Check out this story. In a nutshell, an 83-year-old man was blocking the entrance to a doctor's office with his car. The doctor was waiting to pull into his spot. A 99-year-old neighbour, who happened to be outside, knocked on the driver's window and told him the doctor needed to get through. The driver proceeded to get out and beat the 99-year-old man with his anti-theft steering wheel lock, breaking his ribs and nose, all the while threatening to cut his balls off. Focus: What's the most fucked up road rage incident you've ever heard about? Alt. Focus: Funny/fucked up stories while you've been driving?
Oh, man, I'm the worst at road rage. It's like driving with someone whom has tourettes. 'Cocksucker,' 'motherfucking whore' 'assclown' all routinely litter normal conversation while I'm driving. I got so mad I blurted out 'Clown ass!!!' and my wife started laughing. She does all the driving now, because she can't stand my road rage. I give people the finger, I've gotten out of my car at lights to scream at people. I'm basically a nuisance. Other than that, I assure you I'm perfectly normal.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> - Man attacks another person with a crossbow. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 7370.shtml</a> - Tossing a dog into traffic.
Dude, I offer you this. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Alt. Focus: 2 or 3 days after I got my temporary license my parents decided to let me drive for the first time. I was driving home from church, my dad in the front passenger seat and my mom and sister in the back. My mom has this fear that one day she is going to die in a miserable car crash, so she is clutching the seats even though I'm not going over the speed limit in the slightest, signaling my tuns and all that. We are about one minute from home, my mom is giving me some lecture about something, I go over a hill, a dog runs out into the street and I run it over, and not just a tiny dog either, it looked to be a Labrador of some kind. The worst part about it was that I didn't instantly kill the dog, I looked into the rear view mirror and see it flailing around in the street. Of course that sent my mom into a frenzy, I look at my dad and ask him what to do as my mom is screaming in my ear, he shrugs and says "Hurry up, I gotta take a shit".
You suck man. Really truly suck. But, considering how your Dad handled it it's no surprise you're such a prize yourself. Jesus Christ what a fucking douche. I don't give a shit how old you were either. You still suck, then and now. EDIT: That's exactly why I said what I did. If he'd have said he tried to hit the dog, I'd just ban him. EDIT #2:After a PM from Cult explaining some details he left out for his own reasons I better understand why it played out like it did. Don't get me wrong, it still sucked almost as much as his Dad did because a dog died but I now have better understanding as to why it had to. Cult, as my PM said I apologize for jumping on you but dude, don't throw up a post such as this without the details explaining why it was like it was.
Honestly it sounded like an accident he wasnt aiming for the dog or anything. But a real man would have gone back to comfort Old Yellar before putting it out of its misery with a swift crack of the neck.
The closest I've ever come to a road rage incident actually happened in my own car, with a passenger. My best friend and I had gone on a two week road trip from Calgary to Las Vegas, LA and back up the west coast. Our last stop was in Seattle, and from there we drove straight back to Calgary. We did the Seattle/Calgary leg in one shot (because of the route we took it was around 15 hours of driving). We were coming down out of the mountains, and it was late. I'd probably been driving for about eight hours and it was around midnight. My friend was laying down in the back seat. Suddenly, up ahead of us, looming out of the mist was some kind of giant...shape. I didn't know what the hell it was. I hit the brakes as hard as I could and shut off the headlights, so that it wouldn't stand there stunned. It's funny how your mind works, because this whole thing seemed to take forever. In reality, it was over with in seconds. I breaked hard enough that my friend rolled and hit the seat ahead of her. To my horror, as I approached the thing I could see that it was a fully-grown moose, with antlers and all. Probably the worst animal you could hit at a hight speed. At the last possible second, it stepped sideways and I swerved (thank god no oncoming traffic was there), and I brought the SUV to a screeching halt. I sat there, in a cold sweat, trying to calm down. "What just happened?" My friend asked quietly. "A moose. Jesus Christ, we almost smoked a fully grown moose." I said. There was a thunderstruck pause. "Was it a boy moose, or a girl moose?" she asked. How I kept myself from killing her at that point, I haven't a clue. It triggered a pretty bad arguement that ended the roadtrip on a sour note, but we forgave each other after sleeping off the trip.
Jesus, what's wrong with you?? That was someone's pet, someone's family member. You couldn't try to help? I waited hours in the freezing rain with a Beagle I hit once, and it was NOT happy I was there the entire time. What's it like being the world's only living heart donor?
We all make mistakes. If I could go back and do it differently I could, I would miss the dog, or at the very least go back and comfort it before it died. And no, I wasn't a real man because I was 15 1/2 at the time. My dad told me to keep driving, so I did, I didn't know what to do. I figured the way I described it, my first legitimate time behind the wheel and no line of sight to where the dog was (right over the crest of a hill), would make it pretty clear it was an accident. I know what its like to have a dog get hit by a car and maimed (by my dad, what a surprise), and I felt like shit after I hit the dog. Me and my mom tried to find out who the owner was, but we never could.
ALT FOCUS 2 friends and i were driving home after having picked up a leg of ham for the driver's family (for Christmas). I was in the front passenger seat. The guy in the back and I had been drinking most of the day and while i had a nice happy drunk going, he was smashed. He was starting to yell out the car window. We passed this car full of teens and he starts bellowing at them as well, but this time he is brandishing the leg of ham out the window like some fucked up club. I thought this was somewhat funny but dismissed it and went back to picking a cd. All of a sudden this car of people is swerving at us in a really menacing manner. They were swinging out as far as the asphalt would allow and then swinging back in to within an inch of the passenger door. Then the driver spat in my window and he swerved again. I lost it. Then next time he swerved at us i waited until he looked at me again and i punched that motherfucker in the mouth. I busted his lip and they immediately pulled over. We just continued on acting as if nothing happened. In fact, i don't think we've ever spoke of it again.
