fyi, the board now checks the dimensions of images you upload, and will create a thumbnail if it's deemed to be too big. if you click on the thumbnail you can see the original image. try it out, let me know if you run into any cases where it doesn't work as expected or desired.
is there supposed to be a max dimension size period? i was told my new image was too big was not given the option to resize.
when i posted my photo in the fishing and hunting thread i got a weird 800 by something size, not standard. but good to know so thank you.
the original size can be 1024x1024 or less, and if it's greater than 800x800 then an 800x800 constrained thumbnail is made. if you click on that 800x800 thumbnail, it will show you the full sized one. i opted to make the the thumbnail that size so it was easier to get the detail in the pic rather than having to click on a small thumbnail. this way odds are you won't have to look at the original to get a decent view of the pic.
i'm not sure i fully understand the difference between pixels and resolution. when you say 1024x1024, i think resolution, so i may be mixing terms here. but, i don't use photoshop for quick image posts, i use paint. it's very easy to use. so, if i want to quick grab an image or screen shot, i can press print screen or right-click copy, then paste it in paint. save as *.jpg, upload file, done. (or, that's the way i used to.) but, with the new settings, i have to make them less than 800 pixels, or i can't upload them. (i don't get the option to post at 1024 and let the board reduce it to an 800 thumbnail.) taking a full screen shot and then reducing it to less than 800 pixels results in a lousy quality image. is pixels the only way to define the limits in the new board software? or, can it be done by file size? because, the images i'm trying to load are very small file size, they're just more than 800 pixels.
a shitty fuckin fiero next to a cornfield in the middle of nowhere ohio nonetheless. it's like the trifecta of suck.
The Boobie Count i like how the new settings show how many times an image has been viewed, for anybody that posts here that is competitive. or, like, if you wanted to see that fiero has been viewed 54 times, but the tampon flask picture in the wdt has been viewed 309 times. oh, tib.