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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I think I've told this story before in a different context.

    A long time ago, my Mom was buying a new car. It was her first new car in forever and she got a great deal on it from CarsDirect, but we had to drive about 40 minutes to pick it up. Whatever, that's no problem. Anyway I was driving with her down to the dealership to pick up the car and we were stuck in traffic.

    She sees, pulled over on the shoulder, the same kind of car she's buying. "Uh-oh!" she says. She's a superstitious person. "There's the same kind of car I'm buying and it's broken down on the side of the road! I bet this is a bad omen! I shouldn't buy this car!"

    I look over to see what's up, and there is an Indian guy sitting in the driver's seat, looking out the windshield with a particular look of extraordinary disinterest that I have only ever known Indian guys to be able to attain. Suddenly, right as we drive by, I see an Indian woman's round head with triangular hair pop right out of the guy's lap.

    I assured my Mom that there was nothing wrong with the car on the side of the road.

    FOCUS: Share your experiences with vehicular close encounters of the genital kind.
  2. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    I once got a blowjob on the back row of a church bus while one of the chaperones was on the row right in front of me, and my girlfriend's friend was watching.
  3. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was at an event years ago at a campground (with cabins and the like). Me and some friends wind up staying up till dawn starts creeping up and we realize one of us needs some bedding out of his car. So we head over to the parking area. As an aside, our friend winds up just sleeping in the back of his van instead of bothering to actually extract his bedding and walk the 100 yards to his cabin.

    Anyway, while in the parking lot, shooting the shit, I notice that another friend of ours is sitting in the backseat of a car nearby. I approach the car to say hi and see what's up as he looks kind of out of it. I draw even with the trunk and he kind of just staring up and into space, totally not noticing me. Finally I tap on a window and he jolts as, simultaneously, the head of a hot asian chick we all knew pops up, sees me, and immediately ducks down in shame and embarrassment.

    I laugh and wander off and still occasionally tease/high five him to this day.
  4. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    My first boyfriend and I tended to only have sex in his car for the first month or so that we were having sex because we were young and our parents were usually home etc. So one night, a few minutes after we were done, we saw a car pull up next to us. We assumed it was just another couple, or someone drinking or smoking or whatever, so we just kind of laid low hoping they'd leave soon. Then we see a flashlight and someone comes right up to the window and starts looking around and we start getting weirded out. And then they knock on the window and just when we start thinking we're about to get murdered by some crazy person, the guy tells us he's the police.


    So we scramble to get dressed, and I swear he's shining the flashlight on me as I'm topless looking for my clothes, and we got out of the car. He asks for our ID and sees that I'm 16 and he's 18. I forget the statutory rape laws at the time, but basically we were just over the difference that it would count if my family wanted to press charges. So instead of just letting us go he has to call my dad.

    And that's how my dad discovered that I was having sex.

    The worst part was, the cop was an asshole (shocking, I know) and instead of just telling my dad what happened straight up, he first hems and haws so my dad starts freaking out thinking that he found me dead on the side of the road or something, and then this is how he decides to phrase it:

    "I found them doing...well...I don't know WHAT they were doing..."

    As if he came up on us fucking with like whips and chains and ferrets, nonetheless that he even saw us fucking at all. In reality, we were just lying there partially closed and that was obvious to him. Guh.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    After work once back in high school me and a friend walked from our restaurant to the Best Buy behind it to get some DVDs with our tip cash. On our way out crossing over a grassy knoll we caught a guy getting a BJ in the last parking spot. Not a bad place for some semi public thrill seeking as it was surrounded by a hilly section of grass on two sides. You'd have never noticed the guy there if you were pulling in or out of the lot.

    Ive only gotten head in a car once. I had been "hanging out" with this girl from my work. She was a ghetto ass girl who'd had a rough up bringing. She had just recently moved in with her grandparents and was himming and hawing about breaking their curfew. So, I did the classy thing after work and drove her to a neighborhood right across the street from her house. I swear it was just like that Biggie Smalls track from his first album. She had been reluctant up until that point to do anything (I don't normally do this, I don't know if Im any good, etc). We made out a little bit and I rubbed her pussy for like half a second. She stopped, looked at me, and said,"fuck it!" She then proceeded to suck me dry in 30 seconds flat. Had the pornstar twist and opposing hand motions and errrthang. Instead of doing the smart thing and have her repeat her skillz 8 times a day, I stopped talking to her. It wasn't a few weeks later I moved jobs and that was that. She got married and had a kid, I found her on myspace, she's divorced now, but nothing has come of it. Best blow job Ive ever had.
  6. JGold

