Focus: Let's hear your stories about multiple-partner sex. Ever had a threesome? Orgy? Hid in a closet while your wife fucked the pizza guy?
My threesome had two of the moments I'm most proud of in my sexual history. It wasn't exactly the threesome itself, although that was indeed fun and a moment of pride for sure, but that I discovered I was really good at giving lady head and gave my friend one of the best orgasms if her life (she hit her head in my windowsill and had an egg on her forehead for days) and that I turned into the director while I'm usually pretty submissive in, well, everything. It was pretty amusing to me that I kept going "wait! I want to do this thing i saw in porn once! You go here and you go here and I'll be here and you do that and okay good job team." (Never actually said that last thing, don't worry.) It didn't go without it's resentments though. I will never forgive my friend for freaking out and not going down on me.
THIS. This is the best advice any guy wanting a threesome can get.. stay the fuck out of it. The girls will think of things FAR dirtier than you would have thought. Trust. FOCUS: The babysitter threesome happened very.. abruptly. My brother had been dating the girl for about three years, so she was around a lot and we all became friends. They are about 4 years younger than us, and there was never really any indication of attraction. Soon after they broke up, she was looking for work and we were looking for a nanny to watch the kids. It seemed like a no-brainer.. we already knew her, she knew the kids, etc. About a year in to this, my wife decided that we should all go out and grab some drinks. We met her at Margarita's, and were going to head to another bar when my brother got out of work. We had been there maybe 15 minutes, and the girl was telling my wife that we were "the beautiful couple" and all this shit that I really didn't pay any attention to. Then, out of the blue, she says "We should have a threesome!". My wife and I looked at each other, flabbergasted, because we had (jokingly) talked about getting her in to bed. Now here SHE was proposing the idea! Her and the wife took of into the bathroom, and my phone starts blowing up. With picture messages. From the nanny. She had quite a library on her phone and was apparently sharing them with my wife. They came back and informed me that nanny would be at our house the following weekend. We left the bar to go meet my brother, and the girls start making out in the back of the car. They are trying to include me, so I swing in to a cemetery and shut the lights off. Before my brain can register what is happening, the nanny is on her knees in the grass blowing me. We all fuck around a bit more before we decide that we should get going so it doesn't look suspicious. During that week, my wife sent her a Facebook message talking about how excited we were, what we were into, how "whats mine is ours; you're our girlfriend". I knew this was wrong because technically, she was off-limits.. this is my brothers ex of three years. I managed to suppress that more and more as the pictures messages rolled in. So, the big night came and I arrived at home after dropping the kids off with my parents. I walked in the front door and both girls were at the top of the stairs, my wife in a thong and a white tank, and the nanny in fishnet thigh-highs and a black tee. A few drinks and some playfulness later, we were in full swing. The girls led the whole thing. I assumed my role as stunt cock and did as I was directed. We were all a bit drunk, and it wasn't quite as sexy as we wanted it to be. So we did it again, about two weeks later. It was way better. The girls knew exactly what they wanted and that made it HOT. The Aftermath: My brother found out. Turned out he had her Facebook password and had been checking her messages for a while. He called me out over the phone, where I denied fucking his girl and convinced him it was only between the girls. A few weeks later, I get a text from the nanny. He found pictures online. Of us. Specifically, of her eating my wife, blowing me, and me blowing a load on the nanny's face. With her permission, we had posted some pics as part of an album on our Adult Friend Finder profile looking for couples. He had been on the site as a fake couple for a year or so without her knowing. We eventually confessed, and she even confessed to fucking me after my wife had got up and gone to work, so things were rough for a while after that.ot Overall, have a threesome. But let your girl handle the logistics. And make sure she doesn't want to fuck your brother's girlfriend. *And I realize I'm a shitty story-teller. Feel free to ask any questions.
