Re: John Mayer's 'Hood Pass' Doesn't Seem To Cut In the Media Nothing new here. All else being equal, men prefer European over African females. White women act offended because it re-enforces the notion of white girls as sex objects while they're secretly titillated that they're lusted after, black women are offended because it's all these long-haired white bitchez stealin all the menz. Everyone else pretends it's some outrage. White guilt. Political correctness. Ad nauseam. John Mayer is still a douche though. What the fuck is this hood pass shit?
I'm going to take his side on this. The things he was saying weren't racist if you look at the context. People just hear the words and freak out. However, he should have had the common sense to realize this was going to happen. A white man can not drop the N bomb in ANY context without a huge public backlash. I don't understand where the sexist accusation comes from. He is describing using some hyperbole how much he likes to have sex with a particular women. Though it isn't fair to Jessica Simpson that he go around describing their sex life without her consent, what he said has nothing to do with women in general.
I think it's a case of someone both speaking his mind and saying outrageous stuff to get a reaction out of people because he knows he can get away with it. Sure, people might call him out on the shit he says but really nothing that actually threatens his career or livelihood will come out of it.
Honestly, I feel pretty similarly about this as I do about Tiger. He did something stupid, but that doesn't diminish the talent(s) that made him popular in the first place. If John Mayer doesn't like blacks, or his attitudes about racism seem a little too nonchalant for a white guy who found his way to the top by singing to squealing 12 year old girls, then he should probably just learn to shut his damn mouth and wail on the guitar like the little music monkey that he is. The guy can really play well, too. If he's a douchebag, then that's fine with me, as long as that douche-baggery doesn't begin to inject itself into his music. So, to sum it up: Douchebag? Yeah, probably. Should we care? Probably not Sidenote: My BAC could be 1.0 and I still wouldn't be drunk enough to want to out-gay Perez Hilton.
Re: John Mayer's 'Hood Pass' Doesn't Seem To Cut In the Media I have got to hear/see your explanation for this. Not that anyone would disagree, of course. But I really want to see if the basis for your preference and the basis for mine align with that of every other man. Focus: I am not sure if I mind John Mayer saying these things or not. I will have to give it serious consideration, of course, because it's important whether or not I think John Mayer is a douchebag.
Eh, I'm a huge fan of his guitar playing, he can do some really amazing stuff. His use of the 'n' word, if the context cited in the original post here is correct, doesn't really strike me as a big deal, and I think is actually pretty important to his point. Does he say stuff that will offend people? Sure, I guess. It doesn't mean I particular think he's the most insightful guy on the planet. As usual, the media encourages these types of responses (it's what sells!) and then hangs the person with it. So he's a bit stupid if he didn't think these responses would be used to vilify him.
Fuck that shit. I LOVE black chicks. Despite what he said, I always thought he was kind of a douche anyway.
Great job Mayer, nice to see a glimmer of rock star underneath the popped collars and pomade covered faux hawks. Not that the things he said in this interview are indicative of any rockstarness, just the general I-don't-really-give-a-shit attitude inherent in it. I hope he realizes if he would just go full rock star mode, nobody would care what the hell he said or did. As it is, he's still hanging onto this teenie-bopper "Body is a Wonderland" fan base that loves to go into an uproar over this shit. Fuck it, go get addicted to a real drug rather than Jessica Simpson's dumb ass pussy, have strange orgies with both girls and guys, go into a racist rant on T.V. ala Michael Richards, because we all know Kramer is a rock star. That's right, I want Mayer to do these things.
Most famous people are so carefully managed by their publicist so the only image that we get is the one that they carefully create and develop, that I think it is kind of refreshing to see somebody be raw and interesting. Or maybe this is all a part of the image he is trying to portray, who knows. But it was an interesting read. And for the record, I don't think his comments were racist in the context of the article. Regarding the dating thing, he was expressing a personal preference similar to how we here have expressed a preference for skinny vs. curvy girls. I don't see it as a racial issue. Dropping "nigger" was probably more of a poor choice of words then an expression of racism by my interpretation too.
