New Jersey is debating a law that would make it Rape by Fraud if a person lied about something with the purpose of obtaining sex. Focus: See any issues with this idea at all? Focus Two: What have YOU lied about in order to get laid?
Re: Lying to Get Laid! We're ALL Going to Jail! Alt focus: One time I told him I made a pie. I did not make a pie. Bump (dem uglies)
To the girl I am currently smanging, I am not really a nuclear physicist billionaire racecar driver. And it was not your roommate that left tumbleweeds of body hair around the toilet. I'm sorry I'm not sorry.
I told the girl I lost my V-Card to that I wasn't a virgin. Either way she didn't care, she was a huge whore and was going to let me smash anyway.
I see many, many issues with this in general. For starters, where are the boundaries? What is considered fraud? "He promised me he would call me again and didn't. So now its rape." This case comes to mind from several years ago, based on religious and cultural deception. Completely consensual sex can retroactively be looked at as rape if the person isn't who they said they were. People over there have gone to jail for years because of this very thing. Various promises were made for money or property or housing. If someone is going to be a gold digging whore, they shouldn't get to call it rape after the fact if no one was actually raped. This is probably the most slippery slope I have ever seen.
Focus: After a quick read, I wonder how they're planning on effectively enforcing this? If passed, how many/what kind of cases could actually be prosecuted? Alt-focus: Said it would only take five minutes. Said I'd do the dishes. Said I'd give her a back massage. This can go on and on.
I tactfully did not tell my first hook up I was a virgin since the subject didn't come up. I figured my performance would be the biggest glaring tell ever but what evs. I heard she was upset in some capacity when someone did tell her. I don't know what reason she would have had to be upset. Thought she was going to get a good drumming from a dude she met an hour earlier? Anyway, with this new law and "any alcohol consumption means you can't give consent" laws. I've been raped and raped every single time I've had sex with a girl. If Chris Rock is a standard for this case, and I think he should, then women have been raping men since time immemorial. The visual lie.
Yeah, this is a horrible, horrible idea. Now I can totally understand the Palestinian/Israeli thing, I mean that shit has tons of crazy history behind on top of the religious aspects tied to it. But it is a slippery slope because its easily a he said, she said.
One of my friends from HS went to college and got recruited, due to being an amazing drummer, into a band of upper classmen that was very well known around the Midwest/Big 10 college circuit. One weekend, we were both visiting our mutual friend and at a party, it came out that he was in said band. 2 girls lit up, mentioned seeing them a month or so prior at their show and that they were fans. My buddy jokingly mentioned that I was the lead singer, and the girl I was talking to practically melted. I thought they knew he was joking as the lead singer was about 6 inches taller with floppy blond hair. But nope, asking questions about their show in Iowa City, where she was from. All the way through hooking up with her on my friend's awkwardly small love seat. I wonder if when the band played there 3-4 weeks later she realized that she was an idiot.
I told the truth about my dick and still got laid. The exchange: Her: Do you have a big dick? Me: Big? Not big. Sufficient? Yes. The nicest thing anyone has said about my dick is that it's "above average" and "well-travelled". Her: Good enough. Incidentally, "well travelled" and "above average" are how my professor describes me. I giggled. I could see this getting used more in terms of misrepresentation: being single, disease free, etc. rather than just straight lying. But, considering this is New Jersey, I think it's mostly to stop people pretending to be a member of the Knicks in order to pound skanks.
I think labelling stuff like this as "rape" is really fucking stupid. Rape is a terrible, gross thing, and the term shouldn't be thrown around casually. If you choose to have sex with someone you just met in a bar or on Tinder, you're not allowed to whine about how they misrepresented themselves; you made your bed. And you fucked in it. Unless something illegal actually happens (like real rape or assault), shut up. You can call them a liar or an asshole, and I might agree with you, but not a rapist. Jesus Christ.
Word. This just might be the most stupid proposition for a law I have ever heard outside of Sharia. Like, I honestly believe it's a hoax because it's so monstrously fucking retarded. You didn't get raped. You were coerced, and you WANTED to fuck or you wouldn't have done it. If anybody believes that somehow constitutes as rape should do the world a favour and take their own life. We're you drugged? Forced? Molested while passed out? You were raped. Being naive doesn't make you a rape victim, it makes you a bimbo whether you're man or woman. What is it with society these days thinking they can throw words around like "rape" and "terrorism" like its lurking around every corner? Do they even know what those fucking words mean in the LEAST?
I have conned several young women into thinking that I am in any way kind, considerate, or intelligent. The smart ones figured it out before their pants ever came off.
After reading the article it seems like this law would only apply as an addition to a fraud charge. And it has no recommended or required punishments which I like because there is a reason why we have judges. I'm going to reserve judgement because I think people should get punished for all of the benefits they receive when committing fraud.
Reading the link about the Israeli law (which I was already aware of), there have only been two convictions. The one mentioned most prominently in the article really seems like bullshit, but the other one seems more like a legitimately criminal behaviour: someone posed as being an employee of a housing agency and traded sexual favours under the false premise that he would help them out somehow. So, here's the question: would it be more illegal to be honest about holding public office to gain sexual favours, or lie about being a public servant to gain sexual favours? If you do really hold a position of power, is it better to actually grant favours or just welch on the deal? There are some lawyers kicking around on the board, so at this point I'm wondering what kind of behaviour has been going on that has somehow been unprosecutable until this law was written. Is it not already illegal for (to use the same example) a housing agency director to accept bribes? Is it not already illegal for somebody to pose as an official for the purpose of accepting bribes? Why wouldn't any kind of favour - financial or physical - be captured under those laws, and why does sex need a special category unto itself? From the original article... I don't think the solution to this particular problem is to retroactively criminalize the consensual sex that those two were having. I can certainly see cases where someone committing fraud for the purpose of gaining sex should absolutely be charged with a sex crime. Casting couch porn videos might be a good example (let's assume that they're real and not staged), or really any position where an employer promises a better chance of a job/promotion/better pay in exchange for sex. But, well, I'm assuming that there are other laws that would cover this sort of behaviour, and the language of the bill: is so vague as to not cover that kind of extortion, and to potentially ensnare people who aren't intended to be prosecuted.
There are already laws that cover having an STD and not revealing it I believe. Not me, but a friend of mine has 2 separate dating profiles. One he is honest about being unemployed, having no prospects and living at home with his parents. The other he claims to be making 200k a year and owns his own house. He was complaining on how the real profile he has to message girls and put all this work into meeting them, but on the fake profile where he just embellished "a little" all these girls were messaging him. Then, didn't understand when he did meet up with them and confessed that they never called him back again.
Yes. The biggest asshole in NBA history, Vernon Maxwell knowingly gave a woman herpes and was charged specifically for that.