The guy in the following video was a staple around Toronto's downtown for years. He calls himself "Zanta", and I've had the pleasure of running into him three times myself. Meeting this half-naked wingnut in unforgettable. He's constantly doing knuckle push-ups (while smoking cigarettes), hand-stand push-ups, sit-ups, etc. In the busiest places, and though he's pretty much harmless the police have arrested him many a times. There's at least 60 videos of him on youtube, and it's obvious the poor guy's chemically imbalanced but MAN what an entertaining show he can put on: FOCUS: What more memorable encounters with local crazies have you had in your life?
We have a guy that wanders around selling flowers and wearing what looks like a top hat and has a cane. Rumour has it that he fell four stories.
Good old Clyde Street Liquor store, that guy has been there as long as I can remember. My favorite halifamous weirdo would have to be the cross dressing lawyer. He has a man face/body but wears heels and skirts. I am all for cross dressers as I have a live and let live mentality but the fact he doesn't try to girl up anything but his bottom half strikes me as weird. honorable mentions- "hey guy" and the chicken outside of the Oasis and now that matlob mentioned it 7 stories is quite the character also.
Don't you fuck with the dawgfather. The man has PhD (Professional hot Dawger) and has more game than Xbox360.
Here at Dal we've got this guy who may or may not even work here, who wanders around the Killam with the same brown leather jacket, yellow stained beard, and old wool sweater EVERYDAY. He seems to have some kind of maintenance or administrative position but i could swear he just creeps.
I used to commute from North Vancouver to an office in Granville Island. Every other day or so, there would be a guy dressed as Fat Elvis that would get on the bus at the first stop. He'd get off on the second stop. Then run to the 3rd stop, and get back on the bus. Then get off at the 4th stop. Then run to the 5th stop, and get back on the bus. The driver would get pissed off, and try and beat him so he'd miss the bus. He never did though.
NWS language. There's a dude in West Palm Beach that calls himself Flippin' Nigga George. Go figure he likes to get drinky. For money or beer he will do flips down the street. I ran into George a few years ago. He was holding his hand, wailing like a child with this huge snot glob dancing on his upper lip, and covered in blood. I said, "Shit, George, what the fuck happened?!" He goes, "It was the DEVIL. He ran me over in his car! Why THE DEVIL wanna hurt a nigga George?!" Apparently his cracked out ass stumbled into traffic and someone nailed him then drove off. Instead of going to the hospital he managed to stumble down to the bar he hangs around (O' Shea's Pub) to finagle drinks out of people. I haven't seen him in a while so I'm assuming he's dead.
I haven't been down there in awhile, but there was a homeless guy down on State Street in Madison that would just play the kazoo all day. He'd take requests and stuff, but all he'd play is Yellow Submarine. You ask him to play something and give him a dollar and he'd say sure and rock out to Yellow Submarine.
One time I was in Amherst, Massachusetts, and I kept seeing the same homeless guy walking around yelling at people. I gave him a dollar and asked what was on his mind. The answer: "I was serving in the Air Force, active duty Space Command. I was living in the black ghetto, which was a good idea. One time this Jewish guy came over and argued Ayn Rand objectivist philosophy for five hours. I made every possible counterpoint to the left, and he won."
There is this guy called "Boston Louie" who drives a adult tricycle on the downtown sidewalks as fast as he can. To warn people he is about to run them over he simulates a siren by yelling.
Apparently, he's not actually crazy, but I thought this guy was for a long time: He runs down the street by my office in downtown DC a couple of times a week, running backwards and dancing in the middle of busy intersections, and yelling. A lot. I can hear him from 9 stories up and three blocks away. Also, I had the great fortune to meet the Black Rain Man once outside a bar in Chinatown. Black Rain Man is a homeless dude with what I can only assume is some form of Savant Syndrome. The guy can give you an accurate history of every single country in the world. I got as far as Liechtenstein in my attempts to stump him, and I couldn't.
Anyone who's spent a fair chunk of time in downtown Vancouver has probably run into Push-Up Man at least once. Seemingly harmless homeless guy, just strung out on drugs and messed in the head. But his thing that sets him apart from every other no-good dirty begger in Vancouver is that he earns his money. He does one-handed push-ups, diamond push-ups, whatever you want. I was outside having a smoke at a bar in Gastown when he came buy, offering to do one handed pus-hups for change. I said I'd give him one cigarette for every 2 one-handed push-ups he did. He got to 15 before I stopped him because I realized I only had 5 left in my pack. My older sister said she got a picture of her friend piggybacking him while he was doing squats for change once.
Ever been to Jacksonville, NC on purpose? If you have, there's a chance you caught a glimpse of a guy known simply as "Radio," aka "The Jacksonville Ninja." Most days (especially on weekends), he'll be out on the main intersection of town when it's warm out, in cutoff jeans or camo pants doing calisthenics next to his boom box. When speaking to him, it's obvious that he's not all there mentally. Rumor is that he's a retired USMC Sergeant Major, who, while working for the city, had a bunch of bricks fall on him; and a local church now takes care of him. Friendliest guy you'll ever meet.
Elvis is indeed alive and resides on Chicago's north side. I've spoken to him many times, and he speaks in rhyme. None of his rhymes make any sense as far as our conversation is concerned. I've tried to stump him by asking him to rhyme with "purple" and he said "maple syrple". He was shocked that I haven't heard of maple syrple before, and possibly offended.
There's this guy in Silverthorne, CO that hangs out right by the offramp from I70 in a white gown and he holds a cross and just preaches to everyone that drives by, and he is out there everyday rain or shine, I've even seen him out there in a blizzard.
Meet Leslie from Austin. He has a Wiki, lots of Utube video, a magnetic doll line called "Dress Leslie", his own iPhone app, has run for mayor several times, and is generally known as an icon around Austin. And yes, he lives on the street.
Rain or shine that pirate is there to greet your alcohol purchases with that instantly familiar "Yarrrrr" of his, then proceeds to hold up that card explaining what his deal is (which I don't think I've ever taken the time to read). Actually, a couple weeks ago I saw some cute girl give the guy some change, and the pirate grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth and kissed it. She looked like she was going to throw up. Oooohhhhhhh, a pirate's life for me!
Shame on you both for talking about Massachusetts crazies without mentioning The Mayor of Allston. I lived in Allston, a hipster-infested neighborhood of Boston, when this guy died. The local retards held a fucking funeral parade for him.