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IHTSBIH on Broadway

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I know, right? If they were any more mean, I would have mistaken him for a blueberry trusty or member of the Heroic Destiny squad.

    He also could have tried laying in the bed he made, like others were forced to do in call-out threads.
  2. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Exactly. There was an entirely different level of viciousness on that board that was of Tucker's creation. You reap what you sow and Tucker avoided it by shutting it all down. At the end of the day, though, this place wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the meltdown.
  3. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Same thoughts here, although I did enjoy his first book. I think there were a lot of readers like me who thought he was funny and fairly smart, but never actually liked him. Probably not so many who found their way to the RMMB though. In the beginning his narcissism was part of the humor, and even a little endearing. As time went on it became so over the top and absurd I had lost what few qualities I liked about him in the first place. I would cringe when every 17 year old on the site would jerk off to his 'internet beat down' posts he would write at everyone who criticized him. Then he would either ban the person or delete any subsequent posts on the subject. Oftentimes he would write details about that person's offline life and everyone would just assume they were true even though it was based on one post and was only written for the purpose of ridicule. It wouldn't have been so bad, it was just the way so many people on the board celebrated it and worshiped anything the guy wrote. That place really was turning into a shit show by the end, and I'm glad he closed it down so the board could start fresh.

    I can't believe he actually thought his book was going into the cannon. Fratire and dick-lit are both very accurate names for the genre, which is a good starting indicator for why that would never happen. He wasn't as smart, creative, talented, etc. as he thought and despite all the glaring signs he refused to believe his movie wasn't going to be a big success until the failure was so total he had to close down. His writing succeeded because he had good pacing and the stories he lived could stand on their own merit. His timing certainly didn't hurt. There were a lot of people fed up with the new age hipsterish/politically correct main stream and needed a book like that. So kudos to him for that at least. I'll admit I took some pleasure in watching his downfall mainly because his delusional hubris needed a reality check.

    I totally missed this. I would sometimes not check the board for a few days so I must not have been paying too much attention around the time it closed down. From what I remember almost all the fan reviews on the message board I read were positive, and I remember thinking it was the only place on the internet that could boast general acclaim, which was funny because he always said his more dedicated fans would like the movie less than the general public.

    I vaguely recall him getting into some scuff with the movie's director, and their relationship being ruined after filming. I didn't hear the details of it, but I always wondered what the movie would have looked like if he had released control. It might have actually been good, even.
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That was a horrible thread. If I remember correctly, it first went up when the Green Ban trailer was released, and I remember getting absolute hellfire rained on me at least a couple times in that thread by a couple of Tucker's prolific ass-kiss loyalists, once for saying the trailer sucked (it did beyond a shadow of a doubt) and then again for saying the movie wasn't funny. It was pathetic. The never-ending deluge of HOW FUCKING DARE YOU INSULT THE FUNNIEST AND MOST ORIGINAL COMEDY OF THE YEAR BLAH BLAH BLAH was enough to drive anybody insane. And it made them even MORE nuts when I wouldn't to budge. Max's cameo was the only thing in the film that made me chuckle, because the awkward best man speech was the perfect inside joke. I found the rest of the movie dreary and obnoxious, with nauseating lighting that made the whole film look like it was key gripped by a near-sighted drunken gnome balancing on a stepladder.

    I was far from sick of the RMMB when it was closed. I didn't find this place until ten days later and my general thought was "I have literally no reason to use the internet anymore." Granted, I like this place better when it flows. RMMB was so enormous and trafficked and that's why I miss it. I DON't miss the Chippies: the "Tucker wannabes" as you guys called them. The guys who hung off Max's every word, re-modeled their livelihoods after his so-called way of life like starter-brand PUAs and would e-crucify ANYONE who spoke ill of his slightest thought. We are better off without those tumbling fucktards and I hope they burn in hell.

    Of course, I was also a late bloomer. I only experienced the last 2 years of the RMMB, when Max had Benson take over the Idiot Board and I missed every single wahoo and callout, and all the super famous things that went on there (The RedHighHeels thread is the reason I stayed a member). When Max WOULD grace the board with his presence, pretty much the only thing he would do is insult somebody's post, tell them they were a fucking idiot, and then his KissAss Army would shame the guy into dropping out from the board. I learned quickly that the slightest disagreement against him would forever earn you the scorn of an incredibly angry and pig-headed mod named Diet CokeHead. That guy probably still has re-occurring dreams about his random rep tirades he'd have on a daily basis with me.

