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Monthly (formerly Weekly) Movie Discussion #5: Superhero Movies

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by Juice, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    These are probably better served with monthly threads, and I havent been doing them weekly anyway.

    Superhero movies. Which ones are the best? Which ones are the worst?

    First off in the Marvel vs DC movies... DC barely competes with Marvel. Marvel has had mostly good movies with a few just okay ones. DC has had crappy movies like Superman Returns, Dark Knight Rises (dont start, it sucked), and the Green Lantern. The best DCU movie is Watchmen. It was pretty ballsy of Snyder to make an R-rated comic movie, but he couldnt have done Watchmen any other way and have done it justice.

    The only other darker movies like that are maybe The Crow, Spawn, and Blade.
  2. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
  3. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    So is Wolverine... but Fox, Marvel, and Sony do not play nice when it comes to rights distribution, so it becomes an intellectual property nightmare. I would imagine that Spiderman would be in the Avengers before Wolverine though. If Wolverine made a surprise appearance in the Avengers 2 or even Civil War or something, it would be amazing and I bet the profit margins would be higher than what they already are. But then again they have to explain why they never talked about there being thousands of mutants running around wreaking havoc until now.
  4. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Couldn't agree more. It's almost as if the reboot tried to capitalize on The Dark Knight by being too dark and gritty. Frankly, the reboot was boring, and I like Garfield and Stone more than McGuire and Dunst. Raimi's versions - yes, all three, were superior to the reboot.

    Marvel in general has better stories. I think because Stan Lee is intimately involved in most of them, those movies retain their sense of humor much more than the DC films which tend to bang you over the head with darkness and 'realism.' Yes, I get it, times are tough, bits are dark, but Jesus, tell me a good story and it's ok to crack a joke or two.

    My new favorite is Guardians of the Galaxy. What a fun film, well acted, good story, and it flowed very well. Looking forward to the 2nd one. I do like the Iron Man series, but that's getting a bit dark too - intentionally so after The Avengers, so I hope if they do another, we get some more light/fun moments with Downey Jr.

    Edit: Plus, you can't beat this scene:

  5. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I read an article talking about the Garfield Spidermans recently where they pointed out what I hadn't really noticed was wrong before. Garfield's Parker wasn't an insecure or timid teen, he was a cocky, already popular skateboarding smart kid. Becoming Spiderman didn't force him to become a better version of himself, it just gave him cooler shit he could do. I think it would be cool if the Marvel/Sony collaboration used Miles Morales, but Donald Glover is too old now.
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    If we're just talking comic book movies Sin City is my favorite. If strictly super heroes I would then go with the Dark Knight followed by Watchmen.

    I completely agree that The Dark Knight Rises was trash. The plot with cat woman in that movie made zero fucking sense. I've tried to watch a couple of the Superman movies, but they sucked too hard for me to finish and I really don't find that super hero appealing.

    I enjoyed Iron Man and The Avengers. As much as I like vampires Blade seemed really overrated to me. The first one was ok (not good, just ok) and then that franchise took a nose dive hard.
  7. downndirty

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    Nov 18, 2009
    Actually, DC mopped the floor with Marvel until recently, taking in the wild success of the early Batman/Superman films and the tv series. I think DC is taking the smart route and making a lot of tv shows, mini-series, etc. rather than delve deep into their canon for movies. Their movies have been watchable (Losers, Superman Returns, Red 1&2, V for Vendetta, The Dark Knight Returns-SEE THIS NOW, etc) but not really as massive as the Marvel films.

    I'm holding out for a GOOD Ghost Rider movie. One of the coolest of the iconic characters and two shit-piles was the best they could do? Lame.
    Also, a CGI-laden reboot of Swamp Thing would be tits.

    I think given that no one can die in a superhero movie, the TV shows are far more compelling. Arrow is decent, Daredevil looks promising and holy fuckballs:
    Preacher is happening. Cassidy and Arseface ride again! If you haven't read Preacher, do yourself a favor and READ IT. It's by far one of the funnier, compelling and all-around awesome stories ever told.
  8. CharlesJohnson

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I will make an unpopular claim. The Wolverine (2013) is the best superhero movie next to Nolan's Batmans. That was a helluva flick. It erased all that goofy shit the last couple X-men movies did, like sandwiching in as many useless characters as possible. It played more like a spy thriller. X-men started out brilliantly. Let's get the Usual Suspects guy, a couple Shakespearian trained actors, and Ian "Fucking" McCellan. Sold. Then whoever in charge said fuck it and the franchise and spinoffs descended into ridiculous parody with horrifically bad writing. In the reboot, Fassbender and MacAvoy are killing it, though. I'd watch Fassbender read the morning paper.

