First episode is tonight. I, for one, can't wait to see what sort of trainwreck snookis friend is. Also I think based on the trailer that this first episode is when snooki gets arrested for being trashed. Hopefully the Sammie/Ron shit is over and we get more MVP! T-SHIRT TIMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE
YAY!!! This is the best time of the year!!! We all get to chronicle the summers of the biggest train-wrecks in US history!!
Oh god, I can't wait to see what happens this season. The previews were better than the show itself. So awesome.
It took Sammi an hour to get depressed and do the only thing she ever does on the show, lie in bed. I hate her so much.
Last season sucked me in. Pauly D for this past Halloween? AHHH YEAHHH. Awesome first episode of the new season. Bring on next Thursday, BETCH.
Could Sammi be more intolerable if she tried? She wouldn't even toast Deena. No one is looking for a grand gesture, just raise your glass and go with the flow. Worthless.
God I love this show. It's impossible to not feel better about yourself after watching these trainwrecks. Sammi needs to be put down like a stray cat.
I disagree. They make the show good. C'mon, you want to see Jwoww and Sammi get into a cat fight. We love to hear them argue about stupid, pointless shit. When all the other's are hanging out, they are the one's laying in their beds, and we get to laugh at how annoying and utterly pointless they are. They cause all the drama on the show and they are the one's who keep us hooked. Without them, the show would die because we would get tired of the same, stupid fist pumping and gelled hair.
The drama does nothing for me. I just want to see MVP creep, Situations one liners and Snooki be a drunken ewok.
Drama purposes. They're basically 2 outsiders living with 6 "friends" (I use that term loosely). On the guy's side, you have MVP (Mike, Vinnie, Pauly. No Ron). On the girl's side, the last season ended with JWoww and Snickers vs Sammi. Now they added another girl who is Snookie's friend. Sammi has 0 friends in the house (other than Ron). I think the rest of them will tolerate Ron without her but everyone else (except maybe Situation who would try and screw her) won't tolerate her.
I agree that obviously Sammi is just a complete waste of insufferable chud but I have to give her some props for calling out Snooki's new horse faced twin. Sammi laughing out loud to her face about how she was acting was perfectly justified in my book. She was acting like a dipshit slut who may be carrying around more STDs than the Kardashians. It's exactly what anyone here would have done. Yeah, Sammi clearly made no attempt at welcoming her or anyone else back, but can you blame her? These spectacles are not good people. They are thrown together in a house and by now each has their own justifiable ego. Hell, Situation was standing next to Snooki's Twin and openly mocking her and her hand gestures. Funny as hell, but still. I found it amazing how the unfinished business from Miami was quickly addressed between Sammi and Jwoww. Sammi is in an all out screaming match with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for 5 minutes, then the first even slight mention of Jwoww sends them both throwing haymakers. Thankfully Sammi appears to leave the show from the season preview so hopefully we can get Ronnie back in the club doing more blow and getting his dance moves back on.
God as much as I wish Sammi wasn't on the show every second she is I feel good fantasizing about hitting her over the head with an ax. You know just on solid swing. Imaging the sound of the thud, the reverberation of the handle, the cleaving of her brain matter, the spastic convulsions brought on by the sudden massive brain trauma. Honestly every moment she's on the show that isnt her screaming or physically fighting another girl in the house is a fucking waste of time. The drama she brings does not come close to overcoming the suck that is the rest of her life. I hope she leaves. South Park must have used pictures of the new donkey dragon girl for their show because that bitch looks just like the crazy mom from that episode. Best line of the episode was The Sitch detailing how Deena is like a holiday, "If she were a holiday she'd be Thanksgiving, because she is a fun time and down for a lot of stuffing."
I usually think he's an insufferable douche bag, but he was hilarious in that episode. He had quite a few good zingers that made me laugh.
I'm going to go ahead and take back my Sam/Ron comment on the first page. Ron is finally starting to realize that Sam sucks the life out of everything, and hopefully she'll leave soon, like go home forever. She is insanely irritating and I hate her every being.