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Juan Valdez and his hairy ass...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nettdata, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. SaintBastard

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Dirty South
    I don't have much of a relationship with any particular caffeinated beverage, but I always try to ask for one every time I meet an aspiring actress or DJ
  2. lugmastro

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 5, 2009
    Immersed in a culture devoid of human intelligence
    Since I have always been a 2nd shift kinda guy forced to work in a first shift world, my addiction to caffeine started at a very young age.

    Throughout high school it was between a 6 pk and a 12pk of coke a day, plus a couple shakes complete with ultimate orange (not that pussy shit they sell now that doesn't have ephedra in it) . In college and my first few years in the military I supplemented my 6pk a day habit with coffee in the mornings. Always black and strong.

    Finally, about three years ago during a shooting package I found out about the wonderful world of energy drinks. For along time I was drinking 3-4 Monsters a day. After a couple years of it I could no longer take it, so I backed off the energy drinks and switched back to coke.

    I am proud to report that these days I am down to no more than 2 cokes and a red bull a day. As a recovering caffeine junkie I am very proud of my accomplishment. Now if I could just cut down on nicotine.