I must go get children in a few hours. I shall enjoy the calm beforw the storm by reading in peace, and eating without three little mooches coming and trying to look all innocent while asking "what is that?" On an unrelated note, budlights margaritta drinks taste like demon spit. This will probably not prevent me from drinking the three I have before the weekends out.
Tonight I will be participating in a progressive dinner with the firm at which the girlfriend is interning. It's a big firm and I expect not to like many of the douche bags that work there. However, it's free food and free booze. Tomorrow night I will be pouring booze down my throat, as we are going to hang out with some of the girlfriend's friends from college. I'm looking forward to an alcohol fuled weekend.
Until this thread I never considered that it might be pronounced like the peanut butter, and no, I'm not an Mac guy. So I did a little Google work and found the history of the format. I was initially convinced that I should change my pronunciation from the hard g I had always assumed (like in gift) to the soft g most of the actual developers used, but then I found a picture of the main developer: Spoiler I think I'll stick with my original pronunciation.
Is it too much to ask to have Pitbull appear in a few more songs? I will not rest until he is in every single song on Billboard at the same time.
Toronto either has hotter women on average than any American city I've been in or the HR staff for the airport also used to the photo editor at Maxim. "O Canada!"
I'll just leave this here <a class="postlink" href="http://www.vice.com/read/ryan-lochte-is-a-human-jagerbomb" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.vice.com/read/ryan-lochte-is ... -jagerbomb</a>
So, the roommate is kind of a strange guy, but no big deal. A buddy is visiting. I think they slept in his room together. No homo (?). This isn't the first roommate that I've had who has done the same thing. I volunteered a bigass queen-sized air mattress when he mentioned a visitor. Guess he didn't need it. I'll be in Nashville this weekend.
I'm not drinking this weekend. It's been as boring as it sounds so far. However, I have managed to pay off some money I borrowed whilst holidaying in the States/Canada, buy a fuckload of new clothes, and top up my online sportsbet account. Whether or not that means I've been going out too much, tomato potato. Another positive is that my training has been unhindered by hangovers this week. I ran 5km in 21 minutes, which would have been unheard of for me at the beginning of the year. Something to build on and improve on now.
Muskie opens tomorrow. I'll be on the water in less than 20 hours. I'm so excited, I can barely keep my pants on.
I've been up since 3.30 since my wife has a cold and every position is a snoring position. Decided to actually work instead of fuck around on the internet. Been going balls to the wall for about 10 hours now. Its time to call it quits. I did find this in the Supermercado and totally curious what its like: Spoiler img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c321/d0minickw/Duff.jpg[/img] Then there is the obligatory: NSFW And the filth. Delicious: NSFW
Ive always pronounced it "jif", hearing people pronounce it "gif" always confused me and worried that I was sounding like an idiot. Then I stopped caring and stayed with my original hunch.
Huh. I've always used the hard G. No one has ever corrected me. In fact, I've gotten people to change from the soft G to the hard G pronunciation. Sheep. I slept until 11 today. Taking Fridays off is the best decision ever.
The twins finish up their Sophomore year at High School at noon today. In addition I won a sixer of microbrew from the running partner in a bet between the A's, Giants series this week. I would like to think this is Karma matching up so I can get through at least tonight without killing the offspring. In a related note, Guess who showed for the graduation ceremony at the twins high school <a class="postlink" href="http://www.modbee.com/2013/05/30/2740309/colin-kaepernick-makes-appearance.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.modbee.com/2013/05/30/274030 ... rance.html</a> He really is a class act from everyone I have talked to.
I'm on leave in Massachusetts again. Every time I come home on leave, I head over to my high school and chat with two teachers for a couple hours - my biology teacher and my wrestling coach. Both of them had an enormous impact on my life, and I genuinely enjoy their company. My bio teacher always has something insightful about education, and his wit is excellent. My wrestling coach is, well, my coach. He's always interested in where his alumni ended up, so he's happy to see me too. Call me weird for heading to high school at age 22, but I've never had a crappy time. I can't imagine seeing the rest of my teachers, though. That'd be kinda creepy. My brother is getting all his friends together for a massive party with Game 1 of the Bruins in the background tomorrow. There will be beer pong, hookah, and all the wicked awesome trappings of a Masshole get-together, brah.