Guess I'll add my less-interesting-than-BadBrains' threesome story. Happened in high school. I was in grade 11, the girl who basically set it up was in grade 12, the second lucky girl was in grade 10. So me and Gr 12 had sorta been fooling around off an on. She was 'experienced' (for high school) and I'd only had penis-vagina contact twice ever before it happened (once was with her). So I'm on the phone with her one day, and my buddy is over/can hear my half of the conversation, and it eventually becomes clear that she is not only anxious to have a threesome (grade 12 was to be her 'experimental' year), she's talked about it with friends and one of them (Gr 10) is eager as well. My buddy was jealous, to say the least. "I'm not telling you who she is, but I'll point you out to her, and see if she approves." She approved, and two weeks later we're at a what turned out to be the best party of my life. So Gr 12 and I fool around a bit in the room, then join the party and find Gr 10 with some other people. It was a cool feeling having a group conversation while two of the girls, unbeknownst to the rest of the group, gave me looks of "you're gonna see both of us naked in minutes." Gr 12 and I head back to the room, fool around, and she asks if she should go get Gr 10. I say yes, she should, and she says to meet her back in the room in 15 minutes. So we leave, but then I realize, 'what the fuck? why would I go anywhere in this shitty party when I could stay at this door and make sure no one else uses it?'. So I stand guard, drinking whiskey out of the bottle. Then this douche comes by and starts talking to me about how he punched a window the other night and that's why he has a huge bandage on his hand. He talks for a good ten minutes, the whole time I'm not listening and just thinking, 'wow, this douche has no idea how awesome my life is about to get. I'm gonna tell this story for years!'. Then the girls walk by holding hands. They go into the room and Gr 12 whispers "just give us five minutes". The douche, I swear to god, goes "oooh, I know what THEY'RE doing in there," and looks at me for approval of the funny he thinks he just made. Gr 12 says, "No, it's nothing like that, we're just going to talk." Five minutes later, she opens the door a crack, grabs my hand and goes, "Now we want to talk to Superfantastic." I honestly wish I had a pic of the supremely smug look I gave him as I closed the door, and I love how I can still vividly see his reaction, when he realized what was happening. So we're in the room, and it's dark, and I honestly think the butterflies in my stomach I got then ruined any potential future butterflies, because I'll likely never be that excited for something again. My eyes adjust to the dark, and I see Gr 12 has taken the initiative and crawled right on top of Gr 10, making out with her hardcore. I kinda just watch for a couple seconds, then sidle up beside them on the just barely big enough bed. The entire time my brain was screaming "Do everything you have ever wanted to do in a threesome!" which, as this was my 3rd ever full out sexual experience, wasn't nearly as much as I could think of now. Not that I'm complaining. Without getting too graphic, I think it was a pretty decent threesome, especially for three fairly inexperienced teenagers. The three happiest moments of my life happened that night. One was watching them kiss while I slid Gr 12's hand down Gr 10's panties AND SHE LEFT IT THERE. Another was having my face between both their boobs while they made out (almost cracked up during that, because the term 'Titty Car Wash' popped into my drunken teenage mind). The third, and most awesome, was having two girls go down on me at once. Seriously amazing. Oh, and for some reason, three way kisses are like a thousand times better than regular kissing. Like, obviously I was expecting it to be better, but it was SHOCKINGLY better. As in, thinking about it gets me just as excited as thinking about the double beej. What's kinda funny is that, like a month later, Gr 10 started dating a guy in my circle of friends (at the time) and they're now married. Looking back, I definitely would prefer, if that was to be my only threesome, that it happened now, or at least when I had more experience, but it was still pretty awesome. I was a bit of a legend for a month or so at school after it happened, and I even got so egotistical that I thought, "wow, it only took me a few months after losing my virginity to have a threeseome -- my life is going to be AWESOME". It isn't, at least not in terms of threesomes. Trying to make it happen again. Even joined AdultFriendFinder with a lady friend who's interested, so far with no luck. <sadface>
The first - my goodness, every man should get to enjoy this at least once. Having two mouths and two tongues on your man parts is incredible. Just the visual of it is incredible. The second - That site is shit. there are more fakes and flakes than real people looking for sex, by a HUGE margin. And a couple looking for a single girl? Good luck man. There is a reason they're call them "unicorns". My wife and joined looking for couples, and the bullshit that goes on with that demographic is just crazy.
The closest to a full threesome I've had was getting head from audreymonroe while I made out with one of our friends. This was freshman year of college during winter break (high school friends). Tried to get the other girl to give me head as well but no dice, oh well. I've brought up the idea of threesomes with every girl I've slept with since then. I mentioned it to my current girlfriend and she's not game, even though her sexy friend said she'd be interested. Damn.