Season premier: Sunday, July 25th @ 10pm My predictions for season 4: Betty realizes that Henry Francis is old and boring and goes back to Don. Kinsey becomes a thorn in the side of the new agency until Pete bumps him off in a fit of rage while grinning like an asshole and imagining that he's Cosgrove. Despite his insistence that he is happy with Jane, Roger Sterling starts slipping between the sheets with Joan again but not before she sews her cad of a husband to the bed and beats him with a broken broom handle. Despite working at rival agencies, Peggy and Duck get married on the DL and this goes largely unnoticed until Peggy gets knocked up again. Other than the kids and the neighbors (and the annoying teacher lady), did I forget anyone?
I wonder if Sal is going to come back as a member of SCDP. I can't recall if the account he got kicked off for was one of the ones Don/Roger/Pete/Peggy would have brought over with them. You can't really have a show about misogynists without some good old fashioned homophobia.
I didn't include Sal because I thought I'd read somewhere definitively that he would not be coming back for season 4 (It was Lucky Strike that he got fired from and I think SCDP would take them with them). Sure enough: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> I know that Wikipedia isn't considered the most reliable source but even IMDB doesn't list him in the list of episodes for 2010. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Maybe there'll be a different homo?
I don't see a future at SCDP that includes both Pete Campbell and Ken Cosgrove and as much as I love Ken I think Pete is going to say just so the writers can focus on his sniveling assholery. I really interested in how the first few episodes of the season are going to be divided. I think it might jump back and fourth between the founding of SCDP and the fallout at the former Sterling-Cooper but hopefully the entire season won't play out like that.
I'm fairly certain S, C, D, and P didn't even invite Cosgrove to join their new firm. They only brought over Pete, Peggy, and the fat guy that works in television. And Joan came over only when they realized they didn't know enough to pilfer the Sterling Cooper office themselves.
I get the feeling that there is going to be a lot about how the divorce affects the kids this season. They've been integrating Sally more and more into the plot. I hope she sticks it to Betty and runs away to live with Don. Then again, anything bad happening to Betty will be a win in my book. I also imagine Joan's husband is going to die in Vietnam and Roger is going to console her. If we're lucky, he'll realize Jane is annoying bitch and she and Betty will live together in the House of Annoying Bitches, while Roger and Joan sex like rabbits all over the new office.
Quick question for you MadMeniacs: I'm reading Wikipedia right now, brushing up on previous storylines before the new season starts. In it, it mentions that Paul Kinsey (Bearded Fat Guy, as opposed to Bowtied Fat Guy) is "angry when Don chooses Peggy for the new agency over him." Knowing full well that Wikipedia can oftentimes be edited by dipshits...did this happen in a scene I missed or something? Did anyone aside from the collaborators (Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce, Pete/Peggy/Joan/Fat Guy) even know what was happening as of the end of the last episode?
Just off the top of my head, as I haven't seen last season's episodes in awhile, but when he got to work and saw that a specific handful of people had completely moved out of the office, he was pissed. I think I remember him going into her office and seeing it empty and either that's when he got upset or he got more upset. My assumption is that they are wording it that he's angry that Don chose her when the scene really only showed that he saw and was angry at her office being empty. The writers of that wiki part seem to just be putting two and two together as I also don't remember him saying anything specific about being pissed she was taken to the new agency and not him. Edit: I just looked it up and during the scene where the employees find out that Don and co. left, Kinsey opens Peggy's door and sees it empty and yells out, "Dammit!" So, the wiki did just put two and two together in their wording.
I can see the divorce being a big deal. Hopefully they recast a set of older kids since I couldn't fucking stand the boy and they need a girl that can actually handle some heavy material. I love how somehow the writers were able to take Betty and turn her into a uber-cunt even though she was the one who had to put up with years of her husbands lies and philandering. So far I haven't really ever liked Joan's story lines. Honestly if she didn't have monster bomb tits they could push up for the show promotion she would have become a useless background character a while ago. And like somebody so graciously dashed my dreams about her looks here on the board, Ill pose the same question. Have you ever seen this Hendricks girl in anything other than a full figured cover all outfit? Besides the boobs on display they hide the rest of her figure fiercely. My guess? She's dumpy as fuck under all of those outfits. Id actually be glad if they dump Kinsey and Cosgrove(sp?). They never really did much for me. Somehow even though he's a sniveling pantywaist I enjoy Cambell's stories. This is probably too late as the show has already aired...