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Denver, CO
    After breaking up, my high school girlfriend wanted no part in further sexual relations. That is, until I got my totally pimp 1997 four-door automatic Honda Civic, my first car. Complete with only 120,000 miles and scratches across the hood that could only be explained by assuming the previous owner scraped it with barbed wire from time to time. Yeah, that car got her panties all wet. We fucked in the backseat within my first week of ownership. And that's how I learned that women are whores.
  7. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Did a lot of stuff in cars in my early days. First BJ ever was in a car. I was 16 and a sophomore, she was 18 and a senior. She was giving me a ride home from play practice after school and it started downpouring. So she pulled over and we started to get it on in a parking lot.

    One of my first main girlfriends, we used to fuck in the car all the time, needing to avoid parents and such.

    But the best one was what my friend Jeff did. For a while, he was borrowing all the cars of all our friends and cleaning them. I think he gave us some story about trying to start a car detailing business and needing practice or... I don't remember, but it made sense at the time. Come to find out he was fucking his girl in all of our cars.
  8. Muley05

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    When I was in high school, my parents built a new house. It was in a fairly new development, and theirs was one of the first houses to be built in the subdivision. The street lights weren't installed yet either, so it was pretty dark at night. I would take my girlfriend to look at the new house, and then we would get busy in my truck. One night, my dad drove up. Luckily we had just finished, so I was able to play it off that we had just gotten there, too.

    Another time, a different girlfriend was giving me road head. We stopped at a traffic light, and a motorcycle pulled up in the next lane. He could clearly see what was going on, gave me a thumbs up, and off he went when the light turned green. Funny.
  9. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Did you know that in New Jersey it's illegal to be parked in an elementary school parking lot late at night? Because boyyyy did I find out about that the hard way.

    The weird thing is, I had spent A LOT of time in that parking lot before getting in trouble for it. My first bj was in that lot the night of my junior prom. Memmooorrrriiiieeeesssss.
  10. 31stday

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 5, 2010
    Random story I heard from one of my friends about another friend.

    He's driving home drunk with 4 people in the car, including himself, from the party. Two of them are girls and two are guys, the girls just happen to be the ones with the nicest tits in my school at the time. Well anyway, the driver was getting road head and in the back one the guy was titty fucking the girl. They get pulled over and somehow the two in the back don't even notice because they were that smashed, so by the time the cop gets up to the window he gets to see a guy with a dick out and a great pair of tits. I think eventually the driver ended up getting a DUI and lost his license but nothing else came of it.
  11. Viking33

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Senior year of high school I was hooking up with one of my sister's smoking hot friends. I've fucked her well over a hundred times (and never once taken her out in public unless the Starbucks drive through counts) but one time stands out.

    I drove a 2003 Ford Explorer all through high school and "parking" was the most common way to hook up. With lots of cornfields, a wind farm project that spanned two counties and lots of unlit areas to pull over in, it was much easier than trying to sneak some play in while the parents were home and liable to walk in at any time. Fuck buddy and I are in my Explorer, not two blocks from her house in the back seat. The subdivision was developing with what I thought was uninhabited houses at the time- one of which we were parked in front of. I'm in the middle of putting my rodger somewhere in her lower intestine when I hear a *tap tap tap* at the window. We both jump up and scramble for clothes as I roll the window down halfway to a 50-something year old man in his pajama pants and slippers standing outside.

    "The fuck are you doing here?"
    "...Um. Talking. Why?"
    "Naked talking? That's something I haven't seen in awhile."

    I decided to be the hotshot in front of FB.

    "Well, I probably wouldn't talk with you naked, and I can say the same for plenty of girls. No offense man, you're old."
    "You got a fucking mouth on ya don't you *Says my dad's name*.

    I give a look of "Oh my god, how does he know my dad's name!?"

    "Excuse me? I don't know who you are."
    "Well son, I'm a retired state cop. I saw a suspicious vehicle parked outside my new house and went ahead and ran the plates and called you in."
    "For what!?"
    "Sitting naked in front of my house. I don't naked kids in front of my house. Especially naked kids talking."
    "We'll be on our way then."
    "Nope, smells like weed in here. Gonna have the troopers check the car out."

    I didn't smoke weed at the time and neither did she. He was obviously full of it but apparently wanted us to have a shitty night and I didn't have much way to argue. I argued anyway with him but the state police show up not two minutes later and order us out of the car. FB has her sweatpants and t-shirt on but I'm still in just boxers. The old man tells them what he saw and that he's suspicious that I'm high. I tell the cops that it's bullshit and that we weren't doing anything wrong. The cops get both of our information and ask to search the car. I tell them no.

