Nice job TiB, you committed murder (but a crime of exquisite passion) and tomorrow you're getting the electric chair. But alas! You get one more meal. Focus: What's your last meal going to be? Why? Alt-Focus: Who would you have share that meal with you?
There's an Italian restaurant in London, can't remember the name, but it's near Buckingham Palace, and they make the best Fettuccini Carbonara that I've ever had. I'd want that. As to whom I'd eat with? That's easy. The Governor of whatever State I'm being executed in. Why not try the last minute appeal over a good dinner, not like you have anything to lose at that point.
Id probably go with a pizza from my favorite place and a slice of cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Then again, John Wayne Gacy's last meal looked awful yummy:
I love greek food. I know it is americanized but I'll eat the hell out of a good gyro. Babaganoush...hummus...soft pita...kalamata olives...feta...good quality olive oil... These are some of my favorite things.
Focus A hot chick Alt Focus My wife Maybe she'd finally try it for once and quit being such a quaker.
Sirlion steak with some of that Heinz 57 sauce, baked potato, and some fried pickles (hamburger dill cut, not pickle spear abomination variety). Neil Degrasse Tyson so I could have some profound cosmic conversation before my botched injection.
A dozen eggs, over medium, covered in sriracha, 4 lbs. of Delaney BBQ fatty brisket, and a six pack of Heady Topper. Your move.
Focus: I would have ispod peke: Pork belly and assorted vegetables roasted under coals for 1.5 hours in olive oil and spices. I eat this at home at least once per week, but I could never go past it for a final meal. Alt Focus: I'll second Neil deGrasse Tyson, or Michio Kaku.
If I was about to die, I'm not sure I'd want a "tell me more!!" meal that would make me lust for other things I as-of-yet had not tasted, nor would ever taste. It would only serve to make me sad that I would not live to experience such a dish in its natural habitat. Nor, would I want something that reminds me of home, as if I was about to be sentenced to death I'm certain I'd be thinking of home enough already and that alone would be far too depressing. So I'll go basic for my last meal: Two loaves of buttered garlic bread, with plenty olive oil, pepper, and Parmesan cheese to dip. I'd want to have that "dinner" with the man in the same prison who was serving the longest life sentence (no crimes having to do with children though; I'd kill him over that). .... Or I could just stuff myself full of diet coke, mentos, and quick-rete and see what happens. Either/or.
I'm not sure I could keep anything down if I was staring the Grim Reaper in the face. Assuming I had an appetite - my aunt's meatballs, lasagna, Italian bread with butter, gnocci, and I'd wash it down with iced tea or grape soda.