    In the end, the board folded because Max refused to take the medicine he dished out so often to so many (and still does). And for that, we are here and better for it.
  5. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I remember the page getting to about 60 pages, the first 30 are so were all his posts and discussion leading up to it. The last 30 or so discussion about the movie after it came out. Most of the crazy fights Crown just mentioned must have happened in reps and PMs because I don't remember there being a majorly positive vibe from the thread. I think there was quite a bit of "It wasn't good." Now maybe a few people who went to the extreme were taken to task but I remember the overall vibe was "That was relatively disappointing, it wasn't as funny as we were told it was going to be. It had its moments, but actual Tucker himself wasn't funny. Slingblade didn't seem awkward or nerdy enough and it felt a little long." But I could have been drunk. For the record, I actually sold Tucker's guy advertising space in the Chicago Onion and got tickets for me and 3 friends free so I since I didn't waste anything but time, I wasn't upset. My friends were just like "This wasn't a good movie."
  6. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I remember all of the reviews of the film on the RMMB being positive. I was confused by this because I thought that the movie was bad. I also don't recall seeing reviews of it by any notable movie critics, so I had nothing to compare it all to. I wasn't about to post my review for fear of the potential repercussions, but it did make me think that there was a chance that I was missing something about the film and I needed to see it again. I didn't know that it was actually disliked by so many of Tucker's followers until about 2 months later, when this place opened up.

    I watched it again when it first came out on DVD and it was as bad as I remembered it. I still think that the books I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell and Assholes finish First are funny, although I don't doubt that most of the stories are exaggerated. I am not into them like I was when I was 20 (or would have been in the case of Assholes Finish First, if it had come out when I was a few years younger), but I respect what Tucker accomplished as an author, even if he is an asshole.
  7. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That's because most people were too afraid to tell the truth about it. So they either clammed up, or lied and said they liked it. The ones who DID say anything bad about it, and there were a few of us scattered here and there were ganged up on by the chippy morons consumed with hero worship-- and the adamant refusal to believe their favourite book turned out to be a bad movie. It wasn't a good movie. At all. It was straight-to-video quality in terms of directing, look, and especially writing. The thing that shocked me most was how Max sold's Whathisname's performance of him, saying he "nailed it". If that's the case, he must be the most insufferable person on earth. I don't think his character was in the move was obnoxious like a funny asshole, but obnoxious in the way Leslie Mann was in Knocked Up (that's saying something in my book). As in you wish you could reach through the screen and kill them with your bare hands.

    Some (most) things should be left on paper, and transfer to film horribly. I liked some of the stories from the first book because of how relatable they were and admired his humility despite the fact he's probably a sociopath, but I found any of his "one-liners" that people go on about so much seriously drab.

    And for the last time: The McGriddle Rant sucks. I wish I could dis-invent from my memory somehow like Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine.
  8. kindalas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada
    That entire thread and to an extension forum was suffering from a case of Group Think.

    The whole movie was a case of "yes men" hitching themselves to Tucker's bandwagon and then chasing away anyone who had a common sense objection to the plan for the movie.

    I forgive Tucker for it because as a narcissist he had no defences against the threat that the "yes men" mentality presents but that scumbag director who put his name on the movie he knew better but let it pan out exactly like it did.

    I still think that the original screen play has value and if it ever gets in the hands of a proper production team it could be made into a good movie.

    But the people around Tucker when coupled with his narcissism and desire to "fight the system" and "do something new" and how those ideas fed into his delusions of his "special and unique snowflakeness" are what killed the movie.
  9. gamecocks

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Sep 7, 2012
    You had a real problem there huh? Don't you think you're a little too emotionally invested in an internet message board that died half a decade ago that was based on a pseudo (and that's being kind) celebrity?
  10. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Well, this is Crown we're talking about:

  11. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Not to say it was the only factor (certainly the bullying on this topic existed), but there's also an element of not coming into someone's house and taking a shit in their living room. Yes, it's a public forum, but at the same time, something about it still seemed a bit rude/pointless so a lot of people adopted a "Well, if you can't say anything nice at all..." approach. It's almost like if a friend who brags about his cooking makes you a shit dinner: you probably just won't say anything and avoid it next time.