    They do it anyway. They pull EVERYTHING out- my baseball bag (catcher's gear and all), storage compartments, everything and dig through it all on the sidewalk. Even the spare tire. The dogs come and sniff around and scratch the upholstery up nicely but in the end, they didn't find anything. By this time, the old man had gone inside and the troopers gave me a warning for "illegal parking", told us to go on home and left. It took almost 30 minutes for us to clean up the mess they left on the sidewalk and get everything back in the car. FB is PISSED. She doesn't say a word the entire time as we pack everything up and I take her home.

    Just to add insult to injury, my baseball coach was a county detective. The next day at practice, he calls me out in front of the entire team.
    "So... Viking33, nice little bump n grind last night?"
    "Yeah, I heard all about you and *FB* from last night!"
    *Catcalls and whistles from the team*
    "Yeah. We had a little trouble."
    "*The old state trooper* said you were done in about 30 seconds. He couldn't even get from his door to the SUV before you busted a nut."
    *More catcalls and mocking from the team*
    "That's bull and he knows it."
    "Well, no way to know for sure now! Viking, I think I'll call you "Minuteman" for the rest of the season."

    It stuck. The secret hookup was public knowledge from then on and she swore up and down that we were just driving around. Thankfully, she got over it and we still hook up when I'm home but it was a long rest of the baseball season. Touche you old dickhead. Tou-fucking-che.
  12. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Well as long as nothing serious happened.

    When I was about 23, I went to my old fraternity house to meet up w/ some other alumni & older actives I knew. I ended up heading to refill on booze at the liquor store with a couple guys and a freshman who had to have been one of the bigger whores I've ever met at that age. We'd been flirting for about half an hour, but by the time we were coming back from the liquor store I was two knuckles deep. We started fucking up against the wall in the back of the house parking lot before retreating 100 yards to my car. I honestly don't get the attraction to car sex. Trying to focus in the backseat of a Civic through September heat in Florida is amongst my most miserable sexual experiences.

    The only other time I can remember getting busy in a car was getting road head while driving home from Tampa with an ex-girlfriend on a Sunday night. That didn't work out extremely well either, as I have a hard time relaxing while going 85 on the interstate in the dark.
  13. KillaKam

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 17, 2010
    Last year I met an incredibly hot stripper that I became friends with at one of the clubs around here. I would meet up with her after she got done at around 2:30 am and we would drive around and find random places to park and sit around and talk, and always ended up giving me dome before the night was over. She was highly sexual and loved to give.

    I found a prime spot on a nieghborhood street that wasn't lit very well, so no cars could spot us. One time a police cruiser ended up driving near where I was parked, and we both gasped in horror, with her being almost completely naked but luckily we never got caught. A different night I end up parking in an apartment complex lot, and we end up banging in my back seat. Not the most comfortable experience, but one I won't soon forget. She moved out of state not too soon after that, thus ending all the fun.

    Funny thing is, I took a girl out on a date a few months after all this and she noticed a foot print on my backseat window. Not too classy.
  14. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    During a Rangers/A's game in 09 My Guy and I were sitting in some damn nice seats. Four rows above the Rangers' dugout, the game wasn't crowded, and the beer was flowing well. We started heckling, because hell. It summer, the Rangers were in a bit of a slump, Kinsler kept doing that fucking up close scooping swing on the inside corner that inevitably puts the ball directly in the left fielder's glove, Hambone wasn't hitting, and GODDAMN the pitching was shitty that night. I think Millwood was pitching. It was bad. So we heckled. And drank.

    I was wearing a spotted sundress. It's his favorite.

    We got grab handy in the 8th inning, and left at the top of the 9th. All the way out to the truck we were THAT couple...grabbing and smooching and laughing and groping. We got to the truck (parked in the middle of the lot...not the back 40 like normal) and I straddled him and got mine.

    The discretion displayed by the people walking up to the surrounding vehicles was incredible. I started noticing horns honking...through the booze and booty haze I asked what it meant...Then I realized that everyone in the surrounding cars was walking up and clicking their car alarms so we had time to get ourselves together.
  15. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I'm not a huge fan of vehicular shenanigans, but I've had my share.

