Atahualpa, MEXICO: A local woman is overjoyed at her find for the "fruit that, when inverted, looks just like a bust of you" contest.
You can tell that this Passion Fruit is grown in the Americas because its circumcised. or Just like the banana the Passion Fruit can be harvested early, but its not ripe and edible until it turns purple, throbbing and all veiny. or This migrant worker is confused. She was hired to pick up that pile of bricks and stack them but reverted back to her native work ethic and just started picking fruit instead. Some things are just ingrained in the culture. or "Fuck the Chinese and their square watermelons, here in Uruguay we genetically produce Weeble Wobble Passionfruit Dildoes." or Passionfruit. Putting the Passion back into your loveless relationship. or Passionfruit. Putting the Passion back into your relationship when it turns out that he's a Fruit. or Passionfruit. The perfect substitute when the store is out of Cucumbers. And Cock.
Production on Cast Away 2 is underway with it's leading actress Hispanic Betty White, and her co-stars The Dicky Twins.