Pretty much any show FX has started lately has been money so I'm fucking pumped for this show. Plus it has Timothy Olyphant. Fuck yeah.
This may seem like something trivial to others from the board but I feel it's pertinent to me because of me growing up in Ky. I hope that Justified does a somewhat decent job of real life in Kentucky. I'm glad that they picked some countries that are pretty old-fashioned and seem to be sticking to that. It's just that I don't want to see another "Elizabethtown" where they use generic shots of around Ky and try to blend them together.
It seems to me that FX does a very good job of "enhanced realism" when it comes to their original drama stuff. SoA has been shown to be fairly faithful to the world of bike clubs and 1%ers in general. Rescue Me, I know has actual firemen not only consulting but acting on the show. FX seems to do whatever is necessary to put out a good quality product. And that's why I love them. But I'm sure you'll point out flaws once it starts up, and I look forward to hearing them.
Liked the show, definitely going to continue watching. Spoiler Not sure how the whole ex-buddy-who-is-now-a-skinhead thing is going to work out. Maybe a lot of non-fatal shootings are coming up. Either way, it's good. One thing, though: what's with all the "shit." I think in the first 5 minutes of the show a guy said something to the effect of, "shitty shit storm." I'm all for the use of the word 'shit' on television, but it felt unnecessary, like they were trying too hard to make the show feel more badass by including swearing when it was already quite clearly steeped in badassery.
I'm surprised that you all seem to love Timothy Olyphant. He's the primary reason I won't even give the show a shot.
This show is getting recorded until further notice. The pilot was excellent. I hope they bring back a lot of actors from Deadwood to be on this show, Trixie the whore and Alma Garret can be the lesbian meth traffickers with hearts of gold. Al Swearengen can run the local whorehouse, comes across as an asshole, but is really a good guy who helps the sheriff every episode. Or they could just leave it alone and I'll watch it anyway.
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This. He was so badass without being a badass in that show. Spoiler Although he's already shot twice as many people in one episode of Justifed as he did on the whole run of Deadwood.
So I just watched the third episode and I'm pretty disappointed with this show right now. I thought the first episode was great. Hell, they could have just made that a movie in and of itself and I think it would have been pretty decent. My problem is now that the episodes feel disjointed. I'm not a fan of shows that do this one crime per episode and the main character solves it. It becomes too formulaic and predictable. With this being on FX I figured they would have taken a big hint from SOA and gone for what I would call the slow build, but no they made it CSI with less microscopes and more general badassery. And his hat is fucking ridiculous.
Here's the problem with this show: expectation. FX sets a pretty high bar, between SoA, The League, and It's Always Sunny. Justified is a good show for what it is, it just belongs with shows like White Collar or Burn Notice.
Not to mention Rescue Me. It's only three episodes in, I think it's doing well so far. The sniper deputy? It was bugging me that he looked familiar, but I didn't bother to check imdb. Then it hit me. It's fucking Cooper Harris from Eurotrip.
Meh. I want a lot to enjoy this, first few episodes were pretty good. Maybe its because I got spoiled by discovering and subsequently devouring the first three seasons of Dexter last month but the single serving story of this is not grabbing me like I had hoped. The premise and main characters are solid but, just meh. Quick question to anyone that is still watching. Did i miss something or is there a reason Rayland hates the black lady detective, per the latest episode? It seemed sortve out of place and unnecessary. Rayland is kindve the likeable hero with issues type but he just seemed like a prick. Anyhow I'll keep watching becasue it's still better than most of the garbage on tv.