Anyone else follow this show? Tim Roth plays the lead character who can tell if you are lying by facial expressions and body language. Fucking awesome show. Airs Monday nights at 8 on Fox.
Eh, I watch occasionally. I definitely don't follow it enough to post in a thread about the entire season. It's always the same Dude: "Did you commit [crime]?" Criminal: "No." Dude: "You're lying. I can tell because you farted to the left and blinked three times" Dude + Everyone: "LOCK THIS MOTHERFUCKER UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY" I'm sure there's more to it than my sarcastic observations. I base them on the short spurts when I catch a few minutes of an episode. I've never been able to get into it though. I watched like the first three episodes of season one, and lost interest. I think I remember it being funny. What time, network and day is it on?
Monday nights at 8 on Fox. You could say that for just about every show on TV, that every episode pretty much follows the same basic plot line, but Roth nails the lead role. His sarcastic prick role is great.
I watch every episode. I like the show, but pretty much only because of Lightman. I get kind of annoyed by Dr. Foster and everyone else always explaining everything they're seeing, because it just seems so forced. I understand they have to, otherwise you wouldn't know what the hell was going on. I kind of equate it in my head to the Da Vinci Code movie. Figuring out all the puzzles and riddles works much better in a book, where you don't have to have the character speaking necessarily. I realize this post probably doesn't make much sense..
I've been watching this series faithfully since the pilot and I love it. Mainly because of Tim Roth. He's such a unique soul and he makes the Lightman character very fun to watch. Yes, redbullgreygoose, though there is a "formula" that this show follows, the same can be said of most other shows, but there are always lots of twists and turns that make it more interesting. I happen to love the Dr. Forrester character. I think she is sexy as hell. This show does just what it supposed to for me - entertain, and I look forward to it every week. I can't wait for Human Target to return too!