Is Geoff 15 years old? I like peanut butter and butter sandwiches. And the butter has to be cold. I guess I'm 15 years old. I also like, no I love, black olives. I take one, stuff a little shard of extra sharp cheese into the hole and if I happen to have bacon, that's right, I then wrap it in bacon. What? We all know bacon makes everything better.
I honestly never have believed that wimmin folk truly understand the power of bacon. ' Focus My grandfather used to make the strangest sandwiches. He only made them for me for a while, but he would make them for my mom when she was in school. Liverwurst between pancakes (this was his favorite to eat) Peanut butter, mayo and lettuce Olive loaf an ketchup on rye Peanut butter and cheese The list could go on. My mom used to throw them away as soon as she got to school.
Mackerel in tomato sauce sandwich with mayo on top. Just writing it out makes me sick, somehow I still manage to consume one at every breakfast.
I will never understand people who put potato chips ON their sandwich instead of beside it. Several people I know dip their Wendy's fries IN the frosty....that's not fucking ketchup people. Apparently these are both very common occurrences.
How do you spread the butter if it's cold? I actually know what the taste of a PBJ with bits of butter in it tastes like because my mom used the butter knife from making toast to make my PBJ sandwiches. It took me a long time to figure out how the hell butter was getting in the sandwich, and when it finally dawned on me I told her to cut that shit out. focus: I will open up my tuna or chicken salad sandwich and use the excess amount as a dip for my potato chips or fries. The challenge is always to use enough for every chip/fry, but still leave enough to eat the sandwich.
Not to turn this into a bacon thread, but get a load of these: They taste like you've got a hunk of bacon fat just melting in your mouth.
My best friend is Hungarian, and here is how he and his family drink their wine: 1/2 glass red wine 1/2 glass pepsi This is evidently quite common. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.
Both those practices are fucking delicious, especially potato chips on a tuna salad sandwich - shame on you. Focus: Got some slices of American cheese? Got some BBQ sauce? Sounds like a viable dinner to me...
You're right it isn't, what it is is fucking delicious, and if you haven't tried it I recommend you hustling your little RN ass down to Wendy's and trying it. I can't explain what makes it so good, maybe it's some combination of the lightly salted fry mixing in with the sweet chocolaty deliciousness of the Frosty but it's something vaguely Iron Chef-like in it's degree of awesome.
When I'm at a sit down restaurant, and I order breakfast, I'll inevtitably cover my entire plate with warm maple syrup, regardless of whether I am eating pancakes or not. Hashbrowns....check Sausage.......oh hell yes. Biscuits and gravy...check In addition, I'll buy a block of extra sharp cheddar cheese and a bottle of cranberry juice and go to town. God help me, that combination is irresistable. Not as weird as some on this thread, but I do get odd looks from the people I'm with. Focus: As a kid, I used to eat ketchup with my eggs. I can't stand the taste now, but it was like ambrosia to me.
I like to have a side of french fries when drinking a chocolate milk shake - the back and forth of crunchysaltyhot, coldsmoothsweet, crunchysaltyhot, coldsmoothsweet is yummy - but absolutely will not dunk the fries in the shake. Gross. They might be mixing together in my stomach, but my stomach doesn't have taste buds.
Eating a tuna salad sandwich without potato chips on or in it is like eating sloppy joes without Fritos on it. Insane. I dont understand how people can eat fish and mashed potatoes at the same meal.
Step 1: Get a hot baked potato Step 2: cut out the insides of the potato, like you would open a pumpkin for carving Step 3: Pour some raisins in the hole Step 4: Fill with peanut butter Step 5: Replace Potato-top Step 6: Eat Step 7: Enjoy Step 8: feel your heart start to die.
My dad always ate weird combinations, one that I remember special was Salami and Jelly. He fuckin loved that.
My Girlfriends mom puts mayo and lots of it on her hot dogs. I can't look at her when she eats hot dogs.
Every Saturday morning, without fail, I buy a baguette, a few slices of ham off the bone, and a bag of Kettle Chips. Cut the bread to a foot length and open, butter (optional), arrange ham to cover each half of the baguette and whop a layer of chips inbetween. Incredible every time. I've done this since I was prepubescent and it's now at the point where the sandwich is definitive of me as a person.