I don’t wanna grow up!!! http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/00000006DE8D.htm http://www.streetwars.net/ http://www.grownups-movie.com/?hs308=GU102 Adults are acting like kids everywhere. Whether it’s playing video games, watching cartoons, Playing Make-believe, adults everywhere will not let childhood go. Focus: What things do you still love to do that aren’t meant for grown adults? Alt Focus: How has society changed to focus some of these activities to adults, like streetwars, adultswim cartoons, Dave and Busters, adult Halloween costumes?
I'm definitely still big into video games, but I honestly wouldn't label games as a "kid activity" any longer, even thought most people would probably view it as such. There will always be a flood of "shovelware" type games that cost nothing to produce and are targeted at children, but these days it seems that a majority of games are targeted at that 18-24 age range. Also, Legos. I fucking love legos and I don't think I will ever grow out of that.
I eat chicken McNuggets like they're being discontinued, and recently discovered that Oscar Meyer creates Lunchables for adults.
I eat ice cream sandwiches like I'm 5 years old and get mocked mercilessly for it by my friends. But I don't care. Matchbox car collection still going strong? Absolutely. (It's an investment!)
Similarly, I absolutely love SpaghettiOs. I eat them for dinner once every couple of weeks, especially if it's near the end of the month and I've overspent... then it's delicious, delicious SpaghettiOs for the rest of the month. I second video games, I'm 26 and still play very frequently, and not just COD, Red Dead Redemption and the other 'adult' games. I've been playing Final Fantasy XIII pretty religiously lately even though I can't come up with a single reasonable argument about why it's a good game. I haven't done it in two or three years but if the opportunity to LARP ever presented itself without a large effort on my part I'd get back into it.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I LARP frequently, though I wouldn't classify it as a kids past time all that much. Or it often shouldn't be. Alt-Focus: Boardgames. Growing up, boardgames seemed entirely a kids thing with the occasional exception. Or a kids activity that parents would play with them. Nowadays there are more and more boardgames that are more suitable for adults, and not just in the gimmick sexual sense. Games like Settlers of Catan and its various spin-offs that are lots of fun to play while having enough strategy and interaction to keep an adult interested.
I recently read the Tao of Pooh, which convinced me I needed to rewatch The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
Hey, I still eat Happy Meals, but I usually get a cheeseburger. Also, it's pretty much my job to be a kid. I get to play Wii and watch Disney movies all day.
I still watch a number of cartoons. There are a number of good ones out there these days. I have a younger sister so initially I started watching some with her since she enjoyed the company, but now I enjoy them in their own right. Spongebob is an excellent show as is the more recent Phinius and Ferb. I also enjoyed Avatar: The Last Airbender. All these shows are either genuinely pretty funny, and Avatar had a very compelling story. Fairly Odd Parents is quite funny too. I give most f the cartoons for younger kids these days a thumbs up. Unfortunately all the non-cartoons are so god damn awful, it makes me fret for the generation anyway.
Agreed, and in fact most people who play are not children. Not only that but at the bigger events there's usually a good amount of drugs and open sex (I promise there are some hot girls there, really) not as much as Burning Man or anything, but much more than pretty much any mainstream event or activity since there's usually little to no supervision. But it's still a "make pretend" game and most people pass it off as childish, which is unfortunate since pretty much ever single person I've gotten to try it has loved it, but they don't want to keep playing because of the stigma associated with it. Granted, you have to admit the majority of people who LARP do nothing to reverse the childish, eccentric weirdo image society casts.
I still point my finger like a gun and shoot invisible bad guys while making explosion sounds and diving behind pieces of furniture in my house.
I still it Happy Meals, because its a correct ADULT portion. Does that still make it child like? I've still got my matchbox cars, legos and such. When i'm feeling in the mood I'll build a small scale city! I do the Lego architecture Series too..
I'm well adjusted but I partake in "child" activities. I love: Cartoons, Games (both board and video), Comics. I also still have my old blanket in bed with me. To hell with this growing up shit.
I still love to climb trees. Pine and Maple are usually the best ones. Conversely, I also like chopping them down. My buddy and I used to go into the woods with a couple hatchets and take down little trees to build forts. While I don't build the forts anymore, I do like using an ax whenever I get the chance because it's still just as satisfying as it was when I was 10 years old.
Pudding cups, Jello cups, Lunchables for kids (they have a cookie or two come on now) and if they are considered "kid food" (I think they are because they are on a lot of Kid menus) corndogs. It doesn't happen with any sort of regularity but when I get a craving for one, I want it now. I've discovered they're on the kids portion of the Red Robin menu and they are good. Not State Fair Corndog good but still good. Oh, and Trouble. I love the Pop-O-Matic action.
I'm growing older but not up. This past Monday it was dead at the bar, so the manager threw on Finding Nemo. Something like 30 flat screens and two projectors all with this little cartoon fish. It was glorious. I'm also a huge fan of video games. Not just modern 360 games, but I still love firing up the classics on NES, SNES and N64. My sister's almost 30 and she just got a Wii. Legos and K'nex are still as awesome as when I was 5. Plus, now I can build some really crazy shit since I can understand the mechanics better. A friend freshman year tried to insult my friend and I the one night, calling us, "2 year olds with drinking problems." We both loved the description.
I still watch the old disney movies. Dumbo Drop was on tv the other day and you bet your ass I watched it. Right after that, I watched Fox and the Hound on my laptop.
Gotta second this one. I'm not so into them anymore that I go to the comic store every Wednesday to pick up that weeks issues, but I do have two boxes full of comics at home and I still love reading them. Especially DC comics, way better than Marvel.