    Marvel's success lies in seeking out the highest talent. Not necessarily in the places other studios look either. James Gunn, Guardians director/writer, is a highly talented guy who couldn't get the time of day (Dawn of the Dead, outrageously underrated Slither). Same with Joss Whedon; he may have had hit TV shows but nobody was breaking down his door to offer him $250 million budgets and intellectual rights. They got Kenneth Branagh for Thor. Mr. Shakespeare, 5 time Oscar nominee directed that little melodrama.

    Personally, I'm not very interested in the stuff. I dig Iron Man because Downey is a delight. I am not invested in the stories at all. What I find interesting is how Marvel Studios is mopping up the box office and just sodomizing the competition. They'll keep doing it too. Because Hollywood is too stupid to foster talent.

    Oh, and Ang Lee's Hulk was brilliant. Bring it, bitches! Sam Elliot and Nick Nolte will grumble you into compliance.
  9. Czechvodkabaron

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I was big into superhero movies when I was in high school, but not so much anymore, so I haven't seen as many as some of you have.

    My favorite superhero movie of all time is, by far, Batman Begins. I loved how Nolan handled the origin story.

    I have never won any friends with this opinion, but I thought that The Dark Knight was garbage. I have seen it four times and I still maintain that, aside from the performances of Heath Ledger and a few of the other actors, there is nothing to like about this movie. The shaky cam action scenes are horrible, and unlike Batman Begins, The Dark Knight didn't have the compelling story to compensate for them.

    I wasn't a big fan of The Dark Knight Rises and I mostly agree with what others have written about it, but I still enjoyed it more than The Dark Knight. Granted, I haven't seen it since the one time I saw it in the theater, so I should probably give it another look.

    Both of Tim Burton's Batman movies were mediocre and really emphasized style over substance, but Batman Returns was easily the better of the two, even though Jack Nicholson was phenomenal as the Joker.

    I actually didn't think that Batman Forever was terrible. It was nothing special, but was okay for a Summer blockbuster. But we shall not speak of Schumacher's other Batman movie.

    I liked Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man movie. It's not a masterpiece, but it's okay for what it is. Spider-Man 2 got better reviews, but I thought that it was awful. It was too much of a sappy love story and was overloaded with BS drama. I haven't seen any other of the Spider-Man movies.
  10. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've always enjoyed superheroes on the big and little screen, never got into the actual comics. So most characters I have been familiar with were whoever showed up in movies and cartoons on Saturday mornings. That's why I know about the Wonder Twins, but had never heard of the X-Men till the movie was coming out. As a kid, I loved, loved, loved Superman. As a teen, I enjoyed Keaton's Batman, although I still remember WTFing his selection when it was coming out. The other movies in that series I watched but it was meh.

    When the Spiderman with Maguire came out, I hated it. I hated Maguire and I hated Kirsten Dunst. I didn't watch any of the others. I do like Andrew Garfield a lot better. I like Christian Bale's Batman, except Maggie Gyllenhaal. I haven't liked any of the Superman movies since Reeve. The last one was better than the previous one, but way too dark and dreary.

    In terms of characters I had never even heard of until I was an adult, but I enjoy because of how well they were done on the big screen: X-Men, Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy. I enjoyed Watchmen and V for Vendetta, and did go back and read the graphic novels, but not enough to watch again.

    Superheros I knew about as a kid and haven't watched the movies because I didn't find them interesting enough: Thor, Captain America, Green Lantern, etc. I probably would see Aquaman, except that the picture of Jason Momoa pretty much looking like Jason Momoa just looks boring - more dark and dreary. I do plan to go back and watch the Thor movies because I enjoyed him and Loki in the Avenger movies. And I'm kind of cougaring over Chris Hemsworth at the moment.

    I am nervous about the upcoming portrayal of Wonder Woman. I adored the Linda Carter version when I was a kid. She was magnificant, and the whole package - strong, feminine, intelligent, charming, anyone would take her seriously, but she doesn't take herself too seriously. If they make WW all dark and broody, I will punch someone.
  11. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    When I was watching it as a kid, I adored her tits, her tits, her tits, and her tits. And the magic rope to tie guys up with. And did I mention those tits? THAT was the real appeal of Lynda Carter.
  12. wexton

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    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    And they sure didn't disappoint in the Capt. America movie.
  13. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Even old-school, when fighting the Nazis, was pretty spectacular.

  14. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    So anyone else seen the leaked Deathpool trailer? I think this is the right thread to ask.
  15. downndirty

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    Nov 18, 2009
    Here's something I don't get. Sin City was amazing, the Spirit was eh and Sin City 2 was so bad it was almost a parody. How did that happen?

    My favorite superhero film has to be Hellboy 2. Great talent, gorgeous style and and not too serious.

    BTW, the Daredevil series has a stand up first episode.