I do not really understand how an entire plane full of people can just go missing unless it's in the ocean but even then some debris would be spotted. The news is just nuts right now. Anyway, post your thoughts on the story.
There was a story going around yesterday, that the plane may have continued to fly for four hours after it dropped off radar.
And remember - if your plane continues flying for more than four hours after dropping off the radar, contact your physician. If you know what I mean.
I hate the news, and this is the best example yet. "Plane went missing." followed by "Plane found, everybody dead." That's what happened. It's not news to say "Nope, haven't found shit." That's like reporting on Loch Ness, you bag of assholes. It's also an example of how frustrating the Chinese are to every other country in Asia. They feel the need to be dicks for no discernible reason, and are hilariously incompetent. "That white blotch, oh that's where the plane is. Totes McGotes. Go investigate, Vietnam before we encroach on your shipping lanes some more."
This Board has some pretty interesting reading. It is a board of professional pilots, many who fly or have flown 777s. The thread has crossed 3,000 posts but some good reading. A couple of thoughts: -It can take a long time to find a plane, even as big as a 777, in the ocean. It's a big place, if you ever go out in a boat beyond sight of land, you realize how big and scary the ocean really is. -The tinfoil hat theories out there right now are awesome! Though, I admit, the way this is being handled definitely leaves the impression that there is a lot that is not being said right now. My biggest questions are: Why was there a standby list for a flight that wasn't full? I'm guessing a weight issue.....so what was in the cargo and why won't they divulge that information?
I'm starting to wonder if what happened was at some point everyone lost consciousness and the autopilot held the plane in a holding pattern until it ran out of fuel and crashed.
Thats what happened to Payne Stewart's plane when he passed away awhile ago. It seems plausible, but that still doesn't explain the radar disappearance. The lack of communications could make sense with some breach in cabin pressure that lead to all of that, but I read on another thread or article that the odds of all communications/feedback going out at once is nearly impossible. I agree that the ideas of alien abductions or North Korean hijacking are a bit ludicrous, but it is suspicious and odd given all the interesting facts about the flight that we know so little. The Air France flight didn't have nearly the amount of intrigue behind it and odd details about passengers, at least from what I recall. Still waiting for Kim Jong Un to take credit for this.
Kim Jung Un only takes credit for sun landings and the like. A plane crash is way too low key for his taste.
Plus those tin tackling dummies with dildo hood ornaments he calls missiles couldn't hit a fucking Antonov if it were parked on the runway.
In my best VI news anchor voice: "THIS JUST IN: Missing Malaysian Flight is still missing. We first reported it last Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You'll recall that we have previously reported on this unfortunate incident. Since the initial report that the plane was missing, we have continued to faithfully report continuously that it is, in fact, still missing. We are really hoping that it continues to be missing for weeks to come, because in the meantime, we can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct any and all ludicrous theories we can think of and find people to be pundits about damn near anything, thus absolving our responsibility of being, well, responsible when it comes to reporting. We will continue to report about the ongoing missing plane, which is still ongoingly missing. God help us if we find it, we may actually have to find some new news, and who the fuck wants to do that? And that's the way your world is tonight. Good night, I'm VI, and have absolutely no qualifications for broadcasting."
Well, they have to do something to distract everyone from the fact they shot that thing down like a Korean airliner. (My personal conspiracy theory.)
Don't planes have black box beacons? They have an ocean crush capacity of 6000m (20,000 ft.) And you might dent one with a tank bullet. Why haven't they honed on it? Something is really off about this. It does sound kind of like some half-asleep moron got trigger happy with a Stinger.
See the issue with the theory of it being shot down is a mid air explosion like that would create a BIG debris field. They would have found SOMETHING by now. Something made this thing go down FAST, and relatively intact that all just sank to the bottom. I've seen mentions of the signal beacon from the black box possibly being picked up by one of the US' nuclear subs in the region, and that being a likely source of information if it is indeed down there. I will say, not that the ridiculous conspiracy theories have any real veracity, but the longer this goes on, the more I suspect some sort of foul play/outside interference of some sort. This seems beyond a "catastrophic" mechanical malfunction.
The longer this goes on the more I suspect certain governments are being difficult to work with. You can bet your life the Chinese don't want the Americans finding this thing before they do. According to the CNN headline, the new fun theory is that it landed on an island somehow. So maybe LOST was prophetic. Next thing you know, the working theory will be that North Korean hijackers, in conjuction with the Chinese and the CIA, which was facilitated by the Illuminati, took the plane and flew it back to North Korea. These people are idiots, the plane isn't in SE Asia, its in a North Korean gulag.
If it crashed hard into the water, it would be smashed. There would be debris somewhere, but it depends on how large the search area is. The thought of it being an accidental shooting and cover up gnaws at my brain. This isn't a shitty 80's movie. Planes don't disappear, there's a 99% chance it's in pieces somewhere. All planes have those beacons. Unless it crashed into the deepest part of the sea, it should be transmitting. CNN is Retard Central. Yeah, we'll just look for the desert island with the Boeing 777 parallel parked on the beach. Assholes.