Might be too seriously of a topic, but I've been having a discussion with a co-worker about things that are and are not moral absolutes. As in, things that are always wrong, no matter the circumstance. It started from talking about the Ten Commandments, but I don't think the convo needs to be religious. For example, murder is a pretty shitty thing to do, but it doesn't take much imagination to think of a time it would be just, like if someone was actively trying to murder you or someone you love. Same with stealing food because you're starving. Whereas with rape, it's tough to think of an instance where you'd go, "yeah, she had it coming." Even if it was a dude trying to rape me, I think it would be completely justifiable for me to beat him to within an inch of his life, but raping him back, while hilarious in that context, would still not be just. So far, we've got rape, child/animal abuse, and slavery (which, oddly enough, aren't specifically outlawed in the Bible, to my knowledge). FOCUS 1: What are some moral absolutes? Things that are inherently wrong regardless of context. FOCUS 2: What are some some moral iffys? Things that are wrong in general, but are justified in certain situations. FOCUS 3: I dunno, something funny or boob-related. I hate suggesting completely serious threads.
Molesting Children, genocide, those adds that pop up over the content and play a flash animation before they go away, leaving your phone on your desk with an annoying fucking ring tone.
Along with genocide and rape, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Crocs have no place in a right and just world. I was going to suggest Ugg boots as well, but in the comfort of your own house in winter, I suppose they are a victimless crime. Also, ass/nipple hair, yellow teeth, and licorice.
In the words of Inigo Montoya, "I don't think that word means what you think it does. Prepare to die."
People who steal parking spots. You know, when you patiently wait for someone to pull out, and a guy comes screeching in to take it.
This is too seriously of a topic. Fucking and/or abusing animals. [insert witty fat-girl euphemism here] But, Focus 3: Weight loss is making my tits shrink and sag. Which is hilarious, because they might be my only redeeming quality.
Even if somebody raped your daughter/girlfriend/sister? Or killed your brother/father/best friend? I can agree that it's sinful and terrible, but I disagree in your thinking that it's never justified.
On the scale of sins slightly more venial than genocide....THOU SHALT STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY EMAIL. Especially my significant others. Don't even think about it. It's not even like I have anything that important in there. Just....if anyone does this, the violation of privacy and trust borders on an automatic breakup.* *My brother's ex-wife may have done this.
Maybe not for you. If someone rapes or kills someone I love, I can absolutely justify killing them (and suffering the consequences).
Why are some of you against genocide as an absolute but not against taking a life? Semi related. Spoiler As a question of scale, I remember a OKC question that asked whether you would give up your life so that 10 people could live. It was a pretty tough call. Then the question asked if you would do it so 1000 people could live which seemed to be a no brainer. I am not a fan of fatal violence. Outside of "take a life to save a life" situations, I don't appreciate the desire or need to end life. Torture across the board for all living things. I think there's something to be said for every person that failed to act to save a life. When I read the post in the R&R thread about a poster's dog being hit by a truck and dragged on the street and the driver speeding off I was heart broken. That sort of cowardice and disregard for life and the well being of others (the owner) should be met with some swift and severe justice.
Some people can be broken enough that they need to be killed. The same can't be said for races. It's the same thing as having a rabid dog that has to be put down; doesn't mean all dogs should be. Such is your prerogative, but just be thankful you live in a world where others don't feel the same.