And so it begins. Tonight the second season will start airing. I'm pretty excited for this. Just based off the trailer alone: Snooki looks even more like a wrecking ball than before (in size, shape, and evidence that she can plow over furniture where ever she goes). What is everyone expecting?
My my my how the mighty have fallen....we go from this, I am very disappointed in you both....
Obviously there is no God, because there isn't a big, smoking hole where New Jersey is. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll just kill each other.
I'll be satisfied if this is even half as good as the first season, which I think it can be. I have a few concerns though, since they were famous while the show was being filmed are they going to be able to do any "normal" things without a huge crowd? Will The Situation be hooking up with any girl he wants because he's famous? Also, I'm nervous about the cast trying to top what they did last season, as long as they don't try to outdo themselves I think they'll be fine in that regard, but it's something to consider. Either way they have me in every Thursday night unless the show totally shits the bed right away ala heroes, never again.
To quote Christopher Lloyd in one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid, Camp Nowhere, "Just because you're smart doesn't mean you can't act stupid."
I am interested to see how the bartender who "does great things" will fit back in with the others. Wonder if she got any luggage yet or if she is still toting her shit around in black garbage bags. Why did they even bring her back?
Heard on some random morning radio show that she leaves this season early, too. Anyways...interested to see how this season pans out. I'm four beers into a 12 pack. LET'S GET THIS SHIT STARTED.
The one thing that really stood out to me about last night: why did they go with her, and MAKE SURE to show exactly what she was doing, when she went to get her brazillian wax? I guarantee she demanded that it be in there in an attempt to let the boys know that she likes the clean playing field. Here's one other thing: you think that the women, knowing they're going on this show, would try and lose some fucking weight. It seems like the only one who did that was J-Woww (ugh). Snooki looks even more like a bowling ball than ever. I'm sure she'd love to get grabbed like one too. It seemed like tonight was too much of a setup for what's to come, but didn't actually show anything great. I'm not excited to see the Ronnie/Sammi trainwreck but it could still be comical because they're both fucking crazy. I'm also excited to see the short chubby chick fight between Snooki and Angelina. To Dmix: shit happens, and on purpose.
I had high hopes in the first 30 seconds when Pauly was saying "You can't get tan in this weather, you can't creep in this weather." And then it went downhill. I know they brought back Angelina for drama but it totally ruins the show. I'd rather just watch the guys go out and fuck around, I don't need the girl drama.
I just want to watch whatever leads up to Snickers dancing around in slippers and a sombrero singing "I love Miami...except for the trannies" while drinking a normal-sized-but-huge-in-her-midget-hands cocktail.
I just finished my first full episode of this show. I feel like I gave my soul a bad case of chlamydia.
If last night's show was the first episode of the series, than you owe it to yourself to watch at least one more episode. The majority of last night was their individual journey's to MIA (with no re-introductions at all for people new to the show), and then a bitchfest, with a small role for the guys. The guys make that show hilarious and awesome, not the conniving female roommates. Wait until The Situation and Pauly D get going on describing a wild event or a subpar person--awesome, and so quotable. I watched the whole first season and loved it, but did not enjoy last night (except for the firework scene), so it doesn't surprise me that newcomers wouldn't like it.
Subpar episode, largely cause it was just a setup episode and cause of all the girl drama. The highlight was definitely Ronnie drunk in that club. His faces as he danced with the go-go dancers and made out with ugly chicks was hilarious. Pauly D also had some choice lines. I liked Vinny's awkward comment passing Sammy, cause fuck her.
I was convinced that this season would be terrible and couldn't repeat the awesomeness that was season 1. But that didn't stop me from popping my collar and heading to a friends house with a jar of pickles. But... It was awesome. The first season had the jaw dropping "oh my god these people are horrible" thing going for it... but this one? They HATE each other. H. A. T. E. each other, it's fantastic. These people don't have ANY filters, so they can't act like they don't hate each other. I love it. Also, whoever said that there should be a big smoking hole where NJ is... 7 cast members in a house in Miami, 1 lives in NJ. Sammi. And The Situation is from NJ but he lives in NY. Other than Pauly D, who lives in RI, the rest of them live in NY. Never forget that. We in NJ get a bad rap because we're visited by Staten Islanders non-stop.
I don't know what you guys are talking about, the first episode had me dying. Snooki's theory on why Obama placed the tanning tax? I was captivated by the idiocy spilling out of her mouth. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm pretty sure she got dumber in preparation for this season. Also Sammi got completely owned the first day, which was a beautiful thing, and single Ronnie wanting to be in competition with the Situation...well, this season is shaping up to be lovely. I hope JWoww tears Angelina's face off though. If she says she is "going to be classy" one more time, I'm going to stab her myself.
DEAR GOD. Yes. If you have to continually remind people that you're "classy," then you aren't. And you should shut the fuck up until you learn how to be classy. I hope JWoww stuffs her into a black trash bag and tosses her ass off the show. Best part of the episode, though? Ronnie. I'm sure a little nose candy was involved, but that shit at the club was hysterical. This season is going to be awesome.
I don't understand MTV's decision in rehiring the original cast. Considering these asshats are a one trick pony, why not hire a new cast of guidos to take the reigns? It'd be much cheaper, and provide more content. I'd like to punt Snookie out of the South.