Well I'll be the first to say I loved this episode. I've never ever seen a show swing someone from bad guy to hero in one episode consistently so well. I mean Dexter, he's a serial killer, but he only kills bad people. This is just perfect writing. He's yelling at Peggy, blowing interviews screwing the agency, paying to get slapped by a busty redhead, reluctantly kicking his ex-wife out his house, and getting shut down by a 25 year old wonderfully played by True Blood Priest's Wife. Yet at the end of the episode, and all his aforementioned assholery, you're fucking rooting for the guy. I like the new Peggy. I want to see how Pete is doing in his personal life. Don't care too much about Betty except she really wants to fuck, god bless her heart, and hates Don still. I'll be happy if they leave Ken and Kinsey, I still don't feel like if they knew if they were also going to make Kinsey gay. He kept see-sawing in my head. Joan...what is there left to say...she makes me want to go take my talents to South Beach.
It's about 50/50. Not too bad: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0#comments</a> Holy fuck what was she thinking?!: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... drick.html</a> Here is everything GFY has done on her style: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... hendricks/</a>
It was really jarring to see Don so blatantly off his game during his date. The awkward lead up to the kiss, the stilted conversation, the blatant missing of cues. The guy whiffed on a ball that was practically set up on the tee for him. And this all from the guy who used to hit a home run damn near every at bat with that sort of thing.
Ahh, "Mad Men". The only thing I missed more than the show itself was the return of the always cryptic, never informative previews for the next episode.
I was so glad to hear Henry's mom criticizing Betty. Betty is a terrible mother and handling the divorce like a child. When Don had to wait up for her and she said, "So? I've had to wait for you plenty of times," I wanted Don to punch her in the face. I was glad he followed up by telling her to get out of the house. If she was really 'thinking about the kids,' she wouldn't be so tit for tat. I also like the new art guy, but that inside joke thing he had going with Peggy was just strange. Here's hoping they never do it again.
I didn't get it either but it has been explained: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nd-marsha/</a>
The first few episodes of Mad Men always start off a little slow as they set up the conflicts that will drive the season. I thought it was interesting to see Don as kind of... pathetic... when his whole persona is about being in control and having a picture-perfect life. But now he lives in a shitty apartment, some asshole is fucking his ex-wife, his new business is struggling to stay above the water, etc. Everything that made him "him" is gone and it makes you realize there wasn't much underneath. Seeing him adjust to that was a pretty cool way to start off the season. The end of the episode obviously showed him making the decision to "play the game" and, in a way, dive even further into the role that has essentially replaced his personality. During the opening scenes I wondered if this season would be just a rehash of older plots while set in a different office—but clearly this season will take a much different direction. Looking forward to it.
Matthew Weinert with the John/Marsha thing is never going to let us forget that they are in the 1960s and will continually throw shit out there to make us Google it and learn. I'll expect more things to come up in each episode that are actual things that require research. I thought Betty's waiting up line was probably the wittiest thing she's said in the last 5-6 episodes. She had/has a damn fine point there. I wonder how Henry is going to handle it because Don is the fucking Alpha male in almost all situations where it isn't 3 against 1 like during that meeting. It's surprising that Don is an creative and it is hurting him to spin bullshit about himself. You couldn't get a creative today to shut their mouth about themselves. CH does have some hit or miss looks, but I don't think anyone has ever assumed she's a skinny bitch. I'll take her anyway. Along with Ms. Moss and Jones. Also, I'm not fond of Peggy's new hair-do. I'm liking the personality and standing up to Don after gathering herself, but not the haircut. I'm with El Tee on this one, the fucking previews are useless. Lost previews gave us more information, I mean...fucking Lost.
Am I crazy, or did Katherine Heigl play the red-headed hooker? It looked and sounded just like her but I couldn't get any confirmation from Googling.