Did they do any press for this at all? I didn't even know about the premiere until it popped up on my RSS Torrent feed. Other than Megan looking amazing and a nice cameo by Neve Campbell it was a pretty dull episode.
Megan is still just eh for me, her teeth man. Though I snickered when her agent talked about fixing her teeth. Neve Campbell looked great for appearing out of whatever cave she's been living in for the last decade. Pete looks ridiculous, but its probably better that way. His new realtor sidepiece looks frighteningly like Sarah Newlin from True Blood until I realized that she had been on the show a few seasons ago as a different character. Episode was ok. Classic Mad Men fashion, setting alot of stuff up, not drawing you in immediately, should be interesting moving forward as always.
Yeah very go no where fast episode. I think Joan trying to strike out on her own a bit was the best part. I know the show gets a lot of shit but man NO ONE is ever happy about anything it seems. Seeing Pete bubbly about his new life on the West Coast was really out of place in a funny way.
OMG, Neve Campbell! I was watching it tonight thinking she looked so familiar. Wow. Do you think that Lou Avery is really that much of a crappy ad man or does he have some sort of bias against Peggy and that is causing him to not recognize a great idea? I'm guessing Megan doesn't know Don was put on leave.
Great 2nd episode! My favorite thing is that Sally perked up right after Don started being real with her. Second favorite thing is Joan and Dawn advancing up through the bullshit.
Holy hell this last episode was fucking great. On so many levels. Everything that happened with Don and everyone's reaction to him was perfect. Half the people were like children happy that daddy was home, the other half acted like he murdered the company and they had to escort him out via swat team. It is going to be interesting how he plays everything knowing he's going to break half the rules given to him. He's not going to be able to work under that adequate loving dick now. That dude is one ornery cock.
I was hoping he would tell them to fuck off, how is Don supposed to follow all those rules? No way that happens.
Right?! He actually agreed to work under Lou? What really gets me is that it isn't like he's desperate. He has other offers. I was actually a little surprised that Joan was not happy about him. I wonder if it is because she thinks he'll take over the office she just set up shop in.
Shit, it didn't click until I read that but his whole day at the office felt like he was playing out Megan's desperate pleas he was trying to stop her from doing. He went back to Roger unannounced and hoodwinked himself back into the office for the day, almost out the door he stops to help the creatives and chat hoping to salvage something, and finally agrees to some shitacular new terms. I mean everything was cringeworthy about it. I thought for sure he was going to say fuck it. I guess he figures Lou is a non fucking issue and it'll take him no time to out gun him in the work department. Show has really picked back up after a weak season opener. Ive loved the past two episodes.
Oh wow, great observation. That's exactly the sort of thing that Weiner does. Of course, I usually don't pick up on that sort of thing myself and end up reading about it on the boards. Something I was reading on the TWOP board that I have a question about and IMDB didn't shed any light - is the girl who came up to Don in the restaurant the flight attendant? If it is, I totally didn't pick up on it - goes to show that people in service really are invisible. Or I'm getting old and everyone looks alike. But if it isn't, then whoever was the girl in the restaurant was still a mystery.
I have been in almost that exact situation (well, not for being a drunk and falling apart in a client meeting . . .) and had the "conditions" paper slid over to me. I slid it back and said "no thanks." My partners bought me out and I started my own firm. So, in the moment, I totally wanted Don to say, "fuck off." But, Don is so good, he'll have everything he wants, even with conditions. He'll end up making Lou look like a dumbass, and quickly everyone there will be lapping up Don's crumbs. Clients will demand he work on things. So, as much as I would've said fuck off, Don actually gets more control in the end by agreeing. Maybe. So, who was the lady that came by the table at the Algonquin?
I do not think the flight attendant was the same girl from the restaurant. Im also kind of sad Harry Crane might be out the door. He's been relegated to a small part of the show as it is but I liked his character. The proper partner guy with the huge glasses is starting to get on my nerves.
