The Wife and I had my parents over for dinner last night, which is always pretty fun. I mean that in the most non-sarcastic way too- I actually really love my parents, and they are absolutely hilarious sometimes. Sure, they make a point of walking around my house and nitpicking certain things that I should be doing (those tree limbs are getting WAY to close to your roof- you should take a chainsaw and spend at least 38 hours of back breaking labor trimming those back- no, why should it matter that you were recently involved in a accident involving heights and the closest limb is about 25 ft high?), but all and all it was a fun evening. The funny stuff happened after dinner- we had moved to the living room to have an after-dinner drink or two before they made their way home. After we had watched the news for a little bit, I switched the channel over to South Park, which my mom absolutely hates. This was unacceptable to drunken me (my dad and I had killed two bottle of wine by this point and had moved to bourbon), so I made it my goal to convert her by having her focus the NOT evil things about the show, particularly the sweet and innocent character Butters. If yall watched last night, it was the Raisins/Goth episode where Butters falls in love with the little Raisins Girl and has his heart broken. I actually think my mom was starting to come around at the end (aaaawwww, look at the little poof ball on his head, he's adorable!)- that is until the goth kids asked him to join their group. He gave a little speech, which just completely endeared him to my mom and The Wife... "Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid..." ... Until he got to this part: "Well, thanks for offering to let me in your clique, guys, but, to be honest, I'd rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy Goth kid" My mom got my dad and left at that point. Oh well, I still love Butters. Anyway, so now I'm hungover this morning, but I plan on going down the river with my wife and staying the night at the swamp camp if the weather holds out tonight. I wanted her to get a chance to stay there before the baby comes (which is really really close), as she's never spent the night there and I think she's have a lot of fun doing that. Also, everyone's first night there, they get an alligator thrown in bed with them, so I kinda have to do it before the baby comes too, you know. Oh, and don't try to move any of that religious thread into this one. Assholes.
Can we talk about politics instead? I'm leaving for Europe in about 8 days. So before then I basically have to drink ALL the remaining grog left in my room/collection. So tonight I'm enjoying some Jim Beam, Wild Turkey, Chivas and Southern Comfort. Not many drinks left in either bottle, but I'm enjoying the variety anyway
Happy tax day everyone! And happy five year anniversary for me and the GF! I swear the fact that it was tax day had no effect on us meeting. Make fun all you want, but Friday is peanut butter and jelly day, and you KNOW his mom will cut the crust off the sandwiches.
How do you post pictures like this and have the audacity to say you can't find a good logo for your website? Probably isn't what your target audience is looking for, but hell, I'm sure you'd get style points for it.
It's 11AM and I'm up to my eyeballs with German engineers from a will-remain-nameless plastic cutlery manufacturer this morning. I understand why German engineers design some of the most well put together cars on the road... these fucks leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of efficiency and improvement. Having them in our facility is no picnic though. At least they like to drink during lunch. Two hours at my favorite local steak & "brew haus" will hopefully dull the edge on these guys.
I'll say hi to the $330 bucks I made freelancing this week, plus the $405 I get from the state because what they don't know about my income won't hurt them.
It's a good thing that we have until Monday considering I have yet to file my extension! Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow!!
Just jammed my toe and broke part of my toenail. Is this a good reason to knock of work early, go home and get drunk? Oh hush up you, I know about the holiday, but April 15th will always be tax day to me. Not that it matters since I already filed in early March unlike some of you *ahem* 'less proactive' people.
2 years ago I was unemployed for 3.5 months, living with a relative and taking money from the government. I watched movies and old TV shows online everyday, I smoke a TON of pot, and read comic books all the freakin time. It was by far, BY FAR, the best 3.5 months of my life. Not that I would willingly go back to it, mind you. I have a good job, am now paying rent and I'm getting married next year. At the time though? AWESOME. I think everyone needs to get laid off and then be on the dole for a few months. It really was the best thing that ever happened to me.
When you have to write a big check - even if you are only filing an extension, it's best to wait to the last minute! Not to mention, I'm not as anal as you actuary types!!
Yeah, that's right, you don't have the chops to make it in this field. Now go back to running your highly successful manufacturing company. ...fuck
Why do people feel the need to use the "check-in" function on Facebook? Is it to convince other people that they do indeed have friends and go out? I hate it when my own friends check me in somewhere. I'm here with you, and other people. I don't give a fuck if anyone else knows. In other news I'm drunk. But this thread doesn't workas well when it's still morning/mid-afternoon for the rest of you*. * shouldn't be an excuse
You can turn off the ability to let other people check you into places, I did that asap. What better way to let someone know that you aren't home and your house is ripe for burgling than to post it on the internet for everyone to see.
So I decided to be nice, and picked up donuts for my part of the office. As I was driving to work, I remembered that the last two times I have done that, the GM brought in bagels. So of course, I get in, and there are bagels. Then the head of our technical department also brought in donuts. Synchronicity, I tell you what.