Yeah. I hadn't read the apology when I made the earlier comment. God why is he so fucking lame. Even now that I've read some of the comments in the actual article he just seems gay. Especially this little gem: Yeah dude, you're very. And here I thought this was a sign of good things to come.
Isn't fair? Dude, this is the best press she's gotten in months. She was stopped and asked about what he'd said by TMZ I think, she smiled like the Cheshire Cat. You're thinking about "hood" too literally. Not her hood, The 'Hood. As far as what he said, who the fuck cares? It doesn't hamper his ability to play. I agree with the above poster in that, if he'd just go balls to the wall saying shit like this and not come out directly after with some tail between his legs apology, it wouldn't be so blown out of proportion. Why are people so god damn whiny about everything? Get over it.
I had no idea this became-a-musician-to-get-laid weirdo had such an acid tongue, and I don't care whatsoever. Yes, I know he can play guitar very well, but Joe Satriani can play at LEAST twenty times better than him and Satriani's songs don't make women talk loudly around you about what a musical genius he is when he's clearly a hack. I mean, that video posted earlier has him with TWO POPPED COLLARS on while playing on stage, what more do you need to know?
I think the two popped collars was a bit...tongue in cheek, to say the least. Hell, I think the guy's hilarious. And comparing Mayer to Satriani is like comparing George Harrison to Yngwie, they're both good players in their own right, but you can't go and say which one is better than the other without missing the whole point of what both are trying to do.
Before you reply to this thread watch this video first, Sam N posted it recently: Say what you want about how he acts offstage but you can't deny that the dude can play like Jesus himself. Edit: However, his guitar face is fair game.
I bet that's his "O face" too. I enjoy his music and think he is very talented. Who he sticks pecker in has nothing to do with that. Not to me anyway.
I feel like Mayer is playing a joke on the entire world and just isn't letting anybody in on it. Face it- there are thousands of great guitar players who never make it. The closest they'll come to fame are a couple of sessions recordings and that's about it. They were "this close to making it". They didn't make it because they play guitar extremely well and that's it. Mayer could have gone that route. Instead, he opted to write shitty love songs to teenagers and rake in millions. His commentary on his own music is hysterical and there's now way that it's not tounge in cheek. Personally, I think he's taking it a little too far this time, but that's just this man's opinion and I've never sent any money his way.
Haha, yeah I posted that video. Ridiculous. Joe Satriani is undoubtedly better than Mayer, I won't argue that. I think my reasoning for this desire to see Mayer stop being such a pussy and actually become a rock star is pretty astute though. He is a pretty boy, well liked and respected by both sexes (especially female though), and has the popularity to perhaps help move top 40 Western music from this nauseating blend of processed rap garbage and even worse child pop dog shit, back to actual rock. Satriani is great, and will always be well liked and respected by guitar nuts and "older" music fans, but he isn't mainstream popular like Mayer is. I mean Ozzie Osbourne bit the heads off animals on stage and tried to strangle his wife. Keith Moon paraded through a Jewish neighborhood in a Nazi uniform, and ran around butt naked on buses filled with underage people. And Mayer is demonized for saying "nigger" in an interview (in a non-derogatory way). Jesus.
What do you mean capitalizing on the never-ceasing female demand for vicarious love could be a lucrative marketing strategy?
I don't really care about his music one way or another, but I think the interviewed showed that he's pretty funny, and willing to press people's buttons. Saying that his dick is racist just means that he finds white women more attractive. We don't choose who we're attracted to, so there's nothing really racist about it. I agree with the other people who said that people just read the words out of context and get offended. The majority of our country is incapable of basic interpretation and deductive reasoning. Is John Mayor a douche? Probably. Does it matter? Not really. All I care about is whether I find him more amusing than annoying, and since I can ignore anything I find annoying, he's definitely more amusing.