Is anyone still watching? I know they've jumped more than their fair share of sharks, but I can't help but watch. The first episode was pretty good. The voice over with the background music was a pretty good way to fill everyone in on what's been happening. Everyone else see Matt holding up the donut shop coming from a mile away?
This may seem retarded, but is Rose McGowan Teddy the nitrous huffing, husband killing surgical assistant from last season? If so, how the hell did they explain that, I missed some parts of the previous two episodes.
Anyone else find this show absolutely ridiculous these days? Talk about jumping the shark. As someone who watched the first two seasons and enjoyed them for what they were - a slightly ludicrous but exciting and possible tale of two plastic surgeons with interesting cases and even more interesting lives - I can hardly associate with the new season. It's gone from, season 2, dealing with a serial killer and a marriage breaking, to season 6, one of the surgeons sons becoming a mime to rob liquor stores, and then getting shot and fleeing to Mexico, and THEN getting put in jail AND THEN requested a breast implant so he can survive as the bitch in prison. Not only is it hardly about the surgery any more, it's just absurd. Still, in a slow-motion train crash view, I can't help but watch it as a guilty pleasure.