One fascinating thing about Facebook is how much stuff people post unrestricted - events, status updates, etc. You can search for events and find all kinds of things where people are having random house parties and whatever. Although the events are listed as "open to all," some are clearly for everyone they actually know. FOCUS: Have you ever crashed an event? A party? A wedding? Did you do it for the lulz? Because you were walking by and heard the music? Were you found out and run out on penalty of painful death, or did you ingratiate yourself with the entire ensemble?
I once crashed a party that was thrown by a student at my high school's rival school. It was the night before our two school were playing a football game against each other. (our two schools share a football stadium and this game is played to decide who gets the extra game on the shared field.) While I personally had no school spirit, a friend of mine was the captain of the cheerleaders at the time and thought it would be fun to crash the party just to "stick it" to the other team. The plan was that we would bring the entire football team, all the varsity cheerleaders, and anyone else we could find. We brought such a huge crowd that the keg was gone by 11 and it pretty much ruined the party. Obviously, we got caught because there were so many of us, and everyone seemed really excited when we ruined their party. As far as wedding crashing goes, I have never done it, but my grandfather and great uncle used to be master wedding crashers. They used to tell stories about crashing weddings like most people of their generation tell war stories. They had tactics and back stories and planned the crash as if they were going over enemy lines. They once convinced an entire wedding party that they were long-lost cousins of the groom and got a hero's welcome when they walked into the reception. I don't know how much of the stories were embellished, but the way they told them made it sound like the greatest accomplishment of their lives.
The last apartment I had in New York was in a building that was actually two adjacent buildings joined together and converted from offices to apartments. We had a large shared outdoor space on the roof of the short of the two buildings, and my apartment overlooked it, so I could always see when there was a party going on down there, and sometimes I'd go down and crash (always bringing a 6 pack of Sam Adams, because I'm not a dick). Turns out that while you can see that there's a party pretty easily from 5 floors up, you can't tell just by looking at the tops of everyone's heads that they're all Indian. Yeeeah. White guy crashing an Indian couple's engagement party. Kinda stuck out like a sore thumb. But, at a party where there's 1 tenant and about 40 guests who don't live there, no one gives any shit to another tenant using the building amenities. They were actually pretty cool, and they ended up inviting me to the after party at some basement Indian dance club.
ANTI the Focus: I had my 21st crashed, in a quite low key way. I was having it upstairs in a function room at a then famous nightclub on the Gold Coast. The room was easily accessible through stairs off the entrance and was known for being hired out for various things. At the bottom of the stairs would be a sign board with the name of the function, and the bouncers would direct traffic as the people came in. They only did this in the basic way of pointing people in the direction of the nightclub proper unless they said they were there for the party. Regardless of what they did or said, there was a big sign that you had to fall over if you wanted to go upstairs that said "Disgustipated's 21st party upstairs." It was an open bar. The night was still young (meaning my boss hadn't hit on one of the other guests' dates, one of my other mates hadn't spewed all over a table in McDonalds and tried to conceal the evidence with his body and no one had thrown a drink over anyone else.... yet). As I was doing my rounds and mingling, I noticed a guy I didn't recognise. He was sitting at a table by himself, drinking. I though maybe he was there with one of the girls from the office, so I didn't think too much of it. But, I kept an eye on him anyway. He was drinking pretty quick and going back up to the bar for refill after refill. So, I walked up to him as he waited at the bar and said hello. "How do you know Disgustipated?" "I went to high school with him." "Really? That's interesting... because I'm Disgustipated." He baulked and went pale. I told him to fuck off, which he did. His ballsiness had earned him the drinks he'd already downed, but he didn't bring a present, so he couldn't stay.
Brilliant thread idea. I love "open" Facebook events. We crashed one this summer. An old friend of our group that we had a silent falling out with held an open house/summer BBQ for his new house. The people who were clearly invited were all he and his wife's relatives, work friends and new neighbors. Probably two dozen affirmatives for attendance and 40 maybe's/cannot attends. A buddy and I stalked the event being very catty about the fact that 50-year old Jim from his employers accounting dept was going to "get crazy!" and other such comments. So we weren't complete dicks about it we waited until the Friday before this Saturday party to "invite ourselves" to the event on Facebook, giving them ample (IMO) opportunity to let us know it was a family party or whatever the fuck they were going to use for an excuse. Instead his wife posted a final comment that said, "she couldn't wait to see everybody", which technically included us. It was awkward as fuck when we walked through the gate to the backyard. Carrying wine coolers and a big-as-you-can-get bottle of Knob Creek. There wasn't a record stops spinning moment but there was a weird tapering off of talking since we were obviously a surprise. Wine coolers for the house, bourbon for us. It was fun walking around for all of five minutes and then it sucked... Until we ran into his father-in-law who is an awesome guy we had both known since their wedding. Big bear hugs all around, a "now we can party" yell out to the general attendance in the back yard, and more importantly an instant smoothing over of ALL of the uncomfortableness in the air. Ended up having a great time and I'm back in touch with my friend.
A year or so after we graduated college, a group of us got together in New Haven, CT (one of my friends was working at Yale Medical Center) for New Year's Eve. We didn't have a game plan for the evening, so we just headed out to find a comfortable bar to settle into for the night. Well, we stumbled upon a pretty nice place where a local office of TRW was having their holiday party. The bar staff just assumed we were part of the company, and no one from the company questioned us which seemed odd as it was mostly an older crowd, so we ended up drinking and eating for free for the evening. Strange choice of entertainment, though: Alma the accordion player. I wowed them with an impromptu singing of "I Don't Want Her, You Can Have Her, She's Too Fat For Me." You gotta work with what you got.
I've posted about this before, but I crashed a University of South Florida football players, coaches and family members-only New Year's party. My friends and I lasted about 30 minutes before getting the boot trying to order from the open bar. We were 19 at the time. In the interim, we did manage to convince several people, including the door guy, that we were fourth-string walk-ons. During my senior year of high school, I mistakenly got an invitation to an alumni dinner for my first-choice school. I went, schmoozed with several prominent graduates and current professors, and even met the Chancellor and the Dean of Admissions. The Dean of Admissions wrote down my name, and a month later I received my acceptance packet. Not saying I wouldn't have gotten in anyways, or that the dean did anything other than trash the piece of paper with my information on it, but it certainly didn't hurt.
When I was 15 or 16, my cousin and I crashed a party for some magazine at the Drake in Chicago. We were in town for my grandparents' anniversary and while we were waiting for everyone to come downstairs to leave for dinner, this parade of some of the hottest women I'd seen in my life moved thorugh the lobby and into one of the ballrooms. When we came back from dinner, my dad and my uncle tried to get into the party with us, but were told it was invitation only. Not to be deterred, we went around to one of the other doors and when the security guy was distracted by some girl walking out, we slipped in as the door was closing. The party itself was pretty awesome. Huge dance floor with a DJ and ridiculous light set-up, ice scupltures all over the ballroom, open bar. And near the center of the room were a couple girls dancing on tables in nothing but body paint which, being sophomores in high school, was pretty much the greatest thing ever. Only a couple of people called us out on being blatantly underage, but the ones that did were pretty cool about it and thought our story of sneaking in was hilarious. One girl even went and got us drinks from the bar, since we didn't have wristbands for it. Unfortunately we were only there for about an hour before things started winding down, but it was still a hell of a good time.