    That being said, y'all sure do have a lot of angry feelings and long-held grudges about the internet, in what's likely an unhealthy fashion. If your favorite bar closed down because the owner was kind of a jerk and the mere mention of it in another bar caused you to froth at the mouth years later, wouldn't that seem a bit extreme?
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    No, and no.

    I don't recall any emotion in my posts, I am just recalling what happened. According to recent rep and pm, I am far from alone on this. The only investment about it is that it was the only place on the entire Internet I would visit more than once a week. Facebook sucks. Reddit sucks. Twitter fucking sucks. Name me one message board ever made where the members were funny, smart, depraved and didn't barnstorm each other with politics every three seconds.
  13. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    If it was also the only bar within walking distance I think that would be a perfectly rational response.
  14. gamecocks

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Sep 7, 2012
    I agree with you that its awesome to have a message board that isn't complete shit. The bolded just shows me that others are still way too emotionally invested in the whole deal. People still remember the names of mods that wronged them for christ sake.
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    It wasn't that long ago, I still remember the name of the hot chick that babysat me as a kid. It was Melanie. I remember lots of board members I wish were here, like:

    Savage Henry
    Eddie Clayton
    MAdd Scientist the to of my head. I always enjoyed their posts, especially "angry Boozy"
  16. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I agree, especially about Savage Henry. Its rare to find reasonable discussion on the web. Just look at the youtube comments section on any video. You remember the people and places where things were better than the rest.
  17. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Saying you can't find reasonable people on the web because Youtube comments is like saying I can't find reasonable people in real life because the homeless man on the corner pissed himself. The trouble is in the finding, though.
  18. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    The problem isn't that there aren't a lot of decent message boards. I'm sure we're not the only decent message board on the internet. The problem is finding those message boards, because they don't necessarily advertise, and they're a pain in the ass to find.

    It isn't like TiB has some advertising arm that is out there trying to get people here and posting more. If you googled TiB specifically you'd find it, but otherwise, I can't imagine how I would've found this place were it not for Tucker Max and the RMMB. Its the same reason there isn't an influx of new posters here; message boards like this are very hard to find in the insanely vast ocean that is the Internet.

    That said, this place is very different than the RMMB. There was certainly a sense of "do not say anything that disagrees with any mods for any reason" vibe there, because it was like they couldn't wait to flex their e-muscles and ban someone for daring to disagree with them. I got banned for two days for saying I hated it when people drive slow in the left lane on a highway, and apparently some mod (fuck if I can remember who) got pissy and didn't like it. I just remember thinking "Really? That was the line?"

    I wasn't necessarily upset when it went under. I only went to the RMMB when the other message board I posted at (remarkably similar to this one) went under.* These things happen. Move on.

    As for the movie, it wasn't good. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't nearly as good as he hyped it up to be. There was so much insane and intense hype around that movie that anything less than Hangover-type money and praise was going to be a disappointment. This was supposed to be the "Titanic" of movie comedies, with the way he hyped it, and nothing could come close to being as good on the screen as it apparently was in his head. Then again, this is Tucker Max. Of course he was going to cum all over a movie that featured himself as the lead. He was a narcissist, and that is literally a narcissist's wet dream. Nothing says "I am an absolutely amazing person" like "A movie was made about ME!" If you expected anything less then I question whether or not you paid attention to his books or just laughed and clapped like a one year old every time you read a dick joke.

    *Of course, they went under because they stopped the "no politics" rule and it turned into nothing but flame wars until the admin got sick of it and stopped paying for the board. "No Politics" rules are the greatest thing for message boards ever. I cannot stress this enough.
  19. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I kind of like it this way though. We have a good amount of regular posters and that post thoughtful and funny comments, and not just some BS. When the troll or jerk does pop up, we run them out of town pretty quickly. Now and then new users latch and thats cool, always good to have a decent trickle of new people. But if the flood gates opened, I think it would be the end of it. Its what happened to Phat Phree, Something Awful (still around, but not like it used to be), Digg, and Fark, which is now a ghost town, and Reddit will eventually follow. Those are news sites and not strict message boards, but the same principle applies.
  20. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I miss Phat Phree more than any defunct site, it was the funniest thing I ever saw. It closed down because its founder Charlie DeMarco simply wanted to be a sports nerd and only design sports-themed websites. That is why it closed. As much as I loved it though, it's regulars where WAY more grating than the RMMB. They were a clan of mostly racist homophobes that pretty much hated women.