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Learn while in college? Why would I do that?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by downndirty, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Don't hook up with people in your program unless you're going to marry them. Hook up with people in your random Gen Ed classes that if shit gets weird you'll never have to see again.
  2. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    This, oh God this. You're probably going to do it anyway, but just know that it's a bad idea. It's even worse when you actually have to work on massive projects with your ex(es).
  3. stcardsfan

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Like someone said previously, say 'yes' to everything. You don't need to play Call of Duty or see what happened on the latest episode of Jersey Shore. Get out of your dorm/apartment and meet as many people as possible. You never know who you might meet or what life can throw at you when you take advantage of opportunities that are presented to you.

    I decided to join a fraternity and that was probably my best decision during college, because it just opens so many doors and opportunities for you (networking with alumni for jobs, friends for life, meeting girls, intramurals, leadership positions you should run for, etc.). I had a very small greek system at my university, so everyone knew everyone and it was almost overwhelming the amount of random invitations/parties/mixers you go to.

    DON'T hang out with only your high school buddies who went to college with you. Everyone needs to expand their social network as much as possible and everyone benefits. Step outside your comfort zone and you will reap the benefits.
  4. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    This reminded me of a guy I went to college with. "Dave" met "Kim" the first day of freshmen orientation. They were together for the entire 4 years, and everyone thought it was obvious they'd get married after graduation. Then, she dumped him the day before commencement. She was "the one" alright. "The only one" he ever hooked up with in 4 years. Talk about regrets.
  5. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My wife and I went to high school together. Started dating my senior year of HS. We went to college together, stayed together, and are now married. We're very happy. We don't have kids yet (and have no desire to have kids yet), and still take awesome vacations and have fun together.

    Look, when it comes to college, yes, a lot of people are there to hook up and party and get wasted 14 hours a day (with the other 10 reserved for sleep and class). However, just because that was right for YOU doesn't mean that is right for EVERYONE.

    Therefore, my other college advice is: be yourself. Just because something didn't work for you or for your friends doesn't mean it won't work for everyone. Just because you love to go to the bars or frat parties and hook up doesn't mean everyone does. Frats and sororities aren't for everyone. The bars aren't for everyone. Dance clubs aren't for everyone. There are exceptions to every rule.

    Are the chances of you and your high school girlfriend staying together good? Fuck no. I fully realize I am the exception to the rule. However, realize that when you go to college, you have to be yourself. If you're at a decent sized university, you'll find like-minded individuals to become friends with and socialize with, you just have to seek them out. If you hate going to the bars, don't hang out with a bunch of guys that want to spend every conscious minute in college wasted... find other guys who like to sit at home and play poker or some shit. My college friends and I used to hang out at one guy's house, play poker, pool, video games, and just shoot the shit. We rarely went out to the bars or the clubs. None of my friends had issues hooking up (and with a girlfriend, I clearly didn't NEED too). Don't let someone tell you that you're wrong because you don't like the same things they do.

    If I listened to what other people told me, my wife and I wouldn't be together. We wouldn't have this awesome house that we live in now. I wouldn't be back in school studying to do something that I am going to enjoy. I'd have spent most of college sitting in a bar or in a dance club, being miserable, because I fucking hate bars and dance clubs. If you meet someone you really like and you two click, don't dump him/her because you're friends say you shouldn't 'date' anyone in college. If they don't want to date in college, that is their choice... don't let them make the choice for you. Part of being in college is growing up, taking responsibility for yourself, and making your own choices. The biggest regret you'll ever have is if you let someone else dictate your choices, whether it be what classes to take, or whether or not to date someone. Make your choices and take responsibility for them. Then, good or bad, at least you'll know it was YOUR choice, and not something you didn't want to do but were talked into doing by others.

    Does that suck for Dave? Yeah, it really does. At the same time, it was Dave's choice. What if they had gotten married? Hell, what if "Kim" was told by all her friends that she had to dump "Dave" because "you don't marry your college boyfriend?" What if Kim then looks back and regrets the decision to give into the bullshit peer pressure and dump Dave? What if Dave doesn't necessarily regret his time with Kim? What if he enjoyed the time he spent with her, and even though he wasn't out hooking up, it didn't matter because he isn't a fan of random hookups?

    Look: if a relationship works, and you're happy together, and you have fun, and you click, don't break up because you're 'in college' and "the thing to do in college is to hook up with as many people as possible.' That's just some pussy peer-pressure bullshit, and it is completely against the entire edict of be yourself. If the relationship isn't working, obviously, you get the fuck out. But do what is right for YOU... not what everyone else dictates is right for you.
  6. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Hmm, you don't say.

    Just kidding, and you're absolutely right about being true to yourself, however, most 18 year olds can't comprehend what that truly means. And while you did have a good experience I think we can all agree that you are the exception, not the rule, and the VAST majority of kids in that situation are making a mistake they will regret later. Not to mention the fact that going to the same college stacked the odds heavily in your favor like the other exception I mentioned above, being separated for 9 months per year adds a whole different strain to the relationship.

    Then again like you touched on at the end of your post, listening to everyone else, basing your life on the best odds and being a risk averse shut in is probably way worse than making the mistakes yourself and seeing WHY they are mistakes or benefiting from going against the odds.
  7. Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
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    Village Idiot

    Jun 18, 2010
    Fraternities are for fags.

    Paying for friendship? Check.
    Paying to bang sloots? Check.
    Be a bro? Check.
  8. hotwheelz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Making generalizations about thousands of people with limited personal experience? Check.
    Possible homophobia? Check.
    Douche? Check.
  9. PewPewPow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Unless you're in a fraternity there's only one party of theirs you should go to in the year, motherfuckin' Halloween.
    People fucking in public? check
    Wasted chicks all over the place? check
    Chicks wearing next to nothing? check

    From what I understand, living in a fraternity actually ends up being less expensive than other off-campus housing. I can understand the appeal, it's just not my thing.

    On that note: If you're not in the greek system and you date a sorority girl prepare for lots of mean-mugging by frat boys when you show up at their parties with her. Just slap her ass, enjoy the free beer, and wear a shit-eating grin.
  10. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    I'm an exception to every one of these above "rules".

    We're not nearly as uncommon as it may seem. Your college experience is supposed to be what you make of it, not what someone else tells you it is.
  11. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Be careful about what you say and do. Sure college is a place of "self discovery" and is a great time but don't take shit too far. You never know who someone is or who their mom, dad, or other relatives are. You may be burning a bridge that could've gotten you a job later on. Also, keep an updated list of contacts. You never know who or what you're going to need later on and you may know someone who can help you out or hook you up.