After watching this, I can see that teenagers continue to do whatever it takes to get fucked up. Funnel beers up their ass? Check. Vodka enemas and vodka soaked tampons? Check. Focus: What's the funniest thing you've ever seen someone do to get fucked up? Alt. Focus: For the drug-lite users, what's the most interesting thing you've ever made a bong out of? FOCUS: I remember growing up, we had a friend that got into the heavy drugs real early, and out of control. He was just a mess, and we realized this when he paid my buddy to let him huff the gasoline in his garage. This I posted in the home remedies thread: If you wanna smoke crack and your lighter is dead, fear not. Take a cotton ball, put it at the end of a clothes hanger, dip the cotton in rubbing alcohol and shoot a couple sparks off the dead lighter. Why a crack head would have rubbing alcohol and no lighter I don't know. Maybe it's the cheaper way of smoking as you might burn through a lighter rather quickly.
I have a friend who once ate an ungodly amount of rum cake hoping to get drunk. We were about 17, and on a school trip to Europe. For the first 24 hours we tried sticking to the "No Drinking" rule, eventhough we all thought it was bullshit. So in some sort of act of defiance, he ate like 20 pieces of rum cake thinking that it would get him drunk. We were in some cafe in Paris with all the teachers/chaperones, and the 20 or so students. I still remember looking at him when he finished. He had unbuckled his belt, untucked his shirt, and was kind of slumped back in his chair. He still had crumbs around his mouth and had this look of pure anguish and despair on his face when he looked at me and said "Dude. I don't think it's working."
It's a hoax, but deep down, in my heart of hearts, I hope... nay, KNOW, some kid has tried this. Jenkem, aka Butt Hash: That's right. Fermented poo. I remember the news down here in South Florida reported on it, but no confirmed cases. There has to be at least one hick that funneled his shit into a bottle, fermented it, and was too embarrassed to tell anyone that he had a ring of his own shit around his mouth and a blazing headache.
By far the best bong I ever saw and likely will see was made from a stolen Erlenmyer flask. Guy took a flask with a side spout, attached some rubber hoses and sealed a rubber stopper with a bowl through the main opening. The result was a bong with a choke: you inhale to bring the smoke through the water and into the main body of the bong, and then release the choke to inhale the smoke. Fucking genius. If only that guy would have applied his ingenuity to actual chemistry, think where we'd be right now.
I was in Spanish class freshman year and behind me I hear this vacuum sound. The teacher is totally out to lunch and only there because she's got tenure. I turn around and this dude has white out solution gripped in the palm of his hand and his face is red from inhaling so hard. WTF!? First time I'm seeing this. "WTF are you doing man?" I grab it from him and look at it. Clearly written on the packaging are the words TOXIC if inhaled. I bring this to his attention. "Whatever man. All I know is like in 5 seconds Ima be high as hell".
Alt. Focus: When I was a freshman in college on of my friends dropped his bong on the pavement outside our dorm. We still all wanted to smoke so we managed to fashion a new one out of 3 keystone cans and the old slide. It worked well for the first couple hits but wore out relatively fast and we threw it away after smoking 2 bowls out of it.
In undergrad we made a contraption to vaporize alcohol so you could inhale it. Essentially we poured some liquor into a glass bottle, put it in a pot with water and heated it. We kept the temperature below boiling, so that the alcohol would turn to gas but not the water. There was a bag attached at the top, and we could inhale the fumes. Worst way to get drunk, ever. Hot alcohol vapor is freaking disgusting, and you'd have to inhale a huge amount to get the booze from one shot of liquor. Oh well, live and learn.
In high school my main extracurricular activity was doing drugs, but the problem was I had no connections to buy any of the good ones. To compensate, me and my retard friends pursued a variety of "non-traditional" avenues. Here is the worst thing I ever tried: That's right, I ate a cactus. The San Pedro cactus contains small amounts of mescaline, same as in the peyote Indians use to commune with their dead ancestors. And it's legal too! Sounds like fun, right? DEAR GOD NO. There are a bunch of ways to eat it, all of them equally awful. They all start with taking all the needles off with a knife, then skinning it like a cucumber, revealing a big green slimy 18" dildo underneath. That's what you need to eat to get your high. I ended up blending mine, which was a big mistake. The resultant liter or so of goo it made was really bitter, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was it was literally the exact same consistency of semen. Trying to chug it was like trying to chug a green vat of horse cum. It was so fucking awful that I almost puked multiple times. Of course, none of that stopped me from finishing it all. The result? A mild body buzz and I felt a little spacey. The things we do to get fucked up...
For a second there I thought that was a video of a old school friend that was uploaded ~5 years ago. He was a rather impressionable lad, and we were bastards so convinced him to try it. Burning is apparently more overwhelming than drunk.