    My first fully penetrative sexual encounter was in my first car. My girlfriend and I had tried a couple of times, but she would back out from the pain (she was built small and I'm not). Finally, one night after we'd been to see a movie, we had stopped in a park out the back of my parents' place and she said just go for it. Between the lack of room, the humidity and heat of the summer night and the general awkwardness of it all we got through it. Then, flustered, we drove back to my place. In my post coital spaz, I managed to run over a pot plant backing into the garage. Cue my parents coming out to find out what's going on, and the two of us looking overly guilty out of all proportion to what had apparently happened.

    Then there was the time (several relationships later) when the girlfriend decided she wanted some afternoon fun. Given that she was rarely in the mood, I jumped on it. Unfortunately, we had people over and our bedroom was right next to the tv room where they are were. So, we went out to the garage and she lay across the back seat with the door open and we made it quick.

    Then, with the same girl but after we broke up, we used to catch up occasionally for a bit of no strings fun. One day I picked her up from work at lunch as we drove to a local parking lot and got it on in the back seat. I've got heavily tinted windows, so no one could see inside, but I'm pretty sure the local council workers could see the car rocking because they were paying a lot of attention.

    And again, with the same girl, in a parking lot near her home at night. This time we had the sunroof open so we had a bit more room to move. It was a bit hard to finish with the house across the street yelling at us to keep it down.... but we managed.
  16. Fracas

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Arizona Bay
    Most of my vehicular shenanigans happened over the course of one halcyon summer, when I dated a younger woman who, aside from being aggressively frisky, seemingly waged a season-long offensive to get caught with my cock in her pussy or her mouth.

    Maybe it was my fault. The first time I fucked her was in a deserted meeting room, and we both got a cheap thrill out of almost getting caught by the cleanup people. But, as time went on, things got ridiculous. She would suck me off on a beach, or under a streetlight, or down the hill from where her friends were picnicking. (I'm pretty sure at least one of them caught a glance of her on her knees and me with my jeans around my ankles and was too nice to bring it up.) Either she was doing it on purpose, or she just didn't give a fuck, and everything else about this girl was pretty conscious and deliberate.

    And we did the car-sex a few times. In her RAV4; not in my cheap sedan. There was plenty of foot traffic on that street, and I'm sure somebody saw what was going down, but it was somehow far more dignified than dorm sex.

    We had a tough breakup, but I, you know, "smile because it happened." Better to have jeeped and lost than to have never jeeped at all.

    If the physics are a problem, this might help. Small-town law enforcement is something else.
  17. 8Track

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 20, 2010
    WARNING: Driving while receiving a blow job can lead to chipped beef. Make sure the road is smooth.

    The first time I received a road job was when I borrowed my Uncle's Ford F350 to take my GF to her Prom. It was great. I remember having the electric seats push us all the way back into position. The way the steering wheel easily popped up out of her way so she could give it her all. They way I accidentally came in her mouth. AH, good times.

    These days, after a blow job, I prefer to be able to roll over, fart, and take a little nap in my own lounge chair and not end up having to start my car and wait for Maude to push her shopping cart by so I can navigate my way out of the local Piggly Wiggly parking lot.
  18. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I've never had any sexual encounters in a moving vehicle. Any of the encounters in a stationary vehicle have been of the variety where I've been away for a few weeks, am back for a weekend and neither one of us has a bed to go fuck on at the moment.

    I did once spend a lot of time talking about sex with a friend of mine while driving. I discovered a lot of things about her. Namely, that she doesn't swallow while giving head, but that she does swallow while giving road head. Why the contradiction between the two? Last time she spit while giving road head, she rolled down the window and got her boyfriend's baby batter all over a car in the next lane. The boyfriend is lucky that she hasn't thought to use a tissue to spit in.
  19. slothers

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Santa Barbara
    I've only had sex in my truck once and I have mixed feelings about it. Granted the older lady was hot and kinky as hell but her heels dug right into the raised area of the floor that holds the stick shift. So now I have a nice 5"x2" dent there. It sucks because my truck was brand new and now it has a tramp stamp given from a lady I could care less about now.
  20. tweetybird

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I have had sex in a car exactly once, and it was AWESOME. Then-boyfriend (now-husband) was driving us home late one night on a very uncrowded freeway, so I decided to, ahem, make his ride a little more pleasant. He got so riled up that I managed to convince him to pull over into a residential neighborhood to finish up (he is usually very, very private about the sexytime because his first time involved being walked in on by a major asstard in a spectacularly traumatic way - thus the convincing and the fact that this has only happened once). He put his seat back all the way, and I climbed on top for a very sweet ride. Maybe the seats in my car go back extra far, but I didn't find it cramped or strange in the least.

    Cleanup was a bitch, though.