I love browsing various projects on Kickstarter. Whether it's a new point-and-click adventure by legendary game designer Tim Schafer, a really cool new pebble phone that interacts with your iPhone or Android, or a gay New York fashion designer's (supposedly) really comfortable underwear, there are no shortage of strange and interesting projects. And then, of course, there are hilarious failures. This project, for instance, might be the single worst pitch on all of Kickstarter The project vague and unspecific. Furthermore, no clue is given on what the desired $12k will be spent on. It attempts to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Even then, there is no proof of concept; there is zero evidence that their method will solve anything. In fact, the proposed system is strictly inferior to the dozens of metascore/recommendation systems available for free online. This project is only slightly less terrible, but even more hilarious in its incompetence The guy, bless his heart, seriously compares himself to Gary Larson and Far Side, except "perhaps without some of the darkness". If you took someone off the street, pointed a gun at their head, and told them they had 24 hours to draw a funny comic, the result would still be better than any of the samples seen on that page. The insanity of his video, where he doodles and scrawls jokes that not even 5 year-olds would find funny, is too much to even be an Onion parody. Focus- Post funny, amusing, or terrible Kickstarter or Indiegogo projects you find.
Granted it isn't my area of interest, but nearly all of the projects in the Dance category look completely ridiculous. If you want to dance, then goddammit, dance. What do you need my money for? If you want other people to see you dance, there's this neat website called Youtube that's been around a little while. Or go dance in the street. During rush hour. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...mine-of-the-mind-for-minderals-0?ref=category
I figured after Rich Burlew and Order of the Stick became the first artistic endeavor to raise >$1,000,000 on Kickstarter that the crazies would come out of the woodwork. I however, did not image it would be this bad. And for a really well done Kickstarter campaign (besides the one that Tim Schafer did which was also excellent), I recommend going through Rich's as well.
I shit you not I have written a way better joke about AND gates. This guy probably thought "well it's such an niche, even if it sucks, it's the best joke about AND gets ever." No. No it's not.