Wow never had a board member so open about their gay/horse fucking sexuality. We made our first bong out of one of those long novelty drinking glasses you get on spring break or on a cruise. Fashioned it with a 20 oz coke cap for the "bowl" and a screen off of a sink. I think we inhaled more melted plastic than weed. As for trying to get high on weird shit, my buddy really wanted to try that Salvia extract shit. He bought a bag of the unextracted leaves but didn't know they needed to be further processed. So we sat there trying to smoke these dried leaves out of a bowl and of coarse jack shit happened and it tasted like he had just pulled them off of a pile in his back yard. Lame.
I've done the vodka IV ala Steve-O. The guys I did it with were licensed medical professionals in the finest sense (Army medics). It worked out pretty well, three drops and five minutes later I didn't need to prefunk for the club anymore.
One of the geniuses I grew up with fancied himself to be some kid of badass rebel. Of course, everyone knows rebels smoke. But this waste of carbon couldn't get ahold of real cigarettes. His solution: Take a Q-tip, and strip the cotton from one end Wrap scotch tape around the end that still has cotton Light the tape, pull through the stick Of course, this was right around the time that Pogs were cool, so this was probably about par for the course for kids that age.
I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK?! How could that possibly have seemed like a good idea? It burns for a reason, idiot. Because it's not good for you. Amongst other issues, alcohol is a known way to create rapid dehydration. Think of what happens when you spill some rubbing alcohol on a kitchen counter. That shit evaporates, fast. Your eyeball is made mostly of water. And the rest of various things that need a lot of water to survive. Admittedly, I'm not a scientist. So I don't know HOW dangerous this is. But it has to be somewhere between "quite" and "you're going to go blind." God that's stupid.
We once made a bong out of a plastic garden gnome and called it "Bong Su-Hong" after some guy we saw in a martial arts magazine. Oh, I should probably mention that we had a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook and tried most of the nutmeg & banana peel recipes in there but didn't lick any toads. The only thing we felt off anything was a headache.
We tried nutmeg in 6th or 7th grade and it didn't work. Also, pulled an acid recipe off the internet which was in it's infancy, with no success. I never tried that shit though.
In college, a house down the street had a large front garden full of delicious opium poppies. My roommates and I waited months for the seed pods to ripen, and then went out at 3am and cut them all off. We spent a week chasing the dragon with the small amount of opium we extracted, and then used the leftover pods for tea. The high wasn't much different than a couple Vicodin, but the brief novelty of having an opium den was worth it.
You people are amateurs... My friends and I made a bad ass gravity bong out of: a mop bucket gallon OJ container (with the handle cut off, bottom hole was the 'bowl' and the other taped off) a snorkel some tin foil It pretty much rocked our faces off.
Back when I was still together with my ex-wife, she was hanging out with her stoner friends (STUPID stoners, not the more educated, scientifically thinking variety that are my friends.), and one of them said they had a hookup for codeine. I told her to go for it and gave her the money, $30. Spoiler I also want to mention that I had been crossing over to Mexico since I was 15 to buy prescription drugs, and had never encountered codeine, but I knew what opiods could or could not do. What we got back for our troubles was a bottle of Mexican cough syrup, Coderit (TM). She was told by the douche bag, er, I mean dealer, to soak a cigarette in it and smoke it. She said that she and her friends did it and got a buzz. When I tried it, it seemed that the cigarette burned at a higher temperature than a normal coffin nail, because my tongue and throat burned during the process. But I never got a buzz, even after several tries. Finally I pulled my head out of my ass and read the drug facts. The amount of codeine in the solution was nowhere near high enough to get you high from smoking the amount that would soak into a cigarette. Instead, I did the math and just drank the bottle (250 Milliliters if I'm not mistaken). The high was first class, I have to admit. Bad part: I went to my usual prescription opiod hookup in Mexico, AND FOUND OUT THAT PARTICULAR BRAND OF COUGH SYRUP SELLS FOR $10-12 DOLLARS! I was fucking pissed; I felt raped. NO ONE does that to me. I tried my best to find that fucker, going around to people who knew him, saying I wanted to buy some more, but he seemed to have just vanished off the face of the earth. However, I haven't forgotten about it, and if I ever find him, I'll either get the money I am owed, or take it out of his hide.
Dude. It's 20 bucks. You'll be okay. The best bongs I've seen were both made by my friend. One's a refashioned gas mask, and the other is a shotgun that you pull the trigger on to inhale. They call that one "Kurt."
Really?! So can you loan me 20 bucks? I promise I'll pay you back... Bottom line is I don't appreciate being slighted, in any way shape or form. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate buying something and finding out later that you overpayed by 300%. Seriously though, I'd like to see how you did that shotgun bong, it sounds cool. What model of shotgun was it?