone for that matter).
Dan Castellaneta, for being one of the most popular men in the world, while most people don't even recognize him when they pass him on the street.
I've got to second Sean Connery. Come on, he was voted sexiest man alive at the age of 59. How many other dudes could pull that off? He was James Bond, for crissake. Whenever I want to act suave and debonair, I always think "What would Sean Connery do?" With that said: Burt Reynolds Maybe it's because I grew up watching his corny movies, maybe it's because he kinda looks like my dad (without the moustache; my mom said that the first thing she thought when she met my dad was that he looked like Burt Reynolds), he just always seemed like a badass dude. Who else can rock a moustache like that? And of course, I've gotta second Jack Nicholson and Clint Eastwood.
Have to go with Clint as well his directing has been unreal as he has gotten older. Gran Torino was an awesome movie as are most of the other ones he has directed.
Im actually upset that no one has said the Duke yet. The man was in over 200 movies ranging from westerns to war movies. He has guns named after him, liquor named after him. Hats and saddles modelled after him. John Wanyne is a living legend that no actor can or will ever touch.
I'm going to go with the guy in my avatar, Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don't think I'd call him one of the great actors of the 20th century, but he provided years of entertainment and unintentional comedy. You have to give him credit for his success too. He came to this country with basically nothing - won 6 consecutive Mr. Olympia competitions, made a fortune in the stock market, became one of the most famous actors of the century, and topped it off by becoming governor of the most populated state in America. If you try to stand in his way, you'll get dead tired.
I love The Duke as well. That being said, you'd think a fan would at least get the alive or dead thing right about their "celebrity hero". Unless maybe you are counting his frozen head.
Not much of a starfucker, but I will submit Dennis Hopper. He was: Frank Booth in Blue Velvet (aka, scary, extraoxygenated, mother-torturing, possible buttrapist scumbag); Feck in River's Edge (aka, creepy, witless, blow-up doll-plugging hermit); The hilarious, drug-addled Photojournalist in Apocalypse Now (more so in the documentary Hearts of Darkness); Billie the drug-smuggling, hot-hippychick-nailing, iconoclastic biker in Easy Rider; Chino, the badass, chopper-wielding leader in The Glory Stompers; Deacon in Waterworl.... wait... anyways, Dennis Hopper! Prostrate Cancer be damned!