Last week they launched the new digg. I'm still not sure what was wrong with the old digg, apparently it didn't look enough like Facebook and new stories moved off the front page every few hours instead of sticking around for four days. Anyway, the new digg sucks rotundous ass. FOCUS: What things used to be awesome until someone unnecessarily fucked them up? Did they reformulate your favorite soft drink? Did they turn your favorite dive bar into a snooty place with $16 martinis?
Crabs became AIDS. Lousy repackaging of VD. College Football became Semi Pro. Amateur Olympics to All Star Olympics. Awesome Aerosmith became Love Song Aerosmith.
Bad ass Cliff Burton Era Metallica became shitty almost unlistenable Jason Newstead Era Metallica. Thank the baby Jesus for Rob Trujillo. Oh and fuck Lars Ulrich.
Bazooka makes Blue Raspberry flavored Bubble Juice. When it first came out it was the bees fucking knees. I became certifiably addicted. Then they changed the formula and now it tastes like raspberry flavored ass crack. Bastards.
Warning: Nerd post incoming. World of Warcraft. This last expansion absolutely ruined this game. On a better note, my pussy getting has went up ten fold. Probably somehow related to each other.
The new high fiber Fruit Loops is like chewing bubble wrap wrapped around salty bacon fat. It even tries to claim on the box that it tastes the same as the old. Nice try, idiots. My favorite cereal is now ruined and they don't even have the common courtesy to still offer the old flavor. Fuck you, Kelloggs.
deviantArt used to be awesome until they changed the interface. Now it's so difficult to navigate, I just hate using the site at all. On a different note, no less than five of my Canadian friends called me up in anger, accusing Americans of craziness, when they heard about this: Heinz changes ketchup recipe.
Rick James Wall Street Bars. Gone are the days of $2 beers and party music in a fun atmosphere, here are the days of drinks with names from some dead language that cost you an hour at work each. Don't forget your striped shirt, hero. Oh, and you aren't cool anyways. Why? Because there's a VIP section for the even COOLER people. Then, there's the Platinum room for the super-duper cool people, and then there's a room with only Clint Eastwood in it. Since when did going out to have fun with friends become such a cutthroat competition? Everybody is so goddamn materialistic now. If you're a dude and you've ever paid more than $150 for shoes, fuck you. Nobody has ever noticed them and you could have used that money on a rub and tug.
Fuck oath. Where I live, two things have sucked the fun out of pubs/bars. Poker machines and the elimination of nearly all drinking promotions. Happy hour isn't that happy anymore, you can't toss the boss anywhere and the thursday night $2 spirits uni nights have been dead for nearly a decade.
The motherfucking sixtyone. It used to be one of the most awesome places to discover new music, be it from half-established bands or from some total freak in a basement. You could interact with artists, you got given tasks to discover new music, were able to make playlists and it was just all around web based awesomeness. Then they changed it to be more visually stimulating and fucked up the interface beyond repair. It has actually lost functionality so they can display pictures and have fancy navigation. Of course when you're stoned this is nice, but still nowhere as nice as being able to listen to music, the actual point of visiting the site. Damn this still makes my blood boil as this was my go to site for musical horizon broadening. AARGH.
Pretty much every hollywood star (or soccer mom) who gets Restylane/botox/etc and ends up with a ridiculous face with duck lips that refuses to show any form of expression. Plus humongous fake boobs on a small frame. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against fake boobs, but a size 2 gal isn't meant to have F sized boobs. Get a nice B/C cup. You won't end up looking like a caricature. An example, I thought she was cute before
Thomas the Tank Engine. That show used to use awesome train models, now they made everything digital. George Carlin and Paul McCartney used to narrate, now it's some ass clowns who can't pull off a real British accent. That and they have all this fruity sing along shit going on.
AP classes. Ten, twenty years ago, AP classes were legitimate college classes that you took in high school. Even the smartest kid took, at most, two AP classes. Nowadays, AP is basically an honors program. Kids are taking 5 AP classes, which bewilders parents until they realize that the standard for the classes has gone so far down that it's exactly the same as honors classes of the past, except now with tests that you have to pay for. I was so proud of taking AP Latin when I was a senior, until I called up my grandfather, who told me about his senior Latin class, which wasn't honors or AP or any of that crap. It was just Latin 4. And it was a hell of a lot harder. AP Government is just civics. AP Calculus is, well, calculus. AP psych involves drawing a bunch of posters. The well-thought idea of having the smart kids take a college course in high school has turned into "Put everyone in AP classes, because that's the new standard." That's not what they were intended to be.
The news. It's now an overly sensationalized eyeball grab with little to no real content or journalism. (Except for a few, rare cases). The Daily Show is more of a news source than most channels dedicated to being news sources. That's a sad commentary on the world.
I can't compare new and old AP classes, but I felt like my AP classes were as hard, if not harder than my freshman level classes in college. My AP English class was on par with my 200-level literature classes in college. I took a ton of AP classes, and ended up with something like 29 college credits. Many of my friends had similar AP loads (I was actually on the light end, because I didn't do physics, European history, or calculus), but I also went to a school in an area where most students had at least one college educated parent, and a majority had a parent with a master's or better. So, I can't say if AP classes were easier than classes in your grandfather's time, or if we were just getting better educated because we had educated parents giving us a head start. But, I do know that my grandfather taught college level Latin at the Citadel and Duke, and even if you were the freaking Pope, he'd tell you that your Latin wasn't as good as people were speaking when he was in school, because he was just a mean, hateful man, so I've grown up skeptical about how much harder the older generation thinks things were.
I repped this to the OP but my AP calc 1 was harder than Calc 1 and 2 combined in college. It probably has a lot to do with my high school though, almost everyone (including the technically slower ones) in my graduating class walked through the general college math classes.
Politically-correct speech. It used to be a way to make sure you were being fair and inoffensive to every race, colour and creed. It is now a tool used to make sure nobody can ever say things plainly anymore.