Just want to make sure this thread carries over. It's been one of the most reliable sources for theories, conjecture, etc. on LOST for the last few seasons. In case you haven't seen it, here's the poster for the final season: http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2009/07/season-6-final-season-poster.html.
This board needs to survive if only to keep this thread going. I hope the resident experts all manage to find their way over here.
I absolutely agree with this. I didn't post in the lost threads very often, but I read every word that was posted as soon as the episodes were over. So you guys need to definitely keep it going.
I really hope this does pick up the way the old board did. Best Lost discussion on the net, hands down. Some of the shit you guys came up with was unbelievably thought-provoking.
This was the sole reason I came to the messageboard for a majority of the time I was a poster. I'm looking forward to discussing the final season here, I guess reading everybody else's conjectures and keeping my dumb ones to myself for a change.
This thread was one of the only reasons I came to the RMMB most of the time. I'm very happy that it has been resurrected. Can't wait for Season 6.
I am so mad that the board went down so quickly because of the Lost threads. I kept up with every season of Lost until season 5, reading your guys' posts after every episode to help me. However, I have been too busy to watch season 5 yet, and was going to start doing that in like a week so I could read the thread, keep up, and be ready for 6. Now that there is no thread, I'm just going to have to watch season 5 without you people explaining how things tie back into the previous seasons and pointing out the tiny details I would have normally missed. Great.
Well it appears as though one of the former cast wants nothing more to do with the show and in fact refused an offer to come back....personally I'd put money on Harold Perrineau....but none of the choices listed would shock me. http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2009/10/latest-from-kristin_20.html
I'd read somewhere about a month ago that they were trying to see how many of the "dead" cast members they could get back, and Yes, Harold pretty much told them to fuck off. Which is fine with me. Michael was an annoying douchebag anyway.
Tell ya what, since we're in the offseason and the only thing coming out are spoilerific set details and casting info, feel free to ask away at anything you find relevant while watching S5 and I or one of the other resident gurus will be happy to tie it all together, might spark some interesting discussion nonetheless. For the first spoiler on the new board, I present something often speculated and confirmed to due set details. Spoiler There will be an alternate, 815 never crashes timeline. How long it lasts is anyone's guess.
Absolutely. I'm not scheduled to start my anual rewatch until the Season 5 DVD gets here, but I'd welcome the chance to dust off the Lost dedicated portion of my brain.
Thank god for this thread. I didn’t realize how much I relied on the RMMB for Lost. I can’t stand reading other forums' Lost threads due to the massive stupidity that is in the majority of them.
Could not agree more. I'd expect the RMMB to be the better than the rest, but the shear disparity between it and the others is incredible. I couldn't tell you how many threads I've seen on other forums where the conversation quickly devolves into imbeciles asking questions that could not possibly have more obvious answers. The discussion on the RMMB thread was tremendous. I can't wait until the season gets started and this thread really gets going.
seeing as how this is the last season, I prefer to go into it not knowing anything. With every other season, I've at least read a couple spoilers, but I can't do that this time. I'd rather let Damon, Carlton and the rest of them take me on the ride the way it was intended. On the other hand, it's awesome knowing that they're bringing back the old characters for this one.
I have missed the hell out of this thread. My job kept me from posting for the last few seasons but now I'm laid off and cannot wait until next year. I'm really happy now that we can block spoilers without having to block out text. Anyone have links to the DHARMA documentary thing that was out this summer? Should be a good start to wet the appetite.
Oddly enough, in a strange "Don't mistake coincidence for fate" type moment, I was two seconds away from posting this as a reminder since the old board is down. http://www.lostuniversity.org/ Bonus points to anyone who posts what two characters have uttered that line. Easy I know but what the hell it's not like the show airs this week.
I know that this has already been said, but thank God this thread survived. I would be so lost without it. Awful, I know. Now I return to lurking.
I was just watching Seinfeld, and I saw Jin diagnose Kramer with gonorrhea. That was unexpected. Anyway, I am really looking forward to the last season. I'm trying to stay away from all spoilers so I can see it totally fresh. I loved reading this thread on the RMMB too, there was a bunch of great information. I doubt I'll post too much more on here, because usually whatever I thought was going on in this show was completely wrong, but I'm looking forward to reading everyone's theories and thoughts.