Today is a "meh" day. It's pissing down rain, cold, and I'm recovering from pneumonia. I've just finished making some home-made spicy wonton soup, and am sitting down in front of a fire watching some cheesy "B" movies (Zombie Strippers and Lesbian Vampire Killers, among others). I'll be passing in and out of consciousness for the rest of the day, doing next to nothing. FOCUS: How do you spend your "off" days? What do you do to kill time when you don't feel like doing anything in particular?
I usually go here Other than that, I'll usually bust out an old DVD and popcorn. Sometimes I write. Sometimes I read. But always, in the back of my mind, I plan out the next time I'll jerk off. Or I'll just jerk off if I have the energy and solitude.
I'm on day 2 of 5 Meh days. I actually have 5 days off in a row, which is unheard of in my line of work. The kids are away till the 9th, I have the house to myself, and the only thing I have to do between now and Tuesday is move a desk into my daughters room, pack away some books and dust off the luggage in preparation for my up coming holiday. So far my itinerary has included the following: Seasons 5 & 6 of Entourage Lesbian Porn Perfecting the foaming of milk on my new Espresso machine Making the cat climb up the lounge room wall by shining a torch on it Mario and Sonic at the winter olympics Not taking down the Christmas tree because I lack the motivation to deal with the tinsel shit storm afterwards Creating the perfect playlist on my iPod (work in progress)
The first week of Christmas Break this year I spent in my apartment instead of coming straight to the homestead to be with family. It was glorious. Every day involved waking up in the afternoon, playing quite a bit of Xbox, some reading, blaring some music (since all the other students had left, my neighbors were gone), and cruising the web. How I motivated myself to take showers every day, I'm not sure. Oh yeah, and since my roommate was gone I hooked up the laptop to the 42" plasma and watched some porn. Best idea ever.
I will usually browse some of my favorite websites for a while, maybe look for/ listen to new music on iTunes while writing. Maybe pop in a movie and zone out. A lot of time I'm in my recliner reading. I bought the "Bourne" series by Robert Ludlum at a book sale and just started them so I have some work ahead of me.
This is literally the only website on the internet that I like so I'm not on the computer too much. If it's the summer I'm outside in the garden because I'm a closet horticulturalist, if it's winter I'm inside dousing my rage by working out, spinning records, writing, drawing or fighting a constant losing battle of trying to tire out my Energizer bunny of a one-year-old daughter. Why the rage? Because winter is cold, bitter, i the way and most of all fucking stupid and if you like it you're insane.
I've had a hacking cough for my entire winter break, plus I'm 3,000 miles from school where my social life resides. Owing to this I've been playing a large amount of online poker, and have made about $900 playing $6 tournaments.
I think I'm getting old. If I have a day with absolutely nothing to do, I go to the bar at noon, and drink until 6pm. Then I go home before the youngin's show up and start drinking. I enjoy daytime drinking ten times more than night time drinking. It works for the best because I get to sleep for a full night, I get to cook my own dinner, and I get out of the bar before the gay ass pop music starts bumping so loud it hurts my ears.
If I have a day off from work and I'm not feeling 100% (hungover), then I will usually lay in bed and watch TV for hours on end, preferably Dirty Jobs or Mythbusters marathons. What makes this even better is that I have the smallest bedroom in a house I share with four others, yet I have a pretty large corner desk, a 42" LCD TV and all three current gen game consoles. My TV is no more than 4' from my bed. This of course means that if I have a day off and I don't feel like 10 pounds of crap in a 9 pound bag, then I will spend my day playing xbox/ps3, occasionally checking this place to see what is new with a bunch of degenerates that I don't even know.
Everyone except Moose. FOCUS: I usually tool around on here or another of the forums I'm on. Eating happens once or twice, bagels usually, and maybe a shower. If Ginger bothers me enough I'll go take her for a walk.
I can and have spent entire days reading articles from Cracked. Damn them and their "if you liked this article, then read this!" feature. Also I'll have the strong desire to watch random movies that I haven't seen for awhile on random websites. For example, a few weeks ago instead of working on finals I spent my entire Sunday watching all four Die Hard movies on Tudou.
Laid off - So I do a bit of the following: 1. Contemplate 2. Procrastinate 3. Masturbate I'll even contemplate masturbating, and then procrastinate about doing that.
On an off day I try to do as little as humanly possible. Video games, television etc. I'll turn off the cell phone and try to ignore everything. Present company excluded fellow idiots.
I turn into an old lady on my off days. Drinking tea, knitting, crossword puzzles, it's a miracle that I don't have 147 cats.
DAMMIT You legitimately beat me to the punch on what instantly came to my mind. I mean, unless it was somehow illegitimate, but that's impossible. MooseKnuckle's transtemporal telekinetic idea-stealing device should still be at least 6 months away from prototype. Unless, of course, the Obama administration has been increasing government expenditure on the development of societal-deconstruction devices that would ultimately result in the voiding of copyright because of the ambiguity of who legitimately came up with what and therefore allowing the Obama administration to accomplish what has been its goal from day one: the total conversion of the White House into an industrial plant for the production of cheap knockoffs of various commercial products and to use their new presidential status to sell cheap junk with the president's personal seal of approval on the streets if DC. They could make HUNDREDS of dollars... EDIT: Focus: Sometimes when I'm having a meh day I just start typing and zone out while my post takes a rollercoaster ride of coherence clinging by the tips of its fingernails to sense and relevance. On good days I don't zone out, but wind up with pretty much the same sort of post.