Pretty sure that was just some chick trying to get Don's dick. She oh-so-subtly let him know what room she was in and that she would be there all alone. I read that as the guy (Jim?) trying to buy a computer to support Harry, rather than continuing to pay Don. Roger, just interpreted his opening remarks about there being an issue with Harry Crane to mean that Jim wanted him fired. He doesn't, he wants to give him the material support he's been requesting.
I feel a stabbing pain in my chest as I say this, but...I agree with iczorro. I took that to mean that he wants to support Harry so he can back up the shit he talked. Even though it was bullshit. Also, I think Harry Crane is a great character used in moderation. I really don't think they're going to get rid of him, but an episode full of Harry Crane might be too much.
It was definitely NOT the flight attendant. Plus, she and Don know each other by name. Well the flight attendant wanted his dick, too. That may be all that was, but then doesn't that mean she was simply a device to make us think for a moment that Don was knocking on her door, instead of Roger's? So, we're supposed to infer that women all over the place, regulars and randos, are flinging pussy at him, but he's genuinely changed because we see him turn it all down? He did turn down Neve Campbell, too, so I guess that's all it was. The way Weiner brings things around, it just makes me think we're going to hear from her again.
Great point, I didn't think of that one either. And I went back and read up on last seasons finale and I'm still a little puzzled as to why they're so pissed at him a year later. Yeah he torpedoed Hershey, but what does Peggy care? Or Megan? And hoe do you go a year without telling your wife? Anyway, it's probably more of how his return basically drops a nuke on everyone's lives. They're not mad at him because of Hershey, but him coming back makes them realize that they have to reconfigure the rhythms they've worked out out for themselves at the firm. Before he left, they were just objects caught in his orbit, now their back to that all over again. Also that some of them, namely Roger and Peggy, are suddenly hit with the stark realization that their success relies on him, a truth they'd rather not confront. Roger is fading away into irrelevancy and is desperately trying to stay with it (which is why he bangs young hippies) and Peggy's entire career relied on Don. Him leaving meant she was stuck in a dead end filling Teds shoes, now he's back and she begrudgingly accepts it. Don more than anyone represents the older generation and the way things used to be. The older guard of characters need it and want it, others who try and move forward are trying to claw themselves away from it. And Betty's a cunt.
Someone on TWOP mentioned this. Apparently there were clues in the episode about this - the CLIO awards, etc. From Wiki: Also, with Joan, apparently Don also torpedoed the Jaguar account, which affected Joan because she had whored herself out for that account in the first place. I don't remember the details on that one, I only remember there was friction regarding the actual Jaguar account vs. the dealerships. Anyway, I guess the point is that he legitimately pissed off Peggy and Joan, and even though we the viewers want to forgive him, they probably have good reasons not to.
Yeah, wait until Peggy realizes the "not a time piece but a conversation piece" tag line she was lapping up from Freddy was actually Don's pitch. ETA: The inevitable next showdown between Don & Peggy is going to be great. I can't decide if they're going to work together on something to kick somebody's ass or go at each other. It will be tough to top my favorite scene of all time on Mad Men.
This last episode. It is the penultimate "DON IS BACK!" episode, but I'm dying to see what happens. We got 9 episodes left. Does he go out to California? Is there fallout from this awesome threesome that isn't even his idea? Seriously that was awesome. It was good to check in with Stephanie again, but the way Megan handled that was weird as shit. I can't tell if she was really there for the money or not, but she'll definitely take it. Just a sad scene. Also, say what you want about January Jones, but her Betty scenes this season have been great. Also, going to miss Ginsberg.
I would LMAO if Betty actually runs for office. It looks like the threesome was about Megan wanting to be in control of who Don fucks. Bummer about Ginsberg. When I saw the flesh in the box I thought at first he had gone in for a second circumcision. I have a question, though - is he really gay and having a hard time with it, or was the computer turning people into homos thing just part of the burgeoning psychosis? The partners would be better off working to manage and focus Don's incredible talent instead of trying to bury him.