Focus: The worst personal experience I ever had with road rage was when I was hunting out in the country. It was about 20 minutes outside of the closest major town. We have a cabin on one side of this road, and on the other side is farmland where we hunt. My buddy and I were hunting and he then realized as we crossed the road that he had to go to the washroom. So he ran back in while I held his gun. Just as I am waiting for him to come back out, this lady in a little red car pulls up. Now I have been confronted before, but I tried to make myself look as harmless as possible while holding two guns in the middle of the day at the side of the road with full camoflauge I took off my facemask and smiled. The lady slowly pulls over and gets out of her car. Thats when I knew there was going to be trouble. She starts off by asking me what I was doing. I calmly stated that I was hunting with a friend, was fully liscened and had permission to use the property. She then goes on to tell me how much she does not approve of guns or the slaughter of animals. It got so that I could not even get a word in. I took the words she yelled until my friend came out and he kind of looked dumbfounded by this lady yelling at me. So finally as we are about to leave she goes "You know I live down at the end of this lane?" I said thats alright miss I'll keep that in mind. She then goes "Well what happens if you see my cat walking around in the field?" At this point I had tried to reason with her and walk away, she was asking for it. I calmly stated "Lady if its your cat, I'll be sure to shoot it." I should have kept my mouth shut because that lady went wild following us up and down the road in her car, honking all the while trying to make sure nothing came close to us. We went deeper into the field where there was no road, and thankfully have not seen her in a while....or her cat.
Never has there been a more satisfying conclusion to an internet video. Throwing sucker punches, spitting in someone's face, getting punched out THEN arrested by an ex public school bully. King Of The Losers.
Not too long ago, I was driving on I-80. Some guy was tailgating me, so as I tried to change lanes, someone sped up so they could get ahead of me before I could change. I looked at him and flipped him off, and he flipped me off too. We both nodded, and that was the end of it. It was the most honest exchange of my life.
I've always loved driving ever since I got my license, so I've always been a very lax but time-aware driver. Ever since I have had a kid, however, I'm a pissant behind the wheel when somebody fucks with me. I've (deservedly) lipped off four people in the last year, and not sunshine-and-kittens style. Granted, it shouldn't make a difference if somebody has kids or not. I may not be the sharpest knife in the spoon, but I think we can agree that when traffic is at a standstill, and you charge up the bike lane yakking away on your fucking douchebag Bluetooth headset then cut in front of traffic just as the light turns green making me slam on my breaks you bet your sweet derri-ass I'm going to give you an earful at the next light. You fucking retard.
If you've never ridden a motorcycle, you don't understand road rage frustration. You're on two wheels, you automatically lose to everyone else. Asshole cut you off cause he didn't see you? You're busy changing lanes/slamming on the brakes/sliding out of the way to even have a chance to yell/swear/etc at him. Sometimes you get lucky and it's an airhead trying to merge right into you, so a solid kick to their door makes them freak out. Or I've heard of guys carrying batteries in their pockets. But I usually just try to stay out of everyone else's way and watch my own ass. I really think everyone should have to ride a bike before they get their license. I've heard the same thing about truck drivers (ridiculous stopping distance, huge blind spots, etc gives you a greater awareness and appreciation when you're in a regular car) Of course, when I'm in my car, I have no problem flipping the fuck out on that asshole driving in the left lane. Or even passing someone, but taking a day and a half to do it. Check your mirrors asshole, if someone's coming up on you, get the fuck over.
I don't get road rage as much as I get road apathy. I used to spend a lot of time behind the wheel while pulling various trailers and I was alway surprised to see the number of people who were totally oblivious to the fact that the person right next to them had an additional 30 feet or so of vehicle. I would need to change lanes and some asshole would speed up and not let me in and traffic would be too tight to slow down and let them pass me. Eventually, I'd have enough and come on over, leaving them with no choice but to slow down or put it in the ditch. They'd cuss and scream, but Florida has some relatively lax concealed carry laws. Rarely would someone get out of the car.
I show you mine if you show me yours.... Sometimes when on a road trip, Crazy things happen... How in the Hell My friend ended up with a live chicken in her car I still don't know. About 1\2 way home, they made a sign that said "Show me your Cock and I will show you mine" Of course they had to wait for the Right car full of males for this to actually work. Finally a truck with a couple guys in it pulls next to them and she flashes her sign, being Obliging young men, they were rather proud to show off their cocks. She then Picks up the Chicken and holds it up to the window. The young men obviously were disappointed. Karma Being the Bitch that she is causes the Chicken to freak out and begin to fly around the car. By the Time they got home she scratches all over her arms and Legs.
I second this, everyone should be made to ride on a bike, not necessarily drive, but be on one for a couple of days. I have lost count the number of time i have made eye contract with another driver, THEN they still proceed to cut me off, pull out in front of me. The first time this happened to me, i had been driving for less then a month so still relatively new to driving a motorcycle, i made eye contact with a driver pulling out of a parking lot, she stopped, so i continued. Then as i was approaching her position she decided to pull out, now it was raining, it was on a curve so i was leaning over, out of instinct and being a new driver i automatically but on the brakes or else i would of slammed into her car. I still have the scar the top of my ankle from were it was dragged underneith the bike. That taught me a valuable leason early on for riding motorcycles, the only way you will survive is that if you drive like everyone is out to kill you, which they are.