Going with a theme from the Promiscuity thread- Focus: What's one thing that you'd be happier not knowing after you learned it? Did you ask your girlfriend at the time how many people she slept with, and were horrified with what you found out? Can you just not enjoy a hot dog, even though they are so friggin' good, because you know how they are really made? Call me crazy, but I still like chicken nuggets. Alt-Focus: What is something you refuse to ask/learn BECAUSE you are happier not knowing?
I did not want to know about that mastiff at the dog park that went and pissed on every single bench.
I didn't want to know that my parents are into light bondage, but that's what I get for snooping around in my moms closet for Christmas presents.
I did not need to know I was a mistake. My mom told me her my dad rolled over in his sleep and she was too tired to get up.
I wish I didn't read and/or watch Food Inc, but on the other hand I am REALLY glad I did. It is both traumatizing and incredibly important. I am also wish I could un-remember what a placenta looks like in person. NOT something you would hold up in the same way you would hold up the Stanley Cup, I'll tell you that much.
Yeah my mom was 40 when she had me. But when I was 22 I had two reveals. 1. I was a mistake. 2. My dad isn't 100% sure his first son is actually his. Both of my parents were married before each other, and he thinks his wife cheated on him. And for those who repped or PMed me. I find it funny, I'm not emotionally damaged because of it. I'm the most functional and successful of my 3 other brothers (I lovingly refer to them as the prototypes) and my parents definitely overcompensated. Does watching 2 girls 1 cup count? I wish I never watched that or googled "prolapsed anus."
I wish I didn't know what "sploshing" is. If you want to know what it is, PM me. But I don't want to ruin anyone else's life by posting the definition.
My wife giving birth is a miracle that I could've gone my entire life without witnessing and felt better about it. Seconded on the placenta.
I would've gone my entire life not knowing that people actually cook and eat the placenta, but noooo, somebody sent me a link to a whole page of good ways to cook and serve it.
Am I the only one not offended by Food Inc? I mean I knew corn syrup is in everything, I did not know before this movie that corn was selectively bred by our ancestors and can't survive in nature as is. Besides that, maybe the cattle stockyard conditions, was the worst part. Still didn't break me from eating cheap, delicious, industrialized meat.
Learning that King Arthur wasn't real. Seriously, that shit severely upset me when I found out. (And I don't want to hear about him as some ancient Germanic warrior king)
Sploshing involves filling pie tins with all sorts of gooey foods and then sitting on it. Or so HBO's real sex would have you believe. Still not a gross or shocking as say felching.
Anybody's. If I'm digging through them, it's to figure out what's up with somebody's meds, and then you read the trauma causing their current conditions and while I haven't yet read anything about cannibalistic murders, there's definitely some shit in there where, reading about what people do to or in front of their children, eating someone's face wouldn't be much of a stretch.
Not as bad as when I discovered that The Flintstones weren't filmed before a live studio audience. I was always hoping I could someday have an elephant for a dishwasher.