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~*If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best *~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice, Jun 10, 2015.

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  1. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    Here is a few samples of my side of the family



  2. dewercs

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    phoenix, arizona
    Focus My sister does not understand how FB works so yesterday I found out that CPS visited their home due to the extreme truancy of her 3 children and the children are required to do community service. Because there is a lot of meth consumed in that house my Dad have volunteered to complete the community service with them. My sister went on to thank her husband for being her soul mate and apologized for the inconvenience the CPS visit had caused him.

    Alt focus I like FB it is a great tool and should be used as such, working at a bar I get a lot of patrons who friend me along with most of the people I have fished with so I keep personal stuff to a minimum. My brother in law runs a fishing guide business so I constantly promote that, my wife is a realtor so I post stuff about her, my brother is in a band so I pimp his gigs, the band that plays at the bar I work at plays outside gigs and they go on my feed, I remind people when I am working at the bar and to come by and say hi, I post lots of pictures from charter boats that I like and post comments about businesses I use who do a good job, there are animal rescues that I tag in posts with pictures of the dogs we got from them.
    A platform to promote whatever you want for free, yes please.
  3. CanisDirus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Aug 7, 2014
    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
    Focus: My immediate family is always good for a chuckle, especially my father's side of the family. They're mostly religious Evangelicals or bipolar cases, manic-depressives or both, and the ones who aren't are basically white trash with cash. Some highlights:

    Upon re-posting a Niell Degrasse Tyson tweet:
    Screenshot 2015-06-19 at 12.57.25 AM.png

    Alternative Focus: I think that the best application of Facebook, if you're a social person, is in finding a niche on it that works for you. For me, I can mock idiots with my friends, share interesting things, and we can share what was going on with ourselves in the online world. Highlights of that, and these are mostly family :
    Screenshot 2015-06-19 at 1.04.34 AM.png 11246253_10100268177672114_821007431495496716_n.jpg 11159473_838490519573730_8071653327070158282_n.jpg 10407729_781813408095_5526878845194117343_n.jpg 10290602_10152874818846373_6777631794787997545_n.jpg 10334421_717921268297323_7403627043024112329_n.jpg
  4. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've hardly used social media since college. I use it to keep in touch with long distance friends and family, but that's about it. Basically, I treat facebook like e-mail. Over the last 7 years I think I've posted a status update only twice. All the drama finds its way back to me without me looking anyway.

    - Found out my cousin is not biologically related and my uncle doesn't seem to know about it.
    - My aunt (not married to the above uncle) is such a raging alcoholic stomach ulcers have nearly killed her several times and she's been fired from several jobs.
    - A friend of mine in Belgium, who was smart but always a complete asshole is living out his dream. He shacked up with a successful, beautiful woman, and now he sits around watching their kid all day while getting stoned and playing video games. Good for him.
    - My friend from high school that was the most aimless druggie among us is now a very successful corporate executive, and he didn't even bother with college. His family has major connections, but still nice to see.
    - A college friend of mine who had to drop out after his grades declined is now selling out of a suitcase in India. Not surprising.
    - My anarchist friend who hated the system now sells financial services and will happily rape you out of everything in your bank account if you would just listen to the trustworthy people at the institution he works for. Ok, that's exaggerating but he misleads and upsells like every shameless stereotype people apply to financial sales.

    Although I don't use social media very often, I share just about everything in personal life without much regard. There are a few things I like to keep private, but there isn't all that much to hide.
  5. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario

    WTF. Cool story...why would you dig this up from over a year ago?
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