I have been watching that show "Disappeared" lately. It's sort of a downer of a show, because they only find the person on like 1 out of every 10 episodes, and that one time it's usually not a good outcome. I have learned that if you disappear as an adult, it's likely that the police will assume that you've just left your entire life behind and won't spend too much time looking for you unless someone kicks a fuss. FOCUS: What have you lost in your life that you never found and, to this day, wonder where it went? What's your best guess as to what happened to it? This can include people, if you know actual people who have disappeared.
I had a really awesome pair of sunglasses that I lost a couple of years ago. These weren't just any sunglasses, they were a pair of frames that I'd had since I was in the 8th grade. They were Flexon (TM) frames, made of sprung steel, so no matter how many times I sat on them, they always sprang back into shape. So anyway, a couple of years ago I decided to have tinted lenses put into them, and I had about 2 weeks of looking cool with my custom shades. Then they were just gone. I have no clue as to where they are, and I retraced my steps to all the places I went to the day I lost them with no luck. Goddam that pisses me off. I had those glasses for 15 years, then they were gone.
I had a stuff animal dog who I called Mutsy. I had left him in my moms car and she said he fell out when she was at the DMV. But if I know that sneaky bitch, foul play is at hand. How does Mutsy simply fall out of the car? He doesnt. The back seat is bucket style that bevels inward, there's no way Mutsy found his way to the hallowed grounds of the DMV without assistance. It's Fagan all over again. Whos Fagan (pronounced Fah-ghan)? He was my blue security blanket that had a hot air balloon on it. My mom had explained that Fagan had been stolen from her bag (i wasnt allowed to have him at school) when she was at Mcdonalds having a hamburger with her stupid friend Sharon. Sharon corroborated this when I returned home and didn't see him waiting for some snuggle time on my bed as per usual. Years later I found Fagan in a box in the basement, gnarled into a rats nest. Although I never found Mutsy, I have always suspected his kidnapping. I can however take solace in that Sharon later caught Diptheria and Hepatitis from being a hooker, (I guess).
Ha, I've only lost one pair of these, but it broke my heart, fucking left it on an airplane. I actually find that I save money buying Oakley's since for the most part I'm a tight ass about making sure I hold onto them. I lost my first pair after having it for 4 years, and I've had my current pair for 2 years. In the meantime I probably burned through 3 pairs a year of the more modestly (~$20) priced ones.
For our second wedding anniversary, my wife bought me a beautiful watch. It was a gold Citizen chronograph with a very handsome leather strap, and ran about $500 at the time (1990). I got tons of compliments for it. The last time I remember wearing it was a Friday night, and I was at the bar as usual. The next day, I was getting ready to go out and went to put the watch on, but could not find it. I turned the condo upside-down looking for it, but no luck. I can only assume I did something really stupid with it the night before at the bar, neither I nor the friends I was with had any recollection about it. A few anniversaries later, she bought me a gold Tag Heuer chronograph with a leather strap. If I mysteriously lose this watch, she has the legal right to cut my balls off, and the papers to prove it.
Here is one with a happy ending. Six months ago I cannot for the life of me find my iPhone, but I absolutely know it has to be somewhere in my living room. I call it, and the ring is coming from inside the couch. Normally this would be great and I would just remove a couple cushions and grab it, but fuck my couch. It is built so that all the cushions are attached and the only way to get into the side where the phone has fallen is through an opening about as wide as my flattened hand. My first awful idea was to just use a saw and destroy the couch to get my phone out, but I eventually just settled on jamming my hand through the opening. The problem now was I couldn’t grab it. I solved this by wrapping duct tape around my hand so it could stick to the phone. After roughly an hour from when I first called it, my couch standing up on its side, I am painfully jamming my hand through this hole and voila I pull out an iPod Touch. Oh yeah… About 3 years ago I bought an iPod Touch which I used for 2 months before it disappeared. The night I lost it I was on public transportation listening to an iPod shuffle while watching something else on the Touch. I looked around my house for about a week just going over and over again in the same spots not wanting to accept I’d just left $300 on a train, eventually giving up. If the Touch hadn’t been the first one I found, it would have stayed in the couch forever.
I LOST any positive feelings I had for you when I clicked on this thread. I thought it was going to be about LOST. I thought that DMix, ICZorro and I were going to have a chance to relive our glory days from LOST threads gone by. God Damn You, Fry Man.
I thought this as well, and considered posting in the Lakes thread about my upcoming vacation to Oahu to play golf and try and get pictures of myself in various LOST areas, but enough people probably know about my unhealthy obsession. Whoops. Damn you, Fry Man, I'd go all Master Shake on your ass if I could.
When I was 10, I lost about $100 in loose change. It got lost in the move from the bedroom I shared with my sister to a room of my own.
I lost (read: it was stolen from the laundry room) a really comfortable grey Joe Boxer tshirt that I borrowed (read: stole) from my sister. I only owned it about a year but oh, that year was sweet.