To be clear, I have no intention of running these, but I'm getting the thread started. We need a money league and a free league. I propose that, like last year, the money league be a $50 buy in, via paypal. 12 team leagues, etc. Clearly, whoever ends up running them will dictate terms, points, etc. Let the fun begin.
That's nice. "I want a fantasy league, but you fuckers do all the work so I can play." (Also.. I think I'm in for the paid league.)
That's just how I roll. I don't wanna presume to run the league, and I've never done it before, and I doubt people would trust me to hold their money.
I think I might actually do a paid league. I'm a little upset with you people for not getting into the Auction. Did it last year and its the funnest shit. It kicks up the rivalries naturally because..."That fucker outbidded me on my guy!" lasts throughout the season.
We did the auction for the baseball league this year and I really enjoyed it. I will play either way if it is snake or auction.
I had never done an auction before we did one this year for baseball and it was much more enjoyable, I'd be done for that again over a snake draft.
I didn't explicitly state it in that opening post, but I'm in for both paid and free. was fine last year, might as well do that again. Never done auction draft before, I'll have to look it up.
Damn, looks like I'm late on this. Any spots open in the paid league? I need to avenge myself after dominating in the regular season then blowing it in the playoffs...