I just placed an Amazon order for Clapton Unplugged, Nirvana Unplugged (both of which I've had but destroyed or lost), a 3 pack of phone screen protectors and the biggest Kong dog toy they sell. Although that isn't all that weird of an order combo it got me wondering what you guys have ordered and/or what was the weirdest order you've made?
I drunkenly bought a 12-pack of the red plastic cups that they used to have at Pizza Hut in the 90s and a 5 lb bag of Haribo gummy bears off Amazon.
I bought a 700-piece googly eye pack and started to put them on everyone's personal desktop photos around the office. It was hilarious. Especially for the one Brit who had a very serious pic of the Queen on her shelves... a pair of googly eyes made all the difference.
Ive gotten shit for various people, SIL, friends, etc for getting a union suit. But shit is comfortable and I was into the onsie way before rompers were cool. I wanted one with the horizontal butt flap but I guess that was just a cartoon thing. Mine has a weird vertical clamshell ass opening, I just take it off past my waste when I have to shit so I dont have to sit and hold the butt flap open while shitting. I also bought two sets of the same semi rare silverwear sets I had growing up. I gave one to my brother when he got married and the other to my younger brother when he gradauted. It has a 3 pronged salad fork we loved to eat Ramen noodles with growing up. My best drunk purchase is still my dvd of Tales From the Hood. Spoiler
Love Tales From The Hood. I thought it was going to be a comedy but noooooooope. I think my purchase was ordering four Jack Daniel's whiskey jiggers. (I don't order much at all) They were cool, but their glass was thin as paper and all four broke eventually.
This: https://www.amazon.com/Perugina-Sor...1502146199&sr=8-3&keywords=spicchi+hard+candy And it's FUCKING AMAZING. Try it.
Me and a couple buddies were doing a catering gig or weekend and we were making a bunch of bacon fatties as well as some Greek style meatballs with a homemade tzatziki sauce. So, at 6 am the 3 of us all went to the grocery store and bought 20 lbs of ground sausage, a box of rubber gloves and one giant cucumber.
Recently it was hydroponics equipment, a Russian military MRE and a ukulele song book. All time - when I took the Mrsanthropic to the store to make some purchases for work and bought 13 bottles of rubbing alcohol, 4 rolls of duct tape, 100 feet of rope and a fire extinguisher.
At a pawn shop in rural Illinois, I might have bought Exposé's Exposure and Opeth's My Arms, Your Hearse in the same bunch of CDs. The clerk didn't seem to notice; if he had, I'm guessing I would have left in an ambulance to spend a couple days on